Funnel Cakes & Flying Monkeys Whether you're a Jedi Master, a Sith Lord, a hobbit, a Vulcan, or James Bond himself, there's something for you at our site. We have essays, quotes, fanfiction and more. All Andrew, all the time. |

"You are the perfect woman." "I've often thought so." |

Down With The Sickness
From a throwaway quote at the end of Season 6 comes a relationship few had considered up until that point. Down With The Sickness aims to explore this relationship and tries to piece together what may have happened between Warren and Andrew based on subtext. |

Inner Geekdom
Xander and Andrew. They both like comics, sci-fi and all things geeky. Not to mention they look great together. So why shouldn't they be involved as a couple? Stop on by to read some fic, revel in the perfectness that is Xandrew and get in touch with your inner geekdom! |
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