New Year's Resolutions
By Gillian
For JoJo
The new years resolutions of Wesley Whyndam Price. Confidential. Do not read. I mean it Cordelia.
- Do not allow Angel to revert to Angelus.
- Stop worrying about where I went wrong with Virginia.
- Must stop transporting myself to parallel dimensions with no way to return.
- Must not get fired.
- Must stop arguing with Cordelia.
- Stop admiring Gunn's rather nice brown eyes.
- And smile.
- And well defined chest.
- And smooth voice.
- And hands, and head, and sense of humour and honour, and bravery, and the way he handles an axe in battle excuse me for a moment.
Charles Gunns' New years promises.
- Try not to get arrested.
- Get new radiator for truck.
- Try not to get killed, maimed or all slimed up by demons.
- Don't let Angel near ANY weird-assed blonde chicks.
- Stop lusting after English.
- Stop wanting to kiss him.
- Stop wanting to be the one to wipe the blood off him after battle.
- Stop wanting to run my hands over the scar where he took a bullet for me...Aw fuck it!
- Ignore promises 5-8
- Hit on Wesley.
New years resolutions of Cordelia Chase. Star to be.
- Get Angel to have fun, though not as much fun as he had with Darla.
- Get International superstardom off ground.
- Always remember to find out about any catches and loopholes before agreeing to rule a dimension.
- Get Wesley and Gunn together, I mean it's so obvious they want to be having hot monkey sex together...Speaking of which.
- Find out Faiths release date.