The Site
The revamped version of the BtVS
Writers' Guild was designed in March 2001 by Kate Bolin and Lar
Diehl, with assistance by Angel Negra, Dolores Labouchere, Ellen,
and others.
It was created using the following items:
Adobe Photoshop 4.0
Dreamweaver MX
Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator
It is currently residing on the
site, which is hosted by an Apache server owned by the fine people
at Ventures
The BtVS Writers' Guild is
viewable on most browsers, save the earliest that may not accept
the tables. If you have any accessibility problems, please mail
us with your concern.
Link to us.
© 2001 a co-production of Dymphna.Net
and eterniata. Don't steal
our design, and we'll love you forever.