Organized by author
- Amberina
- In The Night
- Nothing matters when Oz is in his arms. PG-13
- Amy
- (maybe cross the country become a rock star)
- Giles, Oz, Cordelia, and the American Air Guitar Championships. PG-13
- Amz
- Clock
- Giles, Oz, and settling in. PG
- Faded
- Giles, Oz, and a small club. PG
- Finding
- Giles and Oz find each other and themselves. PG
- Mine
- Giles is Oz's and Oz is Giles's. PG
- Pause
- Giles, Oz, and a brief pause before change. PG
- Picture This
- Giles pictures a return. PG
- This
- This brings Giles to him. PG
- Within
- Oz watches Giles. PG
- Branwyn
- Boys Of Summer (In Their Ruin)
- "There is no reason for Oz to be here." PG
- Caerie
- Empty Chairs At Empty Tables
- Oz returns to Sunnydale to discover that only one of his cohorts has survived. PG
- Dolores Labouchere
- Across The Universe
- Giles and Oz remember the fifth of November. PG
- Bubble Bath
- Giles is having a bath, and it's perfect. PG-13
- Don't Go Up There
- Buffy gets a surprise at Giles' apartment. PG-13
- Forgive Us Our Debts
- Repayment need not be painful, but it can be interesting. R
- Nine Songs
- Giles, Oz, and the music. PG
- Page 57, Third Row, Second In
- "Before he turned up in Sunnydale, the last time Giles had seen Ethan was in the Rune, so it should have been less surprising than it was when he saw Oz sitting cross-legged in the corner, engrossed in a text on Egyptian necromancy." NC-17
- Snowflakes
- Two enjoy the show. PG
- Wild Is The Wind
- Giles needs to re-evaluate his relationship with Oz. PG
- Dormouse
- Big Beat From Badsville
- Giles, Oz, vague flirting, drugs, and rock'n'roll. PG-13
- Glossolalia
- Autumn Sweater
- "Now that it's colder, Oz wears his blue lambswool sweater every day." G
- The Baleful, Ingenious, and Curious Memory-Theater of One Ethan Rayne
- "Oz is drifting on warm yellow-flannel clouds of almost-sleep when the phone rings." R
- Bottomless Cheer, Endless Kisses
- Christmas, eggnog, and trouble. PG
- The Case Of The Caribbean Bubbly
- The adventures of Bert, Ozzie, Betty, and zombies in 1930s New York. R
- Coming True
- "It is not that the beautiful totality of the individual is amputated, repressed, altered by the social order; it is rather that the individual is carefully fabricated in it." Harvests are beginnings, too. R
- Compassing Wonders
- Verona Beach holds more than one creature. R
- Deixis
- Here and now: they're words that need context. NC-17
- Lost In Chinatown
- Why are we hiding from our friends? PG
- mono/chrome
- "Oz gets confused easily." PG
- Not Unlike Blushing In A Pleasant Face
- Pomegranates, album collections, and merging. PG
- Other Fish
- Giles comes home early. Smut ensues. NC-17
- Pale Brows, Still Hands, And Dim Hair
- "Shouldn't you be celebrating? Why aren't you smiling?" PG-13
- Restricted Supplement to the Watcher's Guide, Concerning Amatory Matters
- She's pretty sure that there must be all kinds of wrongness associated with making out with your Watcher's boyfriend. NC-17
- Scenes From The Floating World
- Courtship takes its own time. R
- A Wolf, Leaping
- "Something involving big dogs, Oz with a wolf tattoo, and Giles." NC-17
- You & Me & The Moon
- "I'm a little bit shy, you're easy on the eye" NC-17
- Carded
- Oz finds the library. Book Of Daniel. R
- 7'23"
- Hanging with Oz at the library. Book Of Daniel. NC-17
- The Garage Sound
- Live! Tonight! Dingoes at the Bronze! Book Of Daniel. NC-17
- Analogs
- Oz is strikingly fond of kitchens. Book Of Daniel. NC-17
- Banging Into Floats
- Improvisation takes several different forms. Book Of Daniel. NC-17
- Coelacanths And Camphor
- Flea-market finds and questions of extinction. Book Of Daniel. NC-17
- Something That Means Something
- Asking too many questions, both weird and rude. Book Of Daniel. NC-17
- Slouching Towards Labor Day
- Time's like this endless cord, but watch out for the pruning shears. Book Of Daniel. NC-17
- In The 550s
- Geology is the study of the solid matter of a world. Book Of Daniel. NC-17
- Gone Garbo
- "But neither a priest nor an ordinary man of this world was I, for I wavered ceaselessly like a bat that passes for a bird at one time and for a mouse at another" Book Of Daniel. NC-17
- Hth
- Gonzo Sunset
- Giles realizes who has been ignored. Lux Vivens. R
- Moonlight And Van Helsing
- Giles and Oz share a Christmas unseasonably. Lux Vivens. R
- Buzzed
- Giles visits Oz's apartment for the first time. Lux Vivens. NC-17
- Ins
- Silver Rocket
- Oz wonders about Giles. PG-13
- jadelennox
- Stupid In The Sun He Lies
- "Giles has moved his comfortable chair out here to the main table so he can keep an eye on the wolf while he works." PG
- Jane Davitt
- Marmalade Toast
- "Marmalade toast and a marmalade cat..." G
- Quiet, Please
- "Giles knows perfectly well that his hangover is his fault..." NC-17
- Shifting Like Sand
- "Like a child shoehorned by a thrifty mother into last year's winter coat, he finds himself forced into behaviours he thought long overgrown, embracing them with the fervour of the newly-converted." NC-17
