Title: Condemned to You Authors: Pot and Kettle Productions (aka Wyrdchaos and RabidX) Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Angel/Xander Summary: Xander gets hit with a spell and only Angel can save him. Spoilers: Um, no not really. Nothing to place this except Riley still being around. Disclaimer: Joss Whedon created and own these guys. Pot and Kettle Productions own the story here. Joss makes money, we make feedback (bp_potandkettle@yahoo.com). If these guys were ours, everyone would be naked to solve personal problems. Notes: Thanks to Waldo our beta. Poor guy, straight but forced to read our slash. We really put him through the ringer this time. We split this into 2 parts due to length, otherwise it's a one piece tale. The unbroken version can be found at: Boiling Point (www.angelfire.com/weird2/wyrdchaos/) for now. ~ ~ thoughts for formatting sake. Angel looked up from the book he'd been reading. It was too late for a client, well a normal one. ~Do we have normal clients?~ With everyone else having gone home, and not locking the door again... ~Mental note: check the locks~... he would have to deal with it. Putting the book down, he crossed the lobby to help... Xander Harris? The boy was just standing there, a glazed look on his slack face. It would have been typical if there was a television around. Angel moved closer, looking behind the stunned youth. No one else came in the door. What the hell? "Xander? What's up?" he asked, stopping in front of the now disturbingly unresponsive boy. Blinking rapidly as if coming out of a dream, Xander tried to focus on the person who spoke... The person in front of him... ~There was a person, right?~ He blinked a couple of more times, and spoke hesitantly, "An-gel?" His voice was hoarse and broken, as if over used or not used enough. It hurt. "Can- can I- water?" Angel stared. What had happened to Xander? His clothes were filthy and torn up. "Yeah, of course. C'mon, let's sit you down." He slung an arm under Xander's and led him to the round couch. "Stay right there," he said, "I'll get you water." Dashing to the small kitchen, he got a bottle of Cordelia's water out of the fridge. As he came back, Angel noticed Xander's sneakers were nearly worn through. Had he walked all the way to LA? "Here, drink slowly, okay?" Angel handed over the water and sat down next to Xander. "Of course... of course... of course..." Xander whispered to himself. The water bottle slipped from his hands and bounced off the floor. Xander dully watched it roll away. "Hands... don't seem to work." "No problem," Angel said, fetching the water. He was seriously starting to get creeped out. However, looking back, Angel realized there was no point in pressing. Xander looked completely traumatized. Later, he could ask later, maybe even call Giles or something. Opening the bottle, Angel sat back down. "Um... here." He held the bottle up to Xander's lips. The water seemed to spark something inside Xander, jumpstart his instincts... Both hands flew up to grasp Angel's and the tilted bottle. Water was sloshing all over Xander as he desperately tried to suck the water right through the plastic. Little gurgling gasps escaped as he tried to breathe at the same time. He was so thirsty. Parched like sand under the sun. "Woah woah woah!" Angel said, pulling the bottle back. "Careful or you'll make yourself sick." Xander's hands were almost fever hot on his. Shaking his head, Angel wiped some of the wet off Xander's dusty face. "Calm down, there's plenty, okay?" Like a rubber band stretched too tight, everything snapped back into focus for Xander in an instant. One moment hazy oblivion, the next clarity, of a sort. He gaped at Angel, unbelievingly. "Deadboy? What?" Xander looked around wildly. "Where am I?" "Calm down." Angel repeated. "You're in LA, my hotel." One hand found its way instinctively to the small of Xander's back, rubbing lightly, trying to soothe. "You just walked in here a moment ago. Any idea what happened to you?" ~And maybe why you're here? You hate me.~ "Calm down. Calm down? CALM DOWN?!" Xander's voice steadily rose, part in panic and part in anger. "I'm in LA... With you! And I have no clue how I got here!" He jumped to his feet, or rather he tried to. Immediately, his muscles clued him into another salient fact. One he hadn't been aware of... He hurt. All over. Muscles seized in one large cramp as Xander fell back to the couch. "Ow," he softly exhaled as a tear coursed down his cheek. Shaking his head, Angel knelt and removed the beaten shoes and holey socks. "Yes, calm down. I've got no more of an idea of why you're here than you do and I can't help if you get hysterical." He started kneading Xander's feet and lower legs, working out the tight muscles. "I promise to let you have plenty of hysteria time in a bit. Right now, let's deal with the physical." The tear caught Angel's eye and he reached up and wiped it away. "Okay?" He bent back to his task of relieving the cramps. "Yeah," Xander whispered, hoarsely. Even the rising hysteria couldn't cut through the pain. Every muscle in his body screamed in protest of movement, trying to twist themselves tighter. He leaned back and tried to relax. Let his muscles unknot and his mind unwind... Angel's hands were helping, working magic... It hurt, but where he touched, it began to hurt less. Dull to a manageable ache. "Thanks," he whispered and managed a wan smile, "You're pretty okay at that..." "Thanks and you're welcome." Angel gave Xander a small smile back. He worked his way up to Xander's thighs. "Um, it's gonna hurt more in the bigger muscles. Just thought I'd warn you." As he massaged as carefully as the knots warranted, Angel shook his head. "You know, this would be easier if you were laying down. Or even after a hot bath." "Yeah... sounds good in theory. Don't think I can move though..." Xander mumbled, distractedly. Angel hands... Angel's hands on him... On his thighs. Something was sluggishly trying to assert itself in his brain. An unclear message. A foggy direction. Vaguely, it felt like the compulsion of a possession, but not really. Xander was certain, with his experience, that was something he would recognize. He squeezed his eyes shut attempting to corner the vague thought. He was supposed to do something.. Something? "Angel? I- I think there's something wrong... With me. More than..." His hand drifted slowly to his head. "Xander, what is it?" Angel asked, moving to sit next to the confused dark haired mortal. The creepy feeling from before was back. Whatever was driving Xander looked like it was close to driving him right out of his mind. "Whatever it is, I'll help." Dark eyes searched Xander's face. "You will?" Xander's eyes fluttered opened, uncertain. He was so tired... Hurt so much. Felt like he was burning up. He focused on Angel's eyes, and all that fell away. Fell away for a new pain. One that slammed through his brain and body with an iron certainty. He knew why he was here... Knew what he had to do. He pressed his lips to the vampire's, murmuring, "Fuck me...," fatigue and pain forgotten. Xander was kissing him. Xander had asking to be fucked. Angel's eyes were wide with shock. This was beyond unexpected. It had to be some sort of spell. He should really push Xander away and call Wesley... no, Giles. Now. Angel's hands came up and grabbed Xander's arms, pushing him back carefully. "Xander, I want to help, but I don't think this is what *you* really want. This is some kind of spell or something. You don't even really like me, remember? Let me get you upstairs and call Giles, okay?" "Noooooooooo..." Xander squirmed in Angel's grasp, trying to re- initiate contact. Kiss whatever patch of bare skin he could squirm into reach. Feverishly, he freed his hands and tried to touch the vampire everywhere all at once, begging almost mindlessly, "Need... Gotta... Please. Fuck me! You... Gotta..." "Xander! Ah... You can't... oh God..." Angel grabbed at Xander's hands again. They were everywhere. Finally, he got them and held them still. "Xander, stop it! This is not you. Think dammit!" "Please..." Xander knew his behavior was completely right of center, somewhere inside he *did* know that, but couldn't stop. The need burned in him, stripping everything else away. Unable to use his hands, he wiggled and twisted trying to wrap his legs around the vampire... He had to touch Angel. A higher imperative than breathing... Than living. "Please... Fuck me! Gotta! Gonna die... Need you! Anything you want... Just do it!" Angel had to fight not to throw Xander across the lobby. This was so wrong. To make matters worse, Angel was getting hard from all the squirming. Fuck. This was *not* the way he wanted to take Xander... anyone... to bed. ~Maybe if I just knock him out... God, he's burning up!~ "Xander," Angel's voice cracked. "Please stop? I... I can't. Who did this to you?" Xander stilled his struggles. This was getting him no closer to his goal. A goal. An imperative. Something that overrode everything that he was, or might be. He couldn't overpower the vampire, even if he had been in top shape, which he wasn't at the moment. Animal cunning took over where his brain might have been once. He rubbed slowly against Angel. The vampire was saying 'no', but he wanted to say 'yes'. The growing hardness Xander could just barely rub against was testimony to that... He just needed to find the right trigger. He whispered hoarsely, "Yes, you can... I want you to. Come on Deadboy, this is your chance... Take me and put me in my place. Don't try tellin' me it's never crossed your mind." He was so taut with need he was shaking. "You wanna bite me too? Fuck and feed? I'm cool with that..." Some small fraction of himself, buried under the feverish compulsion, screamed. Angel froze. Everything that Xander just said hit him hard. In the guts, in the heart, in the groin. The only way either of them were going to get out of this unscathed was for him to knock Xander out. Chains and a gag would't work, Xander would just struggle and writhe and look too damn good that way. Angel shuddered. ~Got to stop thinking like that!~ Setting his jaw, Angel stood and pulled Xander up. "I still don't think this is a good idea, Xander." Angel turned the over stimulated youth partially around, "But, I did say whatever." Giving Xander a sad smile, Angel whipped his fist up and knocked Xander unconscious. Quick reflexes saved Xander from hitting the floor. Angel scooped him up and headed upstairs. Shuffling around, he finally got Xander in his room and on the bed. The irony didn't fail him as he sat down and picked up the phone. It took him a moment, but he remembered Giles' phone number. Now if the Ex-Watcher was home... Frantically dashing across the room, stumbling against the desk, Giles desperately snatched at the phone receiver, and prayed. "Hello?! Xander?!" "Um, no. Angel. But he's here." Angel shifted the phone and looked back at Xander, shaking his head. "Giles, what in the hell happened?" Giles sat down shakily, almost missing the chair. "He's there? In LA? Oh dear God. Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay..." Angel fought back a growl. "Yeah, he's here and he's unconscious. It looks like he walked the whole way here." A world weary sigh (pat. pend.)escaped Angel. "And I don't know if he's okay. He's acting like he's under some sort of spell. What happened?" "How exactly is he acting..." Giles hedged, cautiously. "He hasn't- He hasn't done anything untoward? Has he?" Only Giles would use a word like untoward. "Sorta... Yes... Dammit, Giles! Tell me what's going on so I can help him!" Angel barely controlled the shout, not wanting to rupture Giles' eardrums or possibly wake Xander. "Please," he said in a softer tone. "Yes, quite," Giles' sighed and shook his head, "Unreasonably, I had hoped he had escaped the spell's effects, even though he disappeared, but it seems not... He's feverish yes? Single minded about- about getting you to have sex, yes?" "Um, yes and yes." Angel shifted. Giles was nearly in lecture mode and Angel felt like a student caught staring out the window. "There's a counter spell or something, right?" "We're still searching, but no, not to my knowledge. It's an ancient bonding spell, used by vampires of warring clans... Back when vampire clans were large and demons went underground, so to speak. Called in the vernacular "Love the Hateful Dead". I have no idea where this minion found it. It was supposed to have been lost millennia ago. Buffy was the intended target of course. It missed her and hit... er, another of our party. Xander was in the direct path of the spell, but further back. We had hoped he was out of range," Giles said, pausing for both breath and strength. He continued on stalwartly, "Angel, if he's bonded to you, you're going to have to complete the bond. Xander will burn himself out, literally, if you don't.." Angel blinked. No way. He'd heard vague rumors of something like that, and had dismissed them as a fanciful romantic myth. "Xander got hit? I have to... Giles, do you know what you're saying? I don't want Xander to die, but if this bond... it's going to go both ways, you realize that? I mean, never mind the whole Angelus thing." Angel rubbed his eyes. Bonds were serious business and again he was reminded how much Xander Harris hated him. "Wait, another member?" "If you don't, he will die. In horrible pain. Driven insane by the compulsion. We were almost too late in figuring it out for..." Giles paused, uncertain, but concluded Angel needed to know, "almost too late for Riley." "Riley." Buffy's soldier. "He got hit too? Who'd he have to bond with?" Angel couldn't quite keep the bitterness out of his voice. It wasn't over Riley, but the whole damnable situation. "And Angelus will kill or turn Xander, you know that." Turn him after a long torture. Angelus always wanted Xander. "I don't think so, really. In theory, bonding with Xander just may cement your soul... Maybe even merge it with your demon. Technically, the bond would be tied to both soul and demon... I think. Neither would be able to be vacated, after the, er, process. Well, in theory that is. In theory, this spell should have never worked on a human. In theory, Xander shouldn't be dying." Giles sighed and then chuckled inappropriately, "Oh, congratulations... You have an ex-Initiative son-in-law." ~Gallow's humor old man. Laugh or start screaming.~ Angel's jaw dropped. Riley and Spike? How in the world was Buffy taking that? For that matter, Spike? If he'd been planning a trip to Sunnydale anytime in the future, Angel would cancel it now. No way was he going to get caught in that. "Right. So all I have to do to save Xander is to sleep with him, complete the bond. And in theory, Angelus won't pop back and kill him. Great. Wonderful." Angel sighed again. "Okay, I'll... I guess we'll just hope one of us calls you in a while." "Not the best of plans..." Giles replied, stuttering. "If we had the time, I'd say wait until I or Willow could get to LA with the soul restoration spell..." "But we don't have the time, do we? He walked here, Giles. That's about six hours. I trust your judgment on the theory of this. I have to." Angel stood and paced next to the bed. "Maybe... maybe I can have Wes come over and I can't believe I'm saying this, stand guard outside. If I change, the bond will stop me from killing Xander. It will be overwhelming so there will be time to... stake me if needed." Just then, Xander moaned and thrashed about. Angel sat back down and rubbed his back gently. "Giles, he's waking up and I really don't want to have to knock him out again. What do we do?" "Wesley's number quickly... I'll ring him with the particulars," Giles said quickly. "You- you take care of Xander." Angel gave him the number and rung off. He looked down at Xander, still mostly out, and sighed. Brushing a strand of hair off the sweaty face, Angel murmured, "It's going to be okay, Xander. I'll take care of you." Rising, Angel headed to the bathroom and came back with a cool wash cloth. Sitting back down, he carefully wiped the sweat and road grime off. Xander was an excellent swimmer. Always had been, even before the swim team. But the currents were dark and strong, and he felt so tired... Limbs like lead and lungs on fire. All he wanted to do was rest... sink to the bottom and sleep. No more fire or fighting. He just didn't think- If he woke up the compulsion would be there again. He murmured, "Better to die." "No dying on my watch," Angel said. "C'mon, Xander, wake up." He leaned closer and tried to ignore the guilt creeping up his spine. Gently he pulled Xander upright. "I talked to Giles. I know about the spell." Angel kept talking, pulling off the ratty jacket and shirt Xander was wearing. "I'm not going to let you die, Xander." With a hand he hadn't even realized was shaking until now, Angel stroked Xander's cheek. Could he really do this? Fuck Xander so he wouldn't die? It wasn't as if he'd never noticed Xander's looks before, the kid was attractive if goofy. Now though, Xander looked like he did that night in the library. The night after Faith had nearly strangled him to death. Pale, wan and completely lost, the only thing missing tonight were the ligature marks. It made Angel mad, seeing him used again. Yeah, he could do it. ~Just pray it's you when it's over.~ Xander's eyes flickered open against his will, and a moan escaped his lips unbidden. The fever inside him cranked up another notch and he shivered against the fire. "Should have left me out of it," he ground out between gritted teeth, "Should have- Should lock me up. Throw away key. Can't fight it... Can't...." Whatever else he might have said was lost in a sob as Xander instinctively pressed his cheek into Angel's palm. "Shhh, shhh," Angel whispered and brought his other hand up, cradling Xander's head. "I know you can't. It's okay." He swallowed and continued, staring into scared hazel toned eyes. "We're going to do this, okay? Not letting you die." He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Xander's lips, whispering against them. "You don't deserve death, Xander. Especially not this way." Xander stared at Angel for a confused moment. Was that supposed to make sense? He didn't know, and for the most part didn't care. Angel had touched him and kissed him, willingly. That was Xander's sense and sensibility now, washing away the last fragile threads of hard won control. He shivered and pressed his lips to Angel's cool mouth. Somewhere deep inside, wound in his guts, he knew Angel would put out the fire... Angel and only Angel. He parted his lips, offering the vampire his mouth. Offering Angel whatever he wanted... That's why he was here. That was his existence now. ~If only he'd come to me on his own, so much could have been different..~ Angel dismissed the longing thought. They'd worry about the details later. Right now, there were other considerations. He slicked his tongue in-between the parted lips, getting his first taste of Xander. Sweet, warm, and tinged heavy with desire, enough that Angel moaned softly, threading his hand into messy dark hair and pulled Xander closer. He let his own desire grow, shoving away thoughts of spells and Angelus. Letting the kiss get messy, he mouthed his way along Xander's jaw, licking at the stubble, seeking his pulse along the side of his neck. Strangely enough, Angel's kisses brought a peace to Xander's mind, and while they didn't lessen the fire raging inside him, they did cut through the haze in his brain. He'd been accepted. Instinct told him this, though he had no idea why it was important or why it gave him peace in the midst of storm. Suddenly, he tensed at the touch of Angel's mouth at his throat... Had he felt teeth? A small tiny part of him wanted to push Angel away... Away from that. The larger part urged him to press his throat upward and beg for the fangs. The fire roared in his ears again, and he understood. This was part of it. He followed his body's direction and turned his head giving Angel complete access to his throat. "Anything," he whispered, surrendering to the longing to be taken in every way. "Oh God," Angel whispered against the maddening pulse under Xander's skin. If Xander was to be bonded, he had to bite him. He'd known that, but the submissive act made his resurgent erection throb. Made him franticly struggle to get his shirt buttons open and throw the thing to the floor. Clutching Xander to his chest, he laid the mortal back, nipping and sucking at his shoulder, collarbone, anything he could get to without letting go. He rose up on his arms and rocked his crotch against Xander's, groaning. A strangled yowl caught in Xander's throat. Angel was everywhere. Hands. Mouth. Body. Cock. ~Oh god.~ Xander could feel Angel's hard cock thrust against his own, and it was a bliss he'd never known before. He arched into Angel, trying to get more of everything. He eeped loudly as he gained carnal knowledge of his zipper. Grabbing Angel's shoulder's, Xander gasped out, "Pants off! Now! Bad, bad pants!" Angel stopped and stared down, a laugh rumbling through him. Bad pants indeed. He stood and made quick work of his, throwing them aside where ever his shirt had landed, knelt next to Xander's legs and undid the fly of Xander's cargo pants. Trying not to rip them off, he coaxed Xander into raising his hips so he could remove them with the... black smiley face boxers. Somewhere, deep in a drawer, he had a pair like them, given by Cordelia as a gag Christmas gift. Angel chuckled again and pulled them off. He laid his body back down on Xander's, relishing the near inferno heat pouring off the dark haired young man. He moved slowly, knowing this wasn't going to last much longer. ~Hurry, Wes.~ Xander hissed and moaned, pressing himself upward against Angel. Flesh on flesh. Angel was so cool. Xander wanted to crawl inside him and bank the fire raging inside his own body. He wanted to drown in the cool water. Be a part of Angel. Be Angel's. He just didn't have a single clue on how to get there from here. Point A and point B had never seemed this far apart, ever. He'd never been attracted to another man, much less wanted to have sex, wanted to be had, by one. Wasn't gay. Never had a homoerotic thought in his head. ~Liar guy! Okay, had the thought, but everyone has those. M'not gay. Not even a little.~ Shaking and uncertain, Xander stroked at Angel's skin tentatively, exploring the musculature of Angel's shoulders and back. "Buff-guy," he murmured, "Very muscle guy." ~Very much the guy.~ Xander was flooded with an unexpected wave of desire, unconnected to the compulsion. Angel was strong. Angel was strong enough for him. To take him and take care of him. Angel was strong enough for both of them. He trembled a little more. "Angel? Need you...," he stammered, embarrassed now, "I've never... I don't know..." He broke off confused, looking to Angel for answers or actions. Angel stroked Xander's hair back. "It's okay, I have and I know. I'll be careful." ~Unlike Spike's first time. This *will* be gentle.