April 1st. If you're seeing this, then something changed on the main site. Look around, figure it out. I'm sure you'll find it, you're such a bright kid. Just look around, stare at things, and, slowly, figure it out. That's right...
The Pearl
March 30th. Who says I write too much fanfiction? "Not me," says I. And I certainly don't have many stories here. A variety of fandoms and a variety of ratings. I'd suggest maturity, but maybe you should just not flame me when you come across something meant for adults.
March 27th. "Glamorous is about a millimeter away from Slashable in my head, and Cordelia is so the glamorousest of them all." Morphea said that, and I gotta believe her. The most glamourous and slashiest woman in the world!
BtVS Writers' Guild
March 27th. "Because fanfiction makes anything possible" is their motto, and the attempt at full-on fandom solidarity makes my little community-seekin' heart go "awwww..." And I like my design, damnit.
on the day: the 24 fanlisting
March 17th. Do you love 24? Does Jack Bauer and his adventures make you bite your fingernails in anticipation, make you scream with denial and delight, and just generally rock your socks off? Then show it by being a fan fan fan!
March 16th. "Okay, either I'm borrowing all your albums or I'm moving in." Because Giles and Oz go together like wasabi and sushi, like gin and tonic, like ginger and mahi mahi. Because they belong together, damnit. It's a necessary slow vibe, it's a backbeat, and it's all here.
March 12th. Multi-fandom, multi-author, multi-everything right here, right now for you! Want a story, find a story, want a discussion, find a discussion, join the list and have a blast in this part of L.A. that's just on the other side of Hollywood.
March 7th. Web standards aren't just for people getting paid! Everyone, from Mr. Jones, web guru, to Mary Sue Webdesigngirl, high school student with a livejournal, can apply web standards to their sites! Want to learn? Be a fan!
Princess & Me: The Princess Superstar Fanlisting
March 7th. Everyone live life how they like, everyone live life how they like, everyone live life just how they like. This this here is dynamite. Princess Superstar is dynamite. Jen-O and I bow before her Royal Rhymeness.
How I Became Invisible: The Invisibles Fanlisting
March 7th. Who's side are you on? Have you seen Barbelith? Ready for anarchy for the masses? If you have any vague clue what all this is about, then you must be a fan of the best comic book in a very long while. Join the revolution, wear a white badge on your jacket.
Walking With A Dead Man Over My Shoulder: The Oingo Boingo Fanlisting
March 7th. All dressed up with nowhere to go? Does it make you feel like water? Who do you want to be today? Do you love Oingo Boingo? So do we.
Sometimes, There's A Man: The Big Lebowski Fanlisting
March 7th. "And I'm talkin' about the Dude here -- sometimes there's a man who, well, he's the man for his time 'n place, he fits right in there -- and that's the Dude, in Los Angeles." For all fans of The Dude. Because how could you not be?
you saw it: the ring fanlisting
March 7th. The fanlisting for all things Ring. Found a strange videotape? Received a phone call about your death? Yeah, we know how the virus spreads... Love Japanese horror movies that are remade into kickass American movies with creepy little girls all around? Then you're obviously a fan.
Spiral: The Haunting Fanlisting
February 27th. The fanlisting for the brilliant 1963 horror movie. Like to pretend that ghastly remake never happened? So do we. So sign up!
Midnight Confession: The Jackie Brown Fanlisting
February 27th. A stewardess, a bailbondsman, a gunrunner, and a hell of a lot of cash. Are you obsessed with this Quentin Tarantino movie? Join the fanlisting.
Unconventional Relationshippers
February 15th. Big mighty BtVS/Angel site with big mighty non-canonical stories for all. Let's have some maturity, people. There are stories added once a week, to build a gigantic archive for you all.
February 12th. Jennifer-Oksana and I love Cordelia Chase. We love her so much, we made an entire site devoted to her and only her. Love her too! I know you do! Love her now!