written by Kate Bolin and last edited on 09/23/04
- What does UCSL stand for?
- UCSL is short for "Unconventional Relationshippers ('shippers)
- What is an "unconventional relationship?"
- An unconventional relationship is a romantic/sexual
relationship that is NOT canon on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or
"Angel" at the time the story is set. Willow/Oz, Xander/Cordelia,
Buffy/Angel, and Willow/Tara are (or were) canon. Examples of
unconventional relationships would be Willow/Giles, Xander/Angel,
Buffy/Faith, etc.
- What is the UCSL list?
- It's a fanfiction list devoted to any unconventional
relationship. Slash (homosexual/homoromantic/homoerotic) and
heterosexual fiction is gladly welcome.
- Are there any requirements for joining?
- Subscribers MUST be over the age of majority in the place they
live. In the United States, the age of majority is 18. This list
commonly includes adult material, and while we know that preventing
minors from reading this material is practically impossible, we do
have to cover ourselves by getting people to send in an age
statement. You don't have to give your real name, you don't have to
give your full birthdate -- all we ask is that you're over 18.
- How do I get on/off this list?
- On:
Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ucsl/.
Click on "Join this community," and wait for the emailed
instructions on sending an age statement.
Or send email to ucsl-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
and wait for the emailed instructions on sending in an age
Once you send in your age statement, you'll be subscribed to
Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ucsl/join?referer=1.
Click on the "leave group" button.
Or send email to ucsl-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
Any other list-related problems:
Yahoo Groups' help page is at http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/groups/.
- What do I do if there's too much email?
- If the amount of email is getting to be too much, you have
several options.
One, you can set the list to DIGEST. This means that you'll get one
email from UCSL every day. While this does save on the amount of
email, the digest will be long, possibly too long to download.
Two, you can set the list to NO MAIL. You're still subscribed, but
you receive no mail from the list. This is good for when you have
to go on vacation or something like that. If you want to see how
the list is doing, you can read the UCSL archives at YahooGroups
or you can join ucsl-announce, which gives you the list of fics
archived each week.
Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ucsl-announce/
for details.
- What can I post?
- Fanfiction, obviously. Also advertisements for your new
BtVS/Angel-related site or mailing list.
- What can't I post (general)?
- Chain letters, including Get Rich Quick, virus warnings, etc.
If you're going to forward ANYTHING, make sure to remove ALL the
excessive headers.
No public flames or public bashing of characters/ideas/etc.
No attachments. UCSL is specifically set to deny any messages with
attachments, so it's not going to get through no matter what you
No whining about the lack of interest in your
No administrative questions to the list. If it involves the
technical aspects of the list or the site, it should be sent to the
listowner at ucsl@dymphna.net
Do NOT post more than SIX posts a day. This includes sections of
stories, complete stories, anything. Each post will be counted, and
each post will be counted against you. SIX A DAY. Total.
- What can't I post (fic-related)?
- No canon relationship fic. This means that the characters can
NOT be dating at the time the story is set. This includes Buffy/Angel
up until "Graduation 2," Willow/Oz until "Wild At Heart,"
Willow/Tara after "New Moon Rising," and Xander/Cordelia until
"Lover's Walk," plus others. Canon relationships can be in the
background of the story, but they can NOT be the main focus of the
No archive fic. Whenever the characters on the show either mention
something you've done, something you have to complain about, or
talk to you personally about your life -- that's archive fic. This
includes apologies, website reviews, fanfiction requests, etc. It
is crass commercialism and will NOT be tolerated on UCSL.
No reposting of fic. Please check the UCSL archive (http://www.dymphna.net/ucsl/archive/)
and the YahooGroups archive (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ucsl/messages/)
before posting.
- What's the process for posting fic?
- First, CORRECT ANY TECHNICAL ERRORS. This means spelling,
grammar, and punctuation.
Double-check your story for any "smart punctuation." When you save in
Microsoft Word or WordPerfect, save as TEXT ONLY.
Make sure your mail program is set specifically to TEXT ONLY.
Use a beta reader. A beta reader is anyone who will look over your
story to check the content and point out any possible errors. A quick
post to the list saying "Hi, I wrote this fic, and I need beta
readers," will more than likely get you several people wanting to
see what you have.
- What about the size of my fic?
- If your story is OVER 30k, break it into sections. Find a spot in
your story where you can split it into two (or more) emails, and
post your story in sections.
When you do this, your story MUST be numbered in parts. The subject
line of your emails should be:
Subject: Title 1/_
The blank is the number of sections your story is in.
Remember -- do not post more than six parts per day!
- What do I post?
- Once you feel like your story is ready, set it up as follows (*
indicates a MUST HAVE):
The subject line should be "Title, part _/_."
In the body of the message, have first:
*TITLE: Title of the story. Indicate part what of what (like 1/1,
5/253, 4/?)
*AUTHOR: Who wrote it.
*EMAIL: An email address so that people can feedback you.
*SUMMARY: One or two sentences about the plot. This WILL be used in
the archive, so please make this sellable. You don't have to give
it all away, but a little warning would be helpful.
SPOILER WARNING: This is if it takes place after an episode that
hasn't aired in a particular area. Being that we're an international
community, it helps to list spoilers for episodes that have recently
aired in the US. Nothing elaborate, just the basic "spoilers for ___."
*RATING: What you think the story should be rated. Err on the side of
the higher rating.
*DISCLAIMER: These characters aren't yours and we know it, so
please give credit where credit is due.
An example is: "The characters are the property of Joss Whedon,
Mutant Enemy, Kuzui, Sandollar, and David Greenwalt Productions,
20th Century Fox, and whoever else may have a hold upon them. The
situation is wholly mine, and I do not mean to infringe upon any
NOTES: Anything you have to say about the story, feedback requests,
dedications, etc.
And then your story
- What happens after I post my story?
- Hopefully, you will get feedback.
The story itself will go up on the UCSL archive. This stands for ALL
stories posted to the list, unless you SPECIFICALLY work out a
situation with the listowner before you post. Otherwise, sorry, you
shouldn't have posted.
This holds true for after you unsubscribe as well. If you've posted, it
goes on the archive. And, no, it's not removed.
- Why hasn't my story been archived?
- It may be that it isn't complete. Stories are not archived until they
are complete.
- It may be because you did not number it properly. If
it's a part of a series, you need to number it according to the
story, not the series. In the subject line, you should have: Fic:
Small World 1/1, not: Fic: Small World (Dead Man) 1/20.
It may also have been because it came after the cut-off time of the
week. Check the messages at YahooGroups and see if your story comes
after the last story archived.
You may have broken a rule on the UCSL FAQ. Please re-read this FAQ
before complaining.
If you feel that your story doesn't fit under any of these
conditions, email the listowner at ucsl@dymphna.net.
- I don't want to join the list, but I want my fiction archived.
How do I do this?
- If you are not subscribed to the list or do not send it via
someone subscribed to the list, your fiction will NOT be archived.
Do NOT send it to ucsl@dymphna.net in any shape or form. It will be
automatically deleted.
- What happens if I don't follow this FAQ?
- The first time, you'll be given a warning and told to re-read
the FAQ. If you refuse to follow the FAQ again, your posts will be
moderated until you can prove that you will follow the FAQ.
There will be no discussion over this.
- If I have any questions, who do I ask?
- Email the UCSL listowner at ucsl@dymphna.net.