~ He kissed Xander again, and then slid slowly down the twitching body beneath him. Scooping up Xander by the hips, he nuzzled the straining erection jutting out of dark curls. He took a deep breath, impressing Xander's scent on his brain. Sweaty, musky, bay and salt, deeply Xander. His tongue flicked out to lick the shaft twice, letting the smells explode into taste. A soft moan rose from his throat and he slid his tongue further down and back, parting Xander's cheeks. Licking and prodding, he pushed his tongue into the small, tight hole it found. Xander thought for a moment he had swallowed his own tongue. He glurbled, not really talking or moaning. His hands grasped sheet as his focus tilted. He'd sort of expected the attention to his cock. He was guy. Cocksucking, well that was always, if not expected, dearly hoped or negotiated for. But what Angel was doing to him... What that tongue was doing to him. It was unexpected. It was disturbing. It was incredible. A full throated moan managed to escape the strangle vise of his throat, and Xander tried to move his shaky limbs wider. Angel shouldered his way further between Xander's legs, tongue thrusting deeper in and out. A growl started deep in his chest as he felt himself getting caught up in what he was doing. Angelus may have wanted the boy, but Angel was going to have him. For as long as Xander was alive. Strange, feathery tickles of the spell wove their way into his mind as it started to begin the bond. He pulled back and away just as he felt his gameface start to emerge. ~Crap! I... can't lose it now. Got to stay in control...~ But the spell pulled at him now, urging the completion of the Rite. "Xander, don't be afraid," he whispered. Using his fangs, he cut a gash in his wrist and let the blood drip on his cock. It was all he had and it had worked well enough before. Pulling Xander onto his lap, he carefully began to ease in. ~Oh Hell! He's so hot, so damn... small there...~ It was like pushing into a furnace, slowly burning and good. "Afrai-" A shift in positions. A glimpse of gameface. And then pain. Xander dug his fingernails into Angel's flesh. ~Oh God, it hurts!~ Pain burned and shook him to his core. Mouth opened in a silent scream, he slowly sunk onto Angel's cock. Xander tried to disengage himself from the pain, breathing heavily. It didn't matter. It made no difference. It was necessary. He had to have this. No matter what the cost. Finally, after what seemed like days, he came to rest. Angel was inside him, and he could feel the compulsion, for lack of a better word, changing. He was becoming Angel's. He laid his head against the vampire's shoulder, breathing heavily. Angel held Xander tight, stroking his back, pulling them chest to chest. He could smell the sweat slicked pain on Xander's skin, hear it in his breathing, feel it in the heart hammering against his chest. The gameface melted away as he crooned nonsense into Xander's ear. Slowly, he felt the inferno around his cock relax. Wrapping his left arm around Xander's waist, he began to stroke the younger man's failing erection with his right hand. Kissing the bowed neck, he stayed still except for that hand. "We move when you're ready." It still hurt. Angel inside him still hurt, but it was lessening as Xander's internal muscles rearranged themselves. Angel's hand was stroking the fire inside him, giving pleasure in the midst of the pain. It warmed him on multiple levels, not just the erotic. It meant Angel wanted him to enjoy this. It wasn't required, but it was- nice. It was unexpected, nice, and made Xander melt a little. He leaned back a little to look into Angel's face, hissing a little as he felt the vampire's cock shift inside him. Releasing the death grip he had on one shoulder, Xander caressed Angel's face in mute gratitude. Ignoring the tears running down his face, he kissed Angel gently. Not the hungry, desperate kisses of earlier. A gentle kiss. Xander smiled wanly and nodded. Did Xander even understand how beautiful he was right now? Angel didn't know, but the tiny smile and the sweetest of kisses, combined with the luminous eyes and the total look of surprise and trust, nearly undid the vampire. He rubbed his forehead on Xander's and began to move his hips up and down with the utmost care. That small amount of friction sent shudders through him. He put his head to Xander's chest, choking back a sob. Alien. The feeling of another man's cock moving inside Xander was alien. To be fucked instead of being the one doing the fucking... It was strange, and, while not as painful as it initially had been, definitely uncomfortable. The small part of his brain that was still working wondered why any guy would *want* to do this... The hand on his cock was nice, but- Angel shifted and an electric jolt shot through Xander's body. Exploded inside him, shattering his sight into prismatic rainbows. Both hands resumed their death grip on Angel's shoulders, and he exhaled, "Oh." Angel looked up at Xander's face, saw it alight with wonder and smiled. He canted his hips again and locked eyes with Xander's, wanting to see the face he made. It was certainly going to be Angel's undoing, as sure as the heated body riding him was. As sure as the slightly painful grip, like Xander was clinging to a lifeline, was. He moved his hand faster, running his thumb over the soft edge of Xander's cockhead, determined to make Xander enjoy this as much as possible. The strange fluttery feeling was back, urging him on. Trying to get him to complete the claim, finish the spell. He growled and fought to keep from just slamming harder and harder into Xander's willing body. "I answer your call, Alexander, and claim you as mine and mine alone." ~Where in the hell did that come from?~ Xander moaned, and from deep inside the words rose and poured from him. "I answer your call, Angel.." he fought for a moment to hold back the flow, but the compulsion would not brook his interference, "and Angelus! I claim you as mine and mine alone." Xander gasped. He was getting close. Angel's hand. Angel's cock. His body conspiring against him. Xander shuddered in pleasure unexpected. He clasped his hands to the sides of Angel's face, and focusing on Angel's eyes, the rest flowed out. "I claim your clan as mine. Kith and Kin. Your death is my death!" Xander threw his head back as another explosion of pleasure rocked his being. Something inside him was breaking, fragmenting into a million pieces, and rebuilding itself. They were almost there. Somewhere, deep inside Angel's mind, Angelus howled. This was not the way it was supposed to be, he was not to be thwarted in this way! A bright light flared in Angel's eyes as Angelus faded. Not away, but bound tightly by the ritual. ~Thank you, Giles!~ "I claim your clan as mine. Kith and Kin. Your death is my death!" Angel nearly shouted, as he felt his fangs descend again. It felt like something had wrapped itself tight around his heart and soul. A circle not quite complete, but it made electricity dance along his nerves. So damn close. Just one more thing to be done. "Look at me, Xander!" he commanded, eyes flashing yellow. Xander's head snapped back and he locked gazes with Angel. The golden eyed face of a demon. He smiled unafraid. He wasn't sure if it was the spell or instinct or what... But he had no fear any more. No pain. Only pleasure and the sure knowledge that he'd never be alone again. Laughing, he gave instinct free reign, stopped fighting the spell completely, and buried his blunt human teeth into Angel's throat. The first taste of blood exploded on his tongue, exploded in his mind. Everything that Angel was... Human and Vampire. Soul and Demon. Saint and Sinner. Everything flooded Xander's mind, body and soul. Xander was Angel in that moment. And Angel was his. He would have screamed. Wanted to scream. But his mind and muscles were seized as orgasm spontaneously rocketed through him. Angel's eyes rolled back into his head and he cried out. Never had he expected this. Never expected Xander to bite him. Never expected the searing fire along his body as Xander came. He whipped his head down and sank his fangs into Xander's neck, drinking one deep quaff of rich blood. The circle completed and he felt Xander pour into his very being. With a roar barely muffled by Xander's neck, he came, thrusting deep into Xander. His Xander. The circuit closed and the bond snapped into place, humming with power. Xander felt Angel's orgasm rip though both his body and his mind. It was too much. Too much of everything. This time he did scream. Loud and long. He howled in unadulterated pleasure and joy. Bound to Angel, Xander was free and flying. Angel couldn't move, couldn't see, couldn't hear anything but Xander. Just Xander in his head, in his heart, in his soul. Swept up in the ecstasy flooding his senses, Angel clung to Xander, overwhelmed and blessed beyond any expectation he'd ever hoped for. When everything crashed back, an unending time later, he found himself sobbing against Xander's chest. Part of him wanted to kill everyone and everything that ever hurt his Bond-mate, even himself. Part of him wanted to just curl up and stay in this room with Xander forever. Part of him realized, with a jolt, that this was his perfect happiness and he was still Angel. "My God..." he whispered. "Nope, still Xander..." Xander responded without thought. Automatic joke instinct, kicking in. He blinked a couple times rapidly, as the fog cleared, and the who, where, and what they had done came surging back. He could still feel Angel deep inside him, not just physically, but emotionally. And it was Angel not Angelus, though he could faintly feel the demon there too... Fierce joy balanced by even fiercer protectiveness. And maybe love? Xander wasn't sure. He combed his tired fingers through Angel's short hair, tilting the vampire's head so they could look each other in the eye. He couldn't help the crooked grin at what he saw there. Still in game face, Angel's mouth was smeared with blood, his cheeks wet with tears, but his eyes, his golden eyes shone with true happiness. Xander had no doubts his own face mirrored Angel's. He pressed his own blood stained lips to Angel's, not even hesitating over the gameface. It didn't scare him any more. It was just Angel. He murmured, "Uhm, hey." Angel's features faded back to normal and he pressed his forehead to Xander's. "Hey yourself," he muttered back. Xander was happy, he could feel it. He could feel everything pouring off the younger man now. With a contented sigh, he laid back and cradled Xander on his chest. They needed a shower, but right now he just wanted to stay close. Closer than he'd ever been with someone. Even Darla and Buffy, though The Slayer ran close second. Briefly, he wondered how Spike and Riley were doing, if they were feeling anything like this. He hoped so, for Spike's sake. As big of a pain the blonde vampire was to him now, maybe this would settle him out. ~Make an honest vamp of him? Nah, never happen.~ "How you doing?" he asked, nuzzling Xander's hair. "Mmmmmm?" Xander mumbled into Angel's chest, still deep within post orgasmic lassitude. He ran his fingers lightly over the strong pectoral next to the one his head rested on, giving the question as much serious consideration as he could muster. "Well, sooner or later, I'm gonna remember that every muscle in my body is strained and hurts... That I gotta be giving off a more than manly smell. Oh, and thank you for not mentioning that. That I'm still not sure what really happened here, and will be uber-confused. Maybe a little freaked. Okay probably a lot freaked. Not sure yet. But right now?" Xander craned his neck a little and smiled at Angel, "Right now, I'm good. Okay, even. Oh hell, I've never felt this good in my life... You?" Angel dipped in for a kiss. "I'm good. Better than good. Running through the whole list of things to do when I can walk again: shower, call Giles, make sure Wes doesn't stake me, kiss you a lot is in there quite a bit." He tipped Xander's head up and kissed him again. "This is the best I've ever felt. We'll worry about the other stuff later." "'Kay. Deal later... I can deal with that." Xander yawned slightly. "M'tired too. Did I mention that? Is there a nap anywhere on that list? Oh... OH! and food! Felt like I haven't eaten in days..." As if to prove a point, Xander's stomach growled expectantly. He smiled sheepishly at Angel. Angel chuckled, bouncing Xander lightly on his chest as he did. "Here's an idea, you nap. I'll get a bath going and round up food. Bath, food, and more napping, sound good to you?" ~Strawberries, I wonder if we have any here?~ Angel was feeling stupidly giddy at the prospect of feeding Xander while he bathed. ~Lost my mind in a good way, I guess~ Angel's happiness and excitement shone through their bond, and Xander couldn't help but laugh. It was dizzying. It was infectious. And what was truly miraculous was that Xander not only felt Angel's happiness, but a matching measure of his own. "Okay... Sounds idea like," Xander agreed, and looking at Angel's smile couldn't help but blurt out, "Ya know, the whole smiling deal? S'good look for you. Though you keep it up, I'll probably have stop calling you Brood-boy." ~Oh man, I've gone lock, stock and wack-a-doodle!~ "Thanks, I think." Angel raised an eyebrow and couldn't help smiling again. "Not too sure how Smile-boy sounds though." He turned over until Xander was on his back and pulled the covers over him. "I'm just happy, I guess. Kinda a new thing. Don't worry, something will happen to make me brood, I'm sure. Wes'll find some nasty scroll, or Cordelia'll see the Apocalypse again. Typical stuff." He got up and pulled on his pants. "Get some rest while I get food." He gave Xander one more goofy grin and headed to the door. "Okay," Xander agreed and let his eyes drift shut. With his eyes still shut, but a mischievous smile, he called out as Angel went through the door, "And Smile-Boy? Puh-lease! I was thinking Chuckles..." Angel shook his head as he took the step two at a time. Chuckles was awful, but Xander would do it in a heartbeat. Probably get Cordelia in on it too. It didn't stop his grinning, however, as he hit the small kitchen downstairs. There wasn't much in his refrigerator in the suite, just blood packs. ~Not exactly strawberries.~ Not bothering with the light, he started rummaging around in the kitchen. Wesley entered the lobby carefully, stake and cross ready. Giles' phone call had sent him out of the apartment in a mad dash. Halfway to the Hyperion, he realized he hadn't even called Gunn for backup. Not the smartest of things, but it did save the explanations and the possibility of Gunn just staking Angel on sight. ~And leave Charles alive to kill Angelus if that's what happened. Oh yes, how ridiculously noble, Wesley.~ He fervently hoped Rupert was right in his assumptions that the spell and ritual would bind the soul to Angel. Seeing no one around, he went up the stairs as quietly as he could, moving to Angel's door. He listened and, hearing nothing, knocked. ~Why are you knocking? 'Flowers for Angelus'? Honestly.~ Getting no response, he opened the door. ~Penny, pound and a prayer for the dying.~ Dozing, Xander's eyes lazily flickered open when he heard movement in the room. Was Angel back? How long had he been off in snooze-land? He smiled in anticipation, then froze. That wasn't Angel... There was some strange man just walking into the room. The room where Xander was naked. With a hearty and heartfelt 'ack', Xander clutched the sheet to his chest and scanned the room for weapons. Wesley jumped and let out an 'ack' of his own. It was Xander, sheet held high, like a romance novel heroine, looking around the room wildly. Letting out a huge sigh, Wes crossed over. They must look ridiculous. "Xander, it's alright. Where's er... I mean did everything... oh hell... where's Angel and are you okay?" "Who..." Xander's eyes widened in recognition, recognizing the accent and voice more than anything else. The ex-watcher, it seems, had gone in for a style make over after disappearing from the Hellmouth. "Wes- Wesley? What the hell are you doing here?!" "I got a phone call from Giles about the spell," Wesley said, eyebrows high. Perhaps Xander didn't know or remember what happened. No mistaking the smell of sex or the... Dear God... blood still staining Xander's lips. "I take it the ritual is, er, complete? Is Angel..." He sighed again. This was terribly awkward. "Is it Angel?" His eyes widened as he saw the bite marks standing out on Xander's neck. ~You knew it was part of it. If he was turned, he wouldn't be awake so soon.~ "Wha? Oh yeah, all done... Angel's fine. Ship shape... Okay, not so ship shape, he's more Angel shaped. Right as rain... Ya know, I've never understood how rain could be right. Fit as a fiddle? Okay who decides that? Fiddle aerobic instructors? In the pink? No, Angel's more an off white. Hunky dory. Oh, that's just a bad place to go.... Happy as a clam. And who the hell knows how happy a clam is?!" Xander paused for long needed breath, well aware that he was getting progressively more manic. He couldn't help it. He was embarrassed to the extreme. He was embarrassed and still naked. And apparently everyone knew he had sex with Angel. He blushed furiously, and looked away from Wesley quickly. "Er, what was the question again?" Wesley blinked under the barrage of Xander-ness. He'd forgotten how the boy could ramble on. Seemed to be a by product of living on the Hellmouth really, Willow did it as well, Wesley seemed to recall. "I think you've answered them," he said. "Angel is Angel and you are you. Perhaps not all right, but I'm not sure anyone I know is," Wesley said, running a hand through his hair. "I'll, er, I'll go and call Giles then. Yes." He walked out the door, closing it behind him. Once outside, he leaned against the wall. "Well, that was..." "That was what?" Wesley acked again. There stood Angel, snacks in hand. ~Post coital munchies. I really need to get out more.~ "That was... embarrassing, I'd say. Everything seems in order so I'll just go call Giles. And perhaps have a stiff drink." He eyed Angel closely. "You have to be you. Angelus would never touch a Twinkie, I'm sure." He walked away, shaking his head. Angel stared at Wesley as the ex-watcher walked away. Then he looked at the snack cakes in his hands. ~Never thought Twinkies would be a good thing.~ "Hey, Wes?" Wesley looked back. "Yes, Angel?" "Thanks." Angel gave him a lop-sided smile. Wesley sighed. "Just... be good to him, Angel. This whole thing is... disturbing, but maybe for the best. I'll talk more to Giles about it." He headed down the stairs. "Good night." "Good night," Angel called and opened the door. Wesley had every right to be nervous, but Angel couldn't be right now. ~One more thing to sort out later.~ He crossed over to where Xander was sitting up, bewildered, in bed. Setting down the Twinkies, chips, and sodas, Angel stroked Xander's hair. "It's not real food, but it's a start. All Cordy had hidden around the office besides some questionable Chinese." He sat down. "You okay? I mean as okay as can be expected." "Wha?" Xander looked up at Angel confused. "Okay? That was Wesley, Angel! And he saw me- Naked! In your bed... He knows that I- that we- Oh God." Xander wrapped his arms around himself, trembling. ~Oh look, the wiggins right on schedule.~ "Angel what the hell happened? I mean to cause this... Why? What? How? Why?" Angel pulled Xander to him. "It was a spell. An ancient binding spell. It got you and Riley, of all people, but you came to me. A vampire in Sunnydale cast it, according to Giles." Angel felt the fear and confusion as if it were his own. "If we hadn't... done what we did, you would have died, Xander, and I wasn't going to let that happen. Yes, Wesley knows, but he came to make sure I didn't become Angelus. He came to protect you." "Riley? Is Riley okay? Riley's not dead?!" While his mind twisted itself, trying to make sense out of anything, Xander felt his body relax into Angel's embrace, seeking comfort there. It seemed so natural to let Angel's strong arms hold him and shore him up. He stiffened at that thought. Angel pulled back. Xander was still fighting it, still so confused and Angel wasn't going to force anything. It hurt, but was expected. Xander'd even said so himself. "Riley's alive and probably as confused as you are right now. Hell, maybe more so all things considered. Spike- Uhm, he and Spike..." Spike. Riley and Spike. Angel shook his head at the thought. ~I hope Buffy realizes she can't kill Spike now or it'll kill Riley. What a mess.~ "Spike?!" Xander's eyes went wide. Shock didn't cover what he was feeling, but it was an emotion he could go with. Could express. He could feel the concern, the shard of hurt at his actions, flowing through Angel into him. All he wanted to do was sink into Angel's arms again, but he couldn't. He wouldn't. ~Avoiding is good. Go with denial.~ "Riley hates Spike! Spike hates Ri even... Oh." Xander looked away. His voice dropped to a whisper as things sorta fell together. "That's why I'm here isn't it? In LA. With you and not some random vamp in the woods..." Angel's eyes widened. "Yeah, Spike." he said. His own eyes dropped as he thought about what Xander said. If Riley hadn't gotten to Spike first, would Xander even be here? Would Riley have come? ~And that wins the award for the most disturbing thought tonight.~ "I guess that's why you came. Spike was... taken. You hate me, so why else?" Angel shrugged. ~I wish it was because you trusted me more.~ "I don't really know. Giles just said you wandered off." Then Giles' words came back to him. "He... he did say Riley almost died before they figured out what was wrong..." He tried to contain the hope, as faint as it was, that Xander *did* trust him that much. "Maybe... I don't know." "I don't hate you... I mean I didn't. I didn't like you. Didn't like you *a lot*, but I didn't hate you." He shrugged slightly. "And let's face it. You never really had the warm fuzzies over me either. Maybe not ready to dance on my grave, but definitely no warm fuzzy-age." Xander looked back and swallowed hard. "True, but I... well, I owed you and I didn't understand you." Angel said. "You made me stop just letting things happen. I didn't know how to act to that. Never been kicked in the ass before. Never doubted your bravery, though, or your loyalty to your friends." He looked up into Xander's eyes. "Angel..." Xander couldn't stop himself, still shaking, he seemed to flow into Angel's arms. He could no more stop himself than doubt the sincerity and warmth behind Angel's words. Feelings that warmed him from the inside out. "I can't stop touching you... Wanting to touch you." He murmured, "I've got a girlfriend, Angel. A life in Sunnydale. And let's not forget- I'm so *not* gay." Xander dropped his head to Angel's shoulder, eyes screwed tightly shut as his voice dropped to a whisper, "And still- I can't stop touching you. This is forever isn't it? Not a one shot deal... No walking away. Forever." Angel clutched Xander to him and buried his head in the messy dark hair. "It is. I'm sorry. I don't want to mess up your life, but yeah, this is forever," he whispered. "I'm so sorry." He felt tears wanting to come. What was Xander's life going to be like now? Stuck with him and his Powers That Be given mission, stuck without his friends. ~Why couldn't this be freely given? Why do they keep messing with him, with me?~ "Sorry for me? Don't be... Haven't thought this through, have you, Deadboy? Your soul's set now... I don't know how I know it. I just feel it. You can be with Buffy now, but we just what- Got married? You're stuck. With me in your life. I've more than screwed your life, unlife, over... By saving me, you just gave up your chance at redemption. Your chance to be with Buffy. You should hate me." Xander sighed. ~And you will... Sooner or later. And a big history repeat. I'm stuck in a loveless marriage with someone who will hate me for ruining his life. Unlife? Whatever. Boy, mom and dad will be soooo proud. I'm following in the family footsteps.