
Devan Lwa

"Nou sèls!"

"We're alone!"

"Nomm kondwi bezwan!"

"We need someone to lead!"

"To Gran Bwa. Lete Gran Bwa. Jordi Gran Bwa."

"You're Gran Bwa. Gran Bwa of the Summer. Gran Bwa of the Day."

"Loup-a... Nomm-a..."

"The wolf... The man..."

"Loup Garou-a..."

"The werewolf..."

"Disang fort...disange chanje..."

"The blood is strong...the blood changes..."

"Astè Gran Bwa..."

"Now Gran Bwa..."

"...m'petit..." / "...m'piti..."

" child..."



"Ezili proteje..."

"Ezili protects..."

"Pli kouri."

"No more running."

"Nou bezwan..."

"We need you..."

"Sèls longtan..."

"We've been alone for a long time..."


"My brother..."


"My love..."

"Mo Gran Bwa!"

"I am Gran Bwa!"

Pansé Lwa

"Pas parlèr!"

"Stop talking!"

"Qui ça to dit?"

"What did you say?"

"Anyen, Popa!"

"Nothing, Father!"

"Li vini Nuovo Olean! Li pas connain nous!"

"He is from New Orleans! We don't know what he's doing!"

"Popa, silvouplè...."

"Father, please..."

"Maitè-la, loup-a, popa-a, nous sèrvi..."

"The master, the wolf, the father, we serve..."

"Sove-la, loup-a, popa-a, nous laimè."

"The savior, the wolf, the father, we love..."

"Met nous quènne, wa nous quènne, maitè nous quènne..."

"Our lord, our king, our master..."

"Messiah nous quènne!"

"Our messiah!"

"Ange so quènne."

"His Angel."

"Maitè mo quènne..."

"My master..."

" Kochon..."




"Ein Ange..."

"The Angel..."

"Ange nous quènne..."

"Our Angel..."

"Mouri nous quènne..."

"Our death.."

"Mouri so quènne..."

"His death..."

"Mouri Gede...Mouri Samdi..."

"Death Gede...Death Samdi..."



"Ange mouri nous quènne..."

"Our Angel of Death..."

"M'ange mouri..."

"My Angel of Death.."

"Ange mo quènne?"

"Are you my Angel?"



"Mo non c'est Gede!"

"My name is Gede!"

"Gede nous quènne!"

"Our Gede!"

"Ezili, m'amour?"

"Ezili, my love?"






" child..."



"...après tout l'onnain..."

"...after all this time..."

"Mo gain to."

"I have you."

"Ça santi, m'cheri?"

"Do you feel that?"

" konkeri Gran Bwa..."

"...I have conquered Gran Bwa..."


"I...have conquered...Gede..."

"Gede mo quènne!"

"Gede is mine!"

"Gede mo!"

"My Gede!"

"Mo quènne!"

"You are mine!"

"So quènne."


"Zannimo Gran Bwa"

"Animal Gran Bwa..."

"Konvwatè Gede..."

"Lustful Gede..."

"Baron Samdi tè rive men,"

"Baron Samdi came here..."

"Li tè balanse kay li."

"He balanced this house..."

"Roi mouri..."

"King death..."

"Nous bel Ezili..."

"Our beautiful Ezili..."

Lem Lwa

"Souple mèt andedan mo..."

"Please put it in me..."


"My darling..."


"My beautiful..."


"My love..."

"Nous santi?"

"Do you feel it?"





"Nan nous!"

"In you!"

"M'Gran Bwa.."

"My Gran Bwa..."

"Vini rakontre nous lem!"

"Come meet your love!"

"Gid ou cheval!"

"Guide your horse!"

"Nous menm..."

"We're the same..."

"Gede, sove totchen bòn. Gran Bwa, ede totchen bòn."

"Gede, save your servant. Gran Bwa, help your servant."

"La bel lem."

"The beautiful love."

"Bo chanje tout, li kontrole kè..."

"A kiss changes everything, she controls it all..."

"Pansé osijè li."

"Think about it."

"L'Rèn d'Bel."

"The Queen of Beauty."


"The Woman..."

"L'Nomm e L'Bwa..."

"The Man and The Forest..."

"Mo isit!"

"I am here!"
