Scars Of Defeat
by Charles

Duke sat there, twirling a forelock of his dark hair around his finger. He'd been sitting there for a few hours now. After saying his goodbyes to Yugi and his friends, Duke sat back down in front of his computer and tried to control the shaking.

The e-mail from Industrial Illusions had included a contract. He had no problem with the company producing his game. That was great. That was a dream come true. That wasn't why he was shaking.

It was the note that came with the contract. Only a few lines long, but it was from Pegasus himself. Duke re-read the note again.


I saw your defeat at the hands of Yugi Moto. My condolences. I, too, know the pain of losing to Yugi-boy. If you ever want to get together and talk, feel free to contact me.


Duke sat there for a few more minutes. He still couldn't believe what he was reading. He took a deep breath and clicked the "Reply" icon on the e-mail...


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