~ Angel pulled Xander back, suddenly, unreasonably, afraid. "No. No, you didn't mess anything up. My redemption isn't tied to Buffy, it's... more complicated than that. I... had a chance to be with her once. I gave it up. What I do was, is, more important than that. She has her mission, I have mine. They're too different to work, *we're* too different." He got up and started pacing. "I'm not explaining it well, I know. She's in here," He touched his heart, "But we're just not right somehow. I can't hate you for this, ever, because Buffy and I were over. Long time now." Xander blinked rapidly, trying to reconcile what Angel was saying with what he knew... Or what he thought he knew. Angel loved Buffy. Buffy loved Angel. This was like some twisted universal law. He had never liked it, but had grown accustomed to it. Accepted even, sorta... But Angel gave her up? It was over before the spell? He knew Angel was telling him the truth, could feel it inside his head. ~How? What? How?~ Xander blinked some more, ~Did I get the wrong script somehow? This is the scene where Angel rages and broods about how I ruined his chance to be with Buff. His one true love...~ Xander looked up at Angel who had stopped pacing and was staring at him, intently. He said the only intelligent thing he could think of, "Huh?" "I fought this demon and his blood made me human again." Angel shook his head. "Buffy and I tried, we really did, but the price was too great. Too many people would have died, maybe even her. Me being mortal made her take too many risks for me. The world needs her and me to be what we are. Boy, doesn't that sound arrogant, but hey, I've tried to stop arguing with The Oracles." He sat on the edge of the bed. "Buffy and I can't be together no matter if my soul is bound or not. She has her life to live and I have mine. The paths can't cross anymore. It's just too different now." "Oh," Xander stared at Angel blankly. He wondered if Angel could hear the clicks and whirls of his brain processing this bit of information. Not that it was... Not really. He was confused. Really confused. Was he some sort of divine consolation prize? And if so- Angel got gypped. ~Deadboy needs to have a talk with these Oracles. Get his money back or something~ He shook his head, trying to get the buzz in his brain to die down. "I have no response to that..." Xander replied just because it seemed the thing to do. A thought flittered across his brain and out his mouth. "Man, Buffy really got shafted all the way round. No Riley. No Angel. Well, that just sucks. Poor Buff." Angel blinked. "Oh boy. Yeah, she's... Maybe she and Spike can... no... and that's a terrible image." He shuddered. Then he reached out and touched Xander's face lightly. He could feel the raging confusion inside the younger man. "I got you though. I know this is beyond messed up and not going to be easy, but you're not a second best thing here. I feel pretty lucky." "I'm- I'm not? Lucky?" Xander stammered, blushing. Again his body seemed to override his mind and he leaned into the touch, rubbing his cheek against Angel's hand. He was sitting there naked... Naked in this man's, this vampire's, bed. He was embarrassed. He was mortified. He was confused as all hell. And was that why he was blushing? ~No, m' all lobster boy cause Angel thinks he's lucky to get me. In his bed. In his life. And it makes me feel- Feel things. Spell... It's gotta be the spell. He wouldn't...~ Xander scrunched up his eyes and drew back. "That's the spell talking." "No, I don't think it is." Angel said, shaking his head. "Let's think about this. While we weren't getting along," he smiled lopsidedly at that, "I saw a brave person, a loyal person, covered that. But deeper, you have no supernatural powers and yet you get in there every time. You stick by your friends no matter what. I saw you lead a class of high school students, Xander. That's like herding cats. They listened to you because you knew what to do. You took charge. You reassured them of the mission at hand. Key guy, remember? You got the rocket launcher for The Judge. You take the hit on the chin and get back up." He looked down, his smile and voice getting soft. "You say what's on your mind, even if I don't get it all the time. You never took anything off of me, Xander. Takes guts to bitch slap a Master Vampire. When you smile, it's pure joy right there on your face. No guile. You've got the most expressive eyes I've ever seen." He looked up again, a slight blush on his face. "I knew all this before the spell, Xander. I was wishing it was something you could have given to me freely." Xander gaped at Angel in open mouthed shocked. ~Angel was in lo- like with me? Before the spell?~ He forced his mouth closed and stared intensely at the blushing vampire. ~Who knew vampires could blush?~ Angel was telling the truth. It wasn't the way he said it... It was the feeling deep down in his bones. Astonished, he realized it was part of the thing, the bond, between them. Angel could never lie to him now, and he... And he couldn't lie to Angel. Xander shook his head, "Almost wish I had too... Nobody's ever said anything like that to me. Ever." Xander paused gathering his thoughts, "But the truth is I ha- didn't like you *a lot*. I was possessed by a hyena spirit once... Did you know that? I know, up close and personal, what it's like to have a beast, a killing machine, inside you. I told Buff and Willow I didn't remember, but I did. I remembered everything. See, I could control it at first, sorta, but eventually it took me over. I didn't understand why it was happening, but I did know this: I liked it. The power. The freedom from everything. It's a nice place to be, and a horrible place to come back from... You may have a soul and you may have control, but the beast is still there. And I could see it. When everyone looked at you, they seemed to forget the killer. Even when Angelus came back... Buffy couldn't kill you until the world was at stake. I never understood that. How you could pretend to be human, and everyone believed. It was so dishonest." Xander took a deep breath, and spoke more slowly, "Or so I thought... I've thought a lot about that over the last couple of years. You weren't dishonest. Except maybe with yourself. You never told anyone you weren't a monster. I think they, Buffy especially, just made themselves not see it. Hell, we were teenagers with teenage dreams. We all needed our absolute certainties to get through the nights. But now... Now, I wonder if we didn't use you and your quest for redemption, disavowed knowledge of the killer for help in the fight. Now, I wonder if we weren't the ones who were dishonest. If we weren't the monsters... Cause we're all killers, Angel. Every single one of us. And at the very least, I think I owe you an apology." Xander fell silent, then smiled crookedly, "And jeeze! Watch the Xan-man speech-a-fy." Angel absorbed all that quietly. He didn't know about the hyena spirit, but if he concentrated hard enough, he could feel the remnants of it in Xander. Something about the way the younger man moved sometimes. It defiantly gave him a unique perspective on, what Cordelia called, 'The Angel Condition'. The way the beast was, even without Angelus' influence, riding just beneath the surface when he was tracking something or extremely angry. Scary maybe, but it was his... thing. Had they used him for his power, his strength? Maybe, but didn't he let them? There was a time when he was sure that's what he was there for. That he was the guy with the real scoop on things, the one who would do the dirty work. Taking the bad karma away from the children. They needed it then, like Xander said, and he provided it. He wanted to do it, just to stay in the light that much longer. "I think we were all a little selfish then," he said, "Apology, not needed, but accepted. Thank you." Xander nodded, silently. He was exhausted emotionally, mentally, and physically. The adrenaline surge of panic was fading away, and while he was still confused, he was just too damn tired to wig anymore. At least right then. He sighed, "So, where do we go from here? What happens next?" "I don't know. I mean, you're the one whose life has just taken that left it shouldn't." Angel sighed. "I'd like you to stay here. If you want. I mean... the Bond and all." Angel ran a hand through his hair. "Can I explain things any worse? The Bond is strong and it will pull us together. That doesn't change the fact you have a life, job, and a girlfriend. You're more than welcome here with no pressure for anything. You can have your own room and set your own things and could I sound more like a Master?" He shook his head. "I really hadn't thought beyond a bath, food, and sleep." "Yeah, " Xander mumbled. "Truthfully, my job's not critical. Really like it, but I can work construction anywhere. My supervisor'll give me a reference... I think. Willow and Buffy... Oh man, Buffy is soooooooo not gonna want me around... Not with us... Uhm yeah. And Ahn? Well, she'll either be completely understanding or we'll be lucky all she does is kill us." Xander looked at Angel aghast, "I can't believe I said all that, and so calm like. Just calmly, ditching my entire life. I care for Anh, was falling for her, but I can't see it now. Her and me. I don't want to leave her, but I don't think I could share myself with her like that anymore. Even if you and she were willing... The thought just- Ewwwwww." Xander glanced away. Angel was right. The Bond was strong and completely encompassing. The thought of Anya, of *his girlfriend*, left him cold. Could he even be attracted to anyone else again? He shook his head, "My brain hurts... Maybe we should go with Plan A, before trying to work on Plan B?" "Oh yeah. Plan A it is. I'll get that bath going." Angel said, rising. On impulse, he stooped quickly and kissed the top of Xander's head before going into the bathroom. As he started the water, he froze. Oh boy. Xander was confused and here he was just dishing out the casual displays of affection. Xander was ditching his life and here Angel was acting like a... "Boyfriend. Okay, need to calm that down until Plan B gets sorted out." He sat, reigning in control, as the tub filled. When it was done, he squared his shoulders and went back out. "Ready. Um... you want to do this alone?" Feeding Xander Twinkies ~Need to get strawberries...~ could wait for comfort levels to increase. Looking up, Xander thought the Gentlemen might be back, because someone had stolen his voice. There was Angel in the bathroom doorway, steam gently billowing out from the door, bare chest and bare feet, asking him if he wanted to bathe alone. The images of water and Angel's large hands sliding over his body, made Xander flush uncomfortably. He wanted it... Angel to touch him. His physical reactions to Angel were out of his control, and it scared him. Scared him to want this man so badly, so quickly. ~And could I be any more screwed up? 'I want you. I don't want you. Come closer. Stay away...'~ "I- Yeah, ma- maybe I should," Xander stuttered and moved to swing his legs over the bedside. The pain that shot up his legs made Xander clench his teeth and hold his breath. He wheezed a shaky breath trying to get his abused muscles to relax and go back to sleep. "Should and can may be two different animals though. Angel, I don't think I can walk..." "Crap, I forgot about that," Angel said, rushing over. "Oh yeah, you are soaking for a good while." He scooped Xander up. "Need to work those knots out too. I think Wesley's left some Tiger Balm around here." He carried Xander to the bathroom and gently lowered him into the tub. "Just relax and let the heat help." He brushed hair off Xander's forehead. "When you loosen up, I'll give you a rub down and you can sleep." "Yeah," Xander agreed shakily. The water and heat were soothing. Almost as soothing as Angel's touch. ~Stop that! Enough with the sex thoughts!