Cordeliana Do you love Cordelia Chase? Well, so do we. Cordeliana is your resource to knowing, loving, and writing the oh-so-snarky-and-glam Cordy in all of her multifaceted glory. |

Destined lovers? Maybe not, but that's half the fun of
Cordelia and Angel! Here at Bloodflowers, we offer resources to help you
write our favorite champions in a romantic or erotic setting, as well as
a high-quality fanfiction archive, beta readers, and many other features
all dedicated to the reading and writing of this nearly-canon 'ship. |

Yes. We've Enjoyed The Spanking!
Yes. We've Enjoyed the Spanking, is the internet's premiere Cordelia/Anya shipper site, with lots of information on the characters and actors. It also has reading and writing resources, and a little archive which is open for submissions, fanart and more Cordelia/Anya goodies. |

Fashionably Evil The femme fatale lawyer, and the not-so angelic seer - what could be sexier, or more fun? Nothing, we say. Here you'll find an open fanfiction archive, essays, beta readers, and many other resources, all dedicated to helping you write the pairing. |

Old School The place for shameless Cordelia/Xander nostalgia. Fanfiction, C/X quotes, resources -- all the trimmings for your favorite snarky couple. Come get a little Old School today! |
If you wish to apply for a Cordelia relationship
