Dyed In The Wool
by Karen

Scott Summers, better known as Cyclops surveyed the night sky, the stars winking back from a distance. In the back of his mind wondered if somehow there was a better world out there for the people of Earth. "We've certainly made a muddle of the world we were given.' he thought and smacked the palm of his left hand into the palm of the other. 'Face it, Summers, we've all been had. This ain't the damn brave new world we all hoped for.'

It's nightfall, but if you were to stand on the summit of the hall overlooking the pens with the sun pouring down at high noon one might be convinced it was night twenty four hours a day. The pollution chokes the air and crawls along the ground. There were a few places where I could go and breathe the clean air, but that was for the priveleged few.

Sometimes I missed that yellow globe, it powered my optic blasts after all, and it was reassuring to have the constant rise of fall from the change from day to evening. On the heels of that thought, the sun made a brief appearance over on the horizon, the ruby quartz visor covering my eyes glinting in reddish tinted haze in response. I came up here to get away, but never for long, If I have learned anything, it was never to shirk one's duty, to follow orders, and to expect that the orders I do issue are obeyed impliciitily.

Jean, the other constant in my life, once told me, that there were days when she considered it a toss up between attritubuting to nature vs nature, but the devil was hedging his bets. She never said a word of reproach when I told her the results of the lab tests. So why I am having troubling coming to terms with it? I least, now I know the truth.

Speaking of the devil, take my sire, biological parent, do I call him my father? I mean, what does a man to get himself a son, spend some pleasant time with a woman.

Sinister, did more than that, but he has never gone out of his way to do much more than that; only when he wants something from me. So why do I stay here and do as I'm told? You could have bowled me over with a feather when I was informed by McCoy, the Beast of the scientific proof of our relationship. I haven't informed Alex, I've always been the one to look out for him; protect and know what's best for my younger brother, but still I know he feels overshadowed by me. I should do something about that,' Scott muttered aloud to himself.

Sinister would call that showing signs of weakness, of softening, I don't. I think that despite the facts of my parentage, I will be my own person. I can't change the facts of the matter, but I can make my own choices about it.


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