~ He started to tense again, but his muscles weren't having any of that. ~Ow! Owowow! Okay, I get it. Tensing bad. Relaxing good.~ Gingerly, he lolled his head back, and muttered, "Stupid spell couldn't leave enough of a brain to drive to LA? No, I had to do the zombie shuffle..." Angel chuckled, reaching for the shampoo. He felt the desire and tension shoot out of Xander. He had to agree. He wanted Xander again. And again. It just didn't seem too conducive to recovery though. ~Just worry about the little tasks now. Hair washing. Back scrubbing. Rubdown. Okay, not helping.~ He got down the shower massage and turned the water on low. "I'll try not to get shampoo in your eyes," he said, careful not to spray Xander in the face. Once the tangle of dark hair was wet, Angel thumbed off the water and started working the shampoo into Xander's hair. He massaged the young man's scalp and temples, sweeping any stray foam away. Xander tried not to think. Thinking was bad. So was feeling. But Angel's hands were relaxing him almost against his will, relaxing him and arousing him. Washing his hair, it was such an intimate act, brought home even more by the way Angel did it. Such care and tenderness in those hands, pampering Xander, treating him like he was some fragile treasure. Angel's strong hands gingerly massaging his head, the occasional light scrape of fingernails along his scalp... Xander bit his lip. Was it him? Angel? The Bond? When did hair washing become erotic? Using one hand to hold Xander's head steady, Angel spidered the other and worked down the tense muscles of the now very foamy neck. He pressed down with his fingers, rubbing and kneading. It felt good to be doing this little thing for Xander, just working out the soreness and road dirt. Then Angel looked, really looked, down. Closed eyed, lip being bitten, arousal stirring... Xander was beautiful. Angel swallowed heavily and just stopped himself from leaning in for a kiss. As Angel worked the muscles of his neck, worked magic with his fingers, Xander's mouth fell open, and a little noise escaped. It wasn't a moan. No, he'd managed not to do that, but it was still a sound. A tiny sound of pleasure. It felt too good. Angel's hands. His breathing deepened, and he fought to keep his center, control this desire flooding through him. Eyes closed, Xander resolved to keep them shut. One look at Angel, one look from Angel, and he was sure he'd be lost. Angel bit his lip in an unconscious parody of Xander's previous expression. If he didn't get some sort of control, Xander was coming out of that tub and... ~Stop. It. Now.~ He elbowed the water back on and rinsed the shampoo away, trying not to stare at the way it flowed down Xander's back. A back which was going to need scrubbing. ~You can do this. It's what you do now, take care of him.~ Was it so wrong to give into the Bond? If it pushed Xander where he didn't want to go, yes. He could feel the struggle from within Xander, however, pushing them both. "Xander..." Angel's voice cracked slightly, "Should I stop? I don't want to, but... if it's too much..." Xander's eyes started to flutter open, but he clamped them shut. ~No! Don't look at him!~ Not trusting his voice he shook his head slightly, for Angel to go on. The water felt so good. Angel felt so good. The way he was feeling he wasn't sure, if this was so wrong or so right. It *was* to much. And it *was* not enough. How was he going to live with this, feeling like this, forever? Angel gasped at the brief, fluttery glimpse of Xander's eyes. This spell was... insane. How on Earth were they ever going to get anything done? Then again, he wasn't so sure he cared one bit about that now. Not really. Not when Xander was telling him to go on. He grabbed a loofa and soaped it up, then gently pushed Xander up more. With long, sweeping strokes, he scrubbed Xander's back, feeling the twitch and play of the tired muscles there. He let his free hand linger for a moment, just at the small of Xander's back and then scooped water over him. Then he guided Xander... His Xander, Angel's brain shouted... back and slowly scrubbed down the lightly tanned chest. Sighing, Xander tried to get his breathing, tried to get himself, under some type of control. The scrubby thing actually helped. It gave him some distance... It wasn't Angel's hands touching him. But Angel was so close. Even with his eyes closed, Xander could feel him a whisper away. Just a tilt of his head away. Xander licked his lips. He could almost taste Angel on the air. It was maddening. He wanted it and didn't want it so much. As the scrubby dipped lower, running slowly over his chest down to his belly, this time Xander couldn't hold it in. He moaned, soft and low, eyelashes fluttering as he tried desperately to keep his eyes closed. Nostrils flaring, Angel shifted the loofa to scrub down Xander's arms one by one. He knew his hands were shaking, telegraphing just how tenuous his control was. ~Concentrate on details, maybe that'll help.~ Xander's hands, lightly scarred and work roughened, with long fingers and boyishly ragged nails. They looked strong and capable now, not the twitchy, nervously tapping hands of a couple of years ago. Moving down, Angel scrubbed each leg, digging his hand into the muscles, relieving the knots. Long legs, with lean muscles like a runner's, covered in dark hair that was softer than expected. Angel rinsed the clean limbs and swallowed again. That left one area, front and back. Casting the loofa aside, he vigorously soaped his hands. He could do this quickly and efficiently, even if most of Xander's torso and entire lower body were underwater. ~Time to ignore the details now. Ignore the spit slicked lips. Ignore the fluttering lashes. Ignore the low moan... argh!~ Using his strength, Angel lifted Xander under the arms, enough to run a soapy hand along his backside. Studiously bent to the task, Angel lowered him back and cleaned Xander's groin, soap swirling away quickly. He tried not to linger. He was helpless not to. For a few brief moments, Xander thought he was gonna survive this erotic water torture with his control intact, but that was before Angel's hand went submariner on him. Xander shuddered and mewed. ~Angel's hands!~ For all his confusion and mental reluctance, Xander's body wasn't confused in the least. His cock had been trying to do a Flipper and break the surface ever since the shampoo. Now... now, Mr Happy was trying his best to swim right into Angel's hand. ~Traitor!~ And as careful and clinical as Angel was trying to be, and Xander knew he was trying, they were doomed. Contact. Xander's eyes flew open and he moaned Angel's name. Angel was caught by the moan and the look in those deep hazel brown eyes. No wonder Xander had kept them shut the entire time, they were deadly. He forced his hand to stop stroking the warm, inviting erection in it and moved it up to grab a washcloth. "Just... just gotta wash your face and we're done," he whispered. "Close your eyes." When Xander nodded and did so, Angel wet the cloth and gently cleaned off his face. "There," he said and found himself placing a small kiss on those swollen lips. "All done. Can you stand to get out?" "Erk?" Xander stared at Angel blankly for a moment. For a moment the line between desire and confusion, between thought and feeling, had been obliterated by the Angel's touch. Angel stroking his cock. His hard cock. Xander blushed, embarrassed, and mortifyingly so... His cock was still hard. And Angel wanted him to what? Stand up? Even if he hadn't walked all the way from Sunnydale to LA, he wasn't sure if his legs would hold him. And if they would, that he could stand naked in front of Angel, his arousal visible to both of them. ~Uhm, s'not like he doesn't know or hasn't seen it. Shit, Angel and Mr Happy seemed to be on the way to a happy ever after relationship, whether I want it or not...~ Xander flushed again, and shook his head. Maybe Angel could just leave him in the tub until he was wrinkly and wilted. Angel nodded. "No big deal." He got up and placed a towel on the toilet. The embarrassment nearly overshadowing the confusion made him just want to hold Xander. ~Right, so everything makes me want to hold him now. Oh look, Xander breathed, hold him! Xander blinked, hold him! Not a bad thing, but we might never leave this room again.~ He scooped Xander up and sat him on the toilet. "There we go." Grabbing another towel, he started drying the blushing man off. As he did, Angel's jaw clenched. Why was he finding it so easy to accept the Bond, and Xander having the worst time? Because Xander had something to lose. Angel had everything to gain. ~Is it always going to be like this? Is he always going to be torn between misery and reluctant acceptance? How can he deal with fake love and real hate forever?~ "Yeah, no big deal." Xander muttered. ~Bid deal! Huge monster deal! I don't even know who I am any more.~ What was real and what wasn't? And if magic shifted reality does it make it any less real? Sitting there naked and aching, Xander had no doubts. This was real. ~This is reality now. And I gotta deal and move on. Live with it. Somehow... Or I'm heading for my own personal Loony Toon.~ Xander sighed. He just didn't know how to deal. Not when every thing he knew did a sudden turn-a-bout. ~Think I'd be a little better at this, growing up on the Hellmouth. I know how to believe the unbelievable... Accept the impossible. Oh yeah, right.~ Angel was drying him off quickly, the vampire's normally impassive face even more mask like, but Xander could feel his concern and his pain. He was hurting Angel, and that thought made his heart clench. ~Is that real?~ Xander tentatively reached out. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to hurt you. I *don't* want hurt you. Just having a bit of an adjustment problem... This is really har- ~No! No saying the 'H' word right now!~ er, difficult, Angel." Angel dropped the towel and sat back on his heels. He took Xander's hand and held it, rubbing his thumb along the back. "I know you're not. Please don't apologize. This is the last way either of us ever expected our lives to go." He looked up, biting his lip. "I just want to make it better somehow. Make you less afraid. And I don't think that's the Bond. I just don't like seeing you hurt. I can't help wanting that or wanting you. I'm sorry." He placed a kiss on the back of the hand he held and stood up. "C'mon, let's get you back to bed. We'll take this, all of this, slow, okay?" Xander nodded, then tilted his head to look at Angel. "Strangely enough, not so much with the afraid. At least not of you... The future maybe... Reactions yeah... But you? You would, will, never hurt me... You can't..." Xander smiled at the surge of emotion pouring through the bond, and then blinked astonished. The emotion wasn't from Angel. .. "And neither would Angelus? Angelus likes me? In a 'I wanna tear your clothes off', and not 'I wanna tear your throat out', kinda way... How long has that been going on?!" Angel blinked. He could almost hear Angelus chuckle inside. It was worse than being split personality sometimes. "Um... since... Oh crap. Since he first really paid attention. I guess that night in the school when Spike showed up. Your scent, the fear of it, caught him." Angel ran both hands through his hair, clutching the back. "People seem to think that he's not really around when I'm me. He is, deep in my mind. Talking, snarling, generally being an asshole. Kinda makes me a candidate for the asylum, I know, having a 'voice' in my head." He sighed. "But I guess that's the way having a soul and a demon works. When he... when I became him again, you were one of the things he thought about. Making you his along with Buffy." He shook his head, letting his hands fall. "Damn, does that sound scary obsessive or what?" "More like psycho scary... I mean he threatened me, was gonna kill me, and- Oh my god... Demon foreplay, right?" Xander shook his head. "You know I can *feel* him. In my head. Like I can you. Different, but there... " Xander's eyes unfocused a little, "He wants out. Wants his turn... at me. Doesn't like that you got to me first. Oh man..." Xander flushed and looked away, "But liked the show." "Yeah, demon foreplay," Angel agreed. "And no, he doesn't like it at all." He caught his voice getting gruff, nearly growling. "He's not coming out though. I'm not sure he can and not letting him regardless." ~You hear me? No way in hell, any of them! He's mine! You have no say here.