And Janus Dances (The Things Fall Apart Remix)
Remix of Sascha's And Janus Dances by Beth C.

I. Oz

He moved inside her, and in the quiet moments after, she would ask, "Will you love me forever?"

She searched for his answer in every stray hair he pushed out of her eyes, in every long inhale and sigh, in every extended gaze and smile.

She didn't get an answer until she watched his van drive away from her.

The only thing that lasted forever was the silence and the hollow he dug out of her heart.


II. Tara

The body lay growing colder in her arms, as the warmth flood onto her skirt, "I thought you would love me forever?"

She almost grabbed forever, like she always almost won the little dog she tried for at the arcade. She could feel it until those final moments when everything fell away.

Buffy has her hollow, but she carries it like a badge. It's ingrained through every inch of her, written through her DNA.

Xander will never be hollow, will never be alone. As much as he pushes people away, he marks people and never lets them go.

Once Giles was her kindred, but now he's back with borrowed magic, and an answer from Oz that she could never get.

Tara was supposed to be forever. She was supposed to be the person to fill the vacancy. She was supposed to keep her tethered and protected from everything that bubbled below the surface.

"I lost someone once," Giles murmurs before he leaves, "I know what it's like not to be loved enough." "I have all I need now," she smiled back as the magic glimmered behind her eyes.


III. Ethan

Willow loved Oz and Tara, but her heart's been empty for so long, she stopped thinking that there's anyone left to fill it.

Ethan has loved Giles since the beginning of time, but he knows that he can never give Giles enough and he knows that Giles will never fulfill all of his needs.

"Will you love me forever?" she asks coldly, clasping hands with the man in front of her.

"Willow, we don't need love," he laughs, "We're gods, we have more then they will ever have."

She knows now, some people are meant to be alone.

Silverlake Remix: Round One / Round Two