because we always need that little something-something
This is for a variety of things that we see and love. Plenty of links, a few articles, a few more random things, because we just love Oz.
The Universal TOOL
An essay by Professor Dolores Labouchere of the Laconic Organisation for Obscure Sexual Exposition (LOOSE)
Psycho Or Sultry?
Dolores Labouchere and Kate Bolin go through a variety of Seth Green photos in an attempt to determine the line between sexy and menacing.
What Underwear Is He Wearing?
Haven't you ever wondered what Oz is wearing under those baggy pants? Dolores Labouchere and Kate Bolin identify his knicker-related hits or misses.
Gay, Bisexual, or Eclectic?
Which support group should Oz be attending? Dolores Labouchere and Kate Bolin investigate.
Ozlic Normality
Why do we stick Oz into the strangest of situations? Dolores Labouchere investigates.
There are actually a lot of really good Oz sites out there. And we'd be foolish not to love them and respect them here and now. So:
Monosyllabic Eccentricity
Nice fanfiction site devoted to the wonders of Oz.
diminished ninth
A very good looking (but, sadly, rarely updated) Oz archive. Plenty of delicious fic for all you Oz fans.
Giles/Oz archive. Because he's so obviously shacked up with Giles. Why else did Giles buy the store?
Incredibly Pale
Angel/Oz archive. It's not just the paleness, it's the brooding and the silence and all the good things.
A general Oz archive, filled with everything from Oz/Angel to Oz/Willow.
The all-encompassing BtVS/Ats archive -- loads of Oz goodness.
Unconventional Relationshippers
The archive devoted to any and all unconventional pairing. Plenty of Oz.
There are also some stories that we love, but we can't put on here for a variety of reasons, everything from it not really being Ozslash to not being able to contact the author. So we link them from here:
The Boy In The Bubble by Sarah T.
Carpe Diem by Sarah T.
"The Fairest Of Them All" by Mei Sui
Freak Show by Kate Bolin
Messengers Of Grey by Sarah T.
Our House by Puca Dentata
Proof by Velvetelvis
Two Ships Passing by Ins & Mark Bolt
Til It Bleeds Daylight by Sarah T.
Two's Company by Rowan
Wolfself by Rowan
The Le Lwa series by Kate Bolin
The Torch series by Kate Bolin & Sheila Perez
Finally, there are some lists that would love to see your Oz slash. If you feel like writing, why not hit:
Doesn't the name say it all?
The range is a bit wider, but still full of slash.
Obviously for Giles/Oz
For Angel/Oz
Sometimes a bit anti-slash, but chock full o' Oz
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