- WIth A Final Backward Glance At Eurydice
- "'I've never seen you lose your temper like that,' Giles says." PG
- Juniper
- Apocatastasis
- Oz has only one hope for salvation — Giles. R
- Less Than Temporary
- Oz covers Giles with a lack of permanence. PG-13
- Kate
- Album Collection
- "Either I'm borrowing all your albums or I'm moving in." G
- And The Band's Name Is
- Oz has a new band. Giles knows one thing about it. G
- Baked
- "Okay, most people would make a joke about drugs now, but, seriously, truly, he liked to bake." G
- The Big House
- Giles, Oz, Xander, and Wesley are arrested. Oops. PG-13
- The Collection
- Giles and Oz do what all couples do — merge a collection. PG
- Forgetting Lessons Learned
- Giles should have learned his lesson with Olivia. G
- Life During Wartime
- Giles and Oz, brief moments between battles in the Wishverse. PG
- Over Swedish Meatballs
- Giles and Oz buy curtains. Devon finds out something else. PG-13
- Postcard Collection
- Giles had one particular collection. G
- Sarongs And Memories
- Giles is invited to Oz's pool party. PG-13
- Sleeping
- Despite the noise, Oz could sleep. G
- Sweet Head
- Giles and Oz share a moment. PG
- Venus In Fur
- The gang remembers the day Oz came back. PG
- KindKit
- Approximations
- The telephone almost brings them together. PG-13
- Calluses And Scars
- "Every time, it hurts." G
- Dear Boy
- "There are words Giles doesn't use..." G
- Dismantle The Sun
- It's not that Giles is waiting. PG-13
- Not Like The Movies
- "In porn, it's never this messy." NC-17
- Pacific Coast Highway
- "All night Oz drives north." G
- Packing Up
- "Giles' life needs to fit into a 20'x20' steel crate." PG
- Perseverance
- "Three mornings a month Giles wakes very early." PG-13
- The Purpose Of Photographs
- All afternoon he's been pinpricked with anticipation. PG-13
- Singing And Other Nice Things
- Giles knows lots of stuff. NC-17
- Truck Stop
- "They've never dared go to a restaurant together." G
- Unaccommodated Man
- Of monsters and men. NC-17
- Unmaking
- The torturer has everything now. PG
- Wednesday Afternoon
- Something's going to happen today. PG-13
- Wild Nights
- "On the nights he spends alone, Giles longs for storms." G
- Words And Flesh
- "They never used to read in bed." PG
- The Wrong Ending
- "This is the wrong ending." PG
- Linnearity
- Not So As You'd Notice
- "It turns out Oz has this thing about boats." PG
- Marginalia
- Library Science Jargon That Sounds Dirty
- "Giles walls himself in, day by day, one dusty book at a time." PG
- Northern Lad
- "He never really had Oz." G
- The Piano Has Been Drinking
- "He can't find Daniel with a Geiger counter and the piano has been drinking." PG
- Till I Break
- "He is well trained." PG
- Meagan
- Payment In Kind
- Oz makes good use of Giles' vinyl collection. PG
- Pointless
- Oz comes to a realization. Luckily, Giles is there to help him. NC-17
- Meg
- Brave New World
- What a world Oz lives in. R
- The Last Time
- "When he shows up on the doorstep, it's a surprise." R
- One Such Story
- "Most nights in bed, when the sheets collected in small breaking waves around their ankles..." PG-13
- Run-On
- "Oz had never really considered Latin sexy..." NC-17
- Neena
- An American Werewolf In Westbury
- There's a bad naughty moon rising... NC-17
- Princess Twilite
- Glance
- A moment on the other side of Oz. A moment on the inside. PG-13
- Glimpse
- A moment unguarded. PG-13
- Priya
- Everybody's Got A Secret, Sonny
- You are not a good man. NC-17
- Prophecy Girl
- Freakish
- Tara, Oz, and Giles help Dawn figure out who she is. PG
- Puca Dentata
- Viral Misery
- Oz returns to Giles not well at all. R
- Sarah T.
- Carpe Diem
- Oz keeps panicking. PG
- Compensation
- Giles tries to barter. PG-13
- Messengers Of Grey
- Oz prowls in London. R
- Til It Bleeds Daylight
- Giles. Oz. The Wishverse. "People have tried." R
- Selena Ulrich
- Twisted Partings
- Oz searches for a new life. R
- Sheila Perez
- Bleeding By Numbers
- Giles and Oz had something, once. PG
- Daylight Fading
- Oz and Giles had something, once. Companion piece to Bleeding By Numbers. PG
- Space And Time
- Oz plans to leave town, but before he can go, Giles has to talk to him. PG
- World Without End
- In an alternate universe, Oz is owned. Body, heart, and soul. R
- Te
- Strength
- Oz searches for a new way. NC-17
- Fall
- Oz comes back for Giles. Traveler. NC-17
- Family
- Boundaries and ground rules are laid. Traveler. NC-17
- Proscenium
- Daylight and twilight with vampires. Traveler. NC-17
- Synaptic
- Oz exists in the in-between. Traveler. NC-17
- Hail, Hail
- The importance of a well-rounded education. Traveler. NC-17
- Bound
- The consequences. Traveler. NC-17
- Trekker
- In Quiet Moments
- Two people come together. G
- Viviane
- Animal Instincts
- Oz wakes up one morning wanting more. NC-17
- Wax Jism
- I Belong To You
- Giles owns more than just his bed. NC-17
- Vera
- A Home Coming
- Giles returns home. R