~ Angel's eyes flickered briefly gold as he snarled internally at his demon. Taking a second, Angel took a deep, unneeded breath to steady himself. "I don't care if he liked the show. It wasn't for him. It will never be for him. Neither will you." He reached a shaky hand out and stroked Xander's damp hair. "I promise you that." Protectiveness and possessiveness rolled off Angel in huge wall breaking waves. Xander shivered against the onslaught and while a part of him thrilled at the feelings he evoked in the vampire, another part wasn't so thrilled. His hand creeped out and cupped Angel's face. "I know. I *do* know, okay? I'm yours. But let's get this straight now... You're mine. Equal here! I don't need to be protected. And I'm not helpless. All I need is your l-" Xander broke off abruptly. ~His love? Damn, when did this spell turn me into a girl?!~ Angel pressed into that hand, letting a sigh escape. "Protection sorta comes with my job, but I understand." He pulled Xander up to him, wrapping supporting arms around Xander's back. "Equals. I'm yours and you're mine. Kith, Kin and death, Xander, we're equal." Rubbing his forehead on Xander's, Angel absorbed the new wash of feelings. They were growing strong enough to leave him weak in the knees. Did Xander even know what sort of power he had now? How much his words and actions were going to control Angel? "You've got me, Xander. You've got my l..." He grinned suddenly, breaking off where Xander had, and kissed him, just letting himself feel. Xander melted into the kiss. Not the sweet tender kisses or the ravaging passionate kisses of before, this kiss had elements of all those but wasn't like any of them. This kiss was something new. Close mouthed, still it took Xander's breath away. Was this a lover's kiss? A mate's kiss? He shook a little, breathing heavily, as the kiss ended. When he could form words again, Xander whispered, "Is this real? Really real? What I'm feeling? What I feel from you? For you? I need... To know so much." "Yes, it's real. This is what's real now, Xander, magic or not, this is it," Angel said, nuzzling the side of Xander's face. He looked back into wide, expressive eyes. "There's no way I can lie to you. You can feel it." The translation of what Giles called the spell came back to him. Magic had forced love into his unlife, thank the Powers it was mutual. "I love you," he whispered, placing a hand over Xander's rapidly beating heart. "And, as messed up as that might normally sound, it's the truth." "I know," Xander sighed. Could he be that brave? As brave as Angel? ~When the world turns upside down, nothing to do but ride the wave...~ "I- I love you too. There. I've said it. Said the one thing I never imagined saying..." He looked around and then back, "No lightning. No world endage. Not that I'm sure we'd notice right now. So, it must be true. I love you." Angel cocked his head. "You're right. No sirens either, weird." He smiled a touch shyly at Xander. "I guess this is what happens next. This and getting you into bed before you fall over." Angel scooped Xander up into his arms again and walked to the bedroom. There was so much he wanted to shout from the rooftops right now. ~Spell interrupting a perfectly good brood too. What's a vamp to do? Jesus, I'm giddy! When was the last time I was giddy? Hmmm, never maybe.~ He laid Xander down on the bed. "We've got a lot to figure out, but Plan B doesn't start until tomorrow, okay?" Stroking Xander's hair again, Angel smiled. "Rubdown or sleep?" "Right, Plan B... Tomorrow," Xander nodded. He wasn't sure if the happiness, the pure joy, pulsing inside him was from Angel or himself. ~Woah. Roller coaster on the upswing!~ Chuckling, Xander tilted his head to look into Angel's eyes. "Rubdown, sleep, or maybe you'd like to trade it in for what's behind Curtain #1?" he murmured, eyes sparkling. "Curtain...?" Angel stared, "There's a Curtain #1?" He knew he must look like an idiot, totally gobsmacked by the gleam in Xander's eyes. "You sure you're up to curtains?" "Well, maybe not hanging curtains," Xander laughed, "But drapes and..." He grabbed Angel's hand and slid it down his body, reintroducing Mr Hand to Mr Happy. "Rods. Yeah, I think I'm *up* for it. What do you think?" Xander couldn't believe he'd just said that. Just did what he did... He dropped his eyes shyly... ~Oh boy.~ Angel's mouth snapped shut so fast his teeth clicked. Xander was being playful, being naughty... being hard. He stroked Xander's erection lightly and used his other hand to tilt the downcast face up. "I think that sounds like the best plan of all." He placed a nibbling kiss on Xander's cupid's bow mouth. Starting to stretch out, he remembered his pants. He shucked them quickly and laid down next to Xander, reveling in the feel of his lover's warm flesh. Angel's hand returned to Xander's cock. "Hmm yep, definitely up for it." "Yeah," Xander moaned, and arched into Angel's hands. It felt so good. To be touched... Even more so, it felt so good to give in and stop fighting his feelings. His needs. He slid a hand around Angel's neck and pulled the vampire's face to his. "I want you," he said, clearly and evenly, before he smashed their mouths together. Tongue and teeth, he poured all the passion Angel stirred in him into that kiss. He couldn't lie to Angel, and at least for this moment, he was done lying to himself. Reality had shifted, and it was time to, if not accept it, at least investigate the perks. Angel let himself get carried away in the fire of Xander's words, his kisses. No fear or danger now, just the writhing body of his lover beside him. It shook Angel to the core and he groaned deep in his chest. His hands roamed, exploring Xander's body now that he had time. He rubbed the flat plane of Xander's belly, enjoying the contrast the dark path of hair made against the soft skin. His nails lightly scratched up the newly toned chest to pinch and roll peaked nipples. His kisses moved along Xander's jaw to the fresh bite marks on the arched throat. His tongue laved them, swirling around the throbbing pulse there. With a sharp bark of pleasure, Xander pressed his throat to Angel's mouth. If anyone had told him he'd ache to be bitten by a vampire, he'd have called them a damn liar and probably slugged them. Now, all he could do was tremble and moan under the onslaught of Angel's hands, mouth and body. A body pressing him back into the mattress. A mouth and tongue making the bite mark on his throat throb with pleasure. Hands... Hands that were everywhere lighting his skin up with electric shocks. He wanted to touch back, to wrap himself in Angel and make the other man shake. But the traumatized muscles of his legs wouldn't obey his commands. Hands though, his hands moved like lightning, jagged and frenzied, he dug into the muscular shoulders, delved into the strong back, and finally one rested on the mark he, Xander, had left on Angel's throat. A mark still ragged, healing but not disappearing. He had marked Angel. With a moan, he thumbed the jagged wound with a nail. Angel growled and damn near came right then, Xander's scratch sending near blinding pleasure through him. He raised up and kissed Xander savagely, teeth clashing once more. Right here, right now, Angel wasn't sure if he would ever get enough of Xander. He couldn't touch enough, couldn't kiss enough, couldn't *feel* enough. He moved on top of Xander, arms moving to either side of his head. For a moment, Angel was still, just savoring the look on Xander's face. "I want you too," he whispered, and dove in for another hard kiss, letting his hips roll. He didn't want this to be vicious, but everything was so intense it was hard to maintain control. "Gettin' that," Xander gasped out rapid fire between strong, passionate kisses. "You wanting me. Gettin' that." He couldn't help but get it. It flowed through him physically, mentally, and emotionally. It made him dizzy... higher than a lemur on crack. What made him higher, though, was the answering surge of want, desire, and love inside him for Angel. He'd never felt this way for anyone, and spell be damned... He couldn't get enough of it. Xander pressed himself back into the mattress and spread his arms out wide to his sides. Never one for half measures, he smiled and offered himself to Angel, "Yours." Angel pushed up on his arms and gave Xander a wicked grin. "Mine," he agreed in a growl. Then he bent and licked a path across Xander's chest, biting each nipple. He continued up, sucking lightly at his mark again. Nibbling his way to Xander's ear, he whispered, "Yours." He was never going to let Xander forget that, no matter what. No one was going to take this away. Putting his weight on one elbow, he traced Xander's ecstatic face with one hand. He trailed two fingers over swollen lips. "Suck them," he rasped out. "Mine," Xander whispered as he sucked Angel's fingers into his mouth. For a moment he was confused. Unsure of what he was suppose to do. Mentally he shrugged and decided to treat the fingers like he would a nipple. Pretend they were Angel's nipples. He wasn't ready for the more obvious parallel. ~You've already taken his dick up your ass, and simulated cock sucking makes you uncomfortable?~ He shouted at the voice in his head to shut up, and started to concentrate. Sucking at Angel's fingers hard. Swirling his tongue around the meaty digits. Racking his teeth against the knuckles. "That's it. Nice and wet," Angel groaned, removing his fingers with an audible pop. He sucked on them himself, adding his spit to the mix. Shifting a bit more, he reached down with them and, pushing Xander's legs open further with his knees, pressed one slowly into Xander's tight entrance. Xander was still a bit slick inside from earlier, providing just a bit more maddening wet heat. ~Slow, slow, slow. We've got time now.~ Twisting and thrusting, Angel added his other spit coated finger, watching Xander's face. "God, you're beautiful," he whispered, crooking his knuckles. Xander had known where this was heading. Somewhere in his head, he had known, but still he wasn't ready. Wasn't ready for the finger that speared inside him. Wasn't ready for the second one. Or for how his muscles protested. Angel was gonna fuck him. He wanted to protest. It had hurt so much the first time... Even with the spell. But somewhere he had know this was what was going to happen. Had offered it to Angel, blithely. He bit his lip, trying to relax, and then Angel did that thing with his fingers. That thing that made his eyesight explode and his body jerk like a fish on a hook. In a good way... That good thing. "Oh God!" Angel smiled. Now he knew he could take this slow and easy. Show Xander it didn't have to be painful and quick. Leave him wanting it again. "Nice and easy, Xander," he said, kissing the side of his neck. "Doesn't have to hurt." He worked his fingers slowly, scissoring them, stroking that tiny, hard spot as often as he could. Sliding down, he nuzzled Xander's cock. "Want you to enjoy this," he murmured against the thin skin. Wetting his lips, he sucked the leaking cock into his mouth, moving in time with his buried fingers. Xander's eyes rolled back into his head, which was okay. It wasn't as if he could actually see anything with the fireworks exploding in his head. He didn't have blood in his veins any more, he was sure of it. No, he had lightning, which crackled and buzzed in time with the bobbing mouth on his cock and those evil, evil, fingers. He arched and thrashed against Angel. Almost mindless babbling nonsense words. Using his elbows, Angel held Xander down as best he could. It was getting hard to separate his feelings from Xander's now, all of them merging into one overwhelming ball of pleasure. He concentrated, though, taking Xander deeper and deeper into his mouth. Applying suction, pressure, and a light scrape of teeth. His fingers never stopped, spreading, moving in and out, preparing the place he longed to bury his cock in. It seemed like forever and a night, that Xander had been played out under Angel's ministrations. Forever and a night, the pleasure crested and receded like the tide pulled by the moon. Always close, but never quite near enough. So caught in those tides, Xander didn't notice his body starting to move in rhythm with Angel, thrusting back on to the fingers and up into the cool wicked mouth, seeking more. Seeking to crest and smash upon the shore finally. He was desperate now, moaning and begging wordlessly, and still when it came, when he came, it caught him by surprise. A white blinding light that burned away his senses- Xander screamed. Angel froze and tried not to swallow. A little slipped down his throat anyway, taking the sweet-salty taste of Xander down. When Xander stilled at last, Angel carefully sat back on his knees. He let the cum in his mouth flow onto one palm and slicked it over his cock. Blood, cum, it all worked for the task at hand. Bits of life to make love so much easier. He licked his lips, swallowing the rest. Damn, Xander tasted good, full of life and vigor. Positioning himself, he removed his other hand and took hold of Xander's hips, raising them to his waist. "Xander, look at me." When the dazed eyes focused on his, Angel slid in with exaggerated care. "I love you." Xander whimpered, not quite comprehending the words, but intrinsically grasping the feelings flooding through the bond. Dazed and confused. The force of that orgasm had left him dazed and confused, and unable to connect things. Words to meanings. Sound to words. He couldn't decide if his skin felt too tight or too loose. Almost like it wasn't his own, and yet he'd never felt more at home with it. More relaxed. More euphoric. His head sank back into the pillow and Xander moaned lowly. ~Lemures on crack had no clue... Maybe lemures on smack.~ He giggled. Where the giggle came from, Angel had no clue. What he did know was Xander looked and felt nearly puddled from relaxation. He smiled back and then gasped as he felt himself sink all the way in. Completely surrounded by pulsing, soft heat, loosening just enough around his cock. He sat there, shaking for a moment, traces of Xander's orgasm still skating across his mind. Then, crooning nonsense under his breath, he hooked Xander's knees to keep the tired limbs in place, and leaned forward. Slowly he began to thrust. Xander's eyes widened in shock. Angel was fucking him! When the hell had that happened?! And where the hell was he?! Amazement followed quickly on the coattails of shock. It didn't hurt. Not like before. It wasn't without discomfort, but nothing like the sharp stabbing of before. Some of the tension he hadn't even realized was building, released. He wasn't so out of it that he couldn't realize how slow and gentle Angel was taking him. Almost tenderly. It wasn't so bad. Strange, but not bad. He could do this, and if Angel hit that spot- Xander's head snapped back, as he instinctually bucked into the stroke, trying to draw out the explosive contact. "Yesssss!" Grasping Xander's hips tighter, Angel continued his slow rhythm. It was exquisite torture for himself and, hopefully, Xander. He turned his head and rubbed his cheek against one of Xander's knees, relishing the feel of his lover. ~Mine. Damn. His. Oh hell. I'm used to it already?~ He looked down at Xander, flushed and gorgeous. ~Yeah, yeah I am.~ Bending closer, he rested his forehead on Xander's chest and just loved him with body and strange old soul. All that concern. All that love. Funneled through Xander with Angel's tender touches, humming along the bond. All that careful control. In all his life, Xander never imagined he'd be in this position... Not with anyone, much less Angel. Bent almost in two, his legs pushed wide to accommodate a wider heavier body, pinned to the mattress. Spread wide and open, unable to do anything but take it. Take Angel. Take Angel into his body, soul, and heart. It felt good. No, better than good. He felt good. Complete. And if he was honest with no one but himself, he never felt this way with anyone, about anything really, spell or not. It made his heart burn and his body sing. ~Oh God, is this what love really is?~ One of his hands unfroze from its position at his side and wound itself into Angel's hair, rubbing at the sable mass. Suddenly, Xander knew shame. Angel was giving and giving. All his love, care and worship to Xander, and all he was doing was laying there. Taking. He wanted to give... "Love you. Let go. Take what you need. Let me give that to you... I Love you, Angel." Angel bit his lip and picked up his pace a bit. "Oh... God... Xander..." There used to be a time he could do this all night, never pausing, never breaking stride. Maybe the occasional change of partners, or a fresh victim. Now, though, with Xander writhing under him, touching him, being part of him, he wasn't going to last another minute, much less the rest of the night. He held out as long as he could, making each thrust count. Shock waves ripped through him, lighting up his nerves as he came, dimly aware he was screaming Xander's name. Xander screamed at the ferocity of Angel's orgasm slammed into his mind. Colors blurred, but lost none of their intensity. Everything just seemed to run together like melting plastic. They weren't just joined. No, Angel and Xander ceased to be, they were one creature in that split second, howling in pleasure, joy, and completeness. They were whole. Vertigo made Angel slam his hands down on the bed, seeking balance. Everything had shifted, tilting over an edge he couldn't see. He stared, wide-eyed, down at himself... no, Xander. Bright, beautiful Xander, panting and quivering under him. For a moment, he'd lost himself, but was lifted by the strong sense of oneness they now shared. His mouth opened once, twice, but he couldn't find words to say. Anything would have sounded pale in comparison. He settled for kissing Xander breathless as he slid out, gathering Xander close and rolling to his side. As quick as that moment of oneness came, the separation into their own minds hit Xander just as fast. Though not completely, never completely alone, never again. Exhausted, Xander lay there occasionally twitching as the aftershocks ground their way out of his body. They lay there holding each other, silently. Xander had never been good with silent, never comfortable with it, but there seemed to be nothing to say at the moment. ~Neat-o.~ Too juvenile. ~Wow.~ Too belittling. ~Can we do that again?~ Waaaaaaay too optimistic. Silent was good. Silent was okay. He smiled into Angel's broad chest. Angel pressed a kiss to Xander's still slightly damp and very mussed hair. Using one hand, he treaded out the tangles. It felt good to just lay here, not fearing Angelus, quiet for once, roaring out. Not worrying about having to dash somewhere before dawn. Not having to care about anything but the man in his arms. Again, he thought of Spike and Riley. Would they, or had they, reached this point? Could either of them accept this beyond Hellmouth bizarre turn of events? He didn't know much about Riley, other than he didn't like him... Hm... he didn't like Spike that much now either. A chuckle rumbled up from his chest. Oh those two were in for a surprise. Xander shifted his gaze, and raised an inquiring eyebrow. "Something humorous, Chuckles?" Angel thwipped Xander's shoulder with a finger. Trust the boy to not forget. "Just thinking about Spike and Riley. Wondering how that overly macho twosome is dealing with this." "Well, you said Riley was still alive... So they did the deed." Xander tried not to smile. ~It's not funny! Oh come on, yes, it is... If any one has the right to find it funny. I do... Er, and Angel.~ "Oh man," Xander started laughing, "Spike and Riley. Riley and Spike. Probably trying to kill each other- Even though they can't... Oh my God, betcha that's what they're using for foreplay." Angel laughed. "Fairly typical Spike foreplay actually." He could see Spike's face, all screwed up as he tried to deny there was anything resembling feelings involved. Maybe they could get Willow to take a picture of the happy couple. He sure as hell wasn't asking Buffy. Oh... oh crap. ~She has to be crushed by this. I hope Giles and Willow are there for her. What am I thinking, of course they are. Just don't know how much that will help.~ He probed his heart, searching for the Buffy spot that used to be there. It still was... as a friend. Maybe not a close friend, that sort of came with the 'get over this' aspect they had, but still a friend. "And you would know that *how*?" Xander's eyes narrowed and his smile faded. There was an edge to his voice. An edge he refused to recognize. ~Spike and Angel? Deadboy and the Blonde Menace. I'll kill him!~ Xander's jealousy hit Angel like a ton of bricks. "Xander, I made him. Well, Drusilla started it, but damn near killed him. I sorta finished the job. So I know." He shifted under the intense stare. "It was a long time ago, I swear. Before I met you... wait... before your grandparents were born. Old history, okay?" ~I feel like I got caught with lipstick on my collar!~ "Woah... I yi yi yi. " Xander took a deep breath, and struggled back into control. He was jealous. Insanely, vampire killing jealous. Of Spike. It was so silly that it was stupid. ~Buffy. Now she should make me feel that way. And she doesn't. Okay. One more confusion to add to the list.~ He shook his head and smiled wryly. "Sorry. I have no idea where that came from. One green eyed monster back in the box." Angel chuckled again and hugged Xander close. "It's okay. Has to be the Bond thing. Kinda makes me wonder who I'll get all growly over." He planted a kiss on Xander's forehead. "You're gonna get growly? Over me? Wow..." Xander relaxed back into Angel's embrace. Somehow, Angel getting jealous over him made it okay. ~Weird.~ "Yeah, that I don't doubt. Some one's gonna look too long at your butt and I'm gonna get all ggrrr. Well, maybe not gameface sorta ggrrr. Unless it's another vampire or demon. Or lawyer," Angel said. He fished up the covers and tucked them around their comfortable sprawl. "You need sleep, by the way." He yawned. "And apparently so do I." "Hmmmmmm," Xander murmured, and closed his eyes. Closed his eyes but couldn't find sleep. All the changes, all the recent events, were running around his brain like a small annoying dog. A small annoying yappy dog. A small annoying undead yappy dog. Because it wouldn not die! ~Oh crap!~ There was something else... How could he forget something so important! So vital! Xander opened his eyes and ran his hand down Angel's arm. "Angel?" No answer. "Angel." Silence. "Deadboy!" He poked Angel, "Jeeze, be a guy much? Wake up Deadboy." Angel opened one eye. "You gonna keep calling me that?" He yawned again. "What?" "Yeah, probably." Xander grinned, then grew serious. Deadly serious. "I'm hungry!" he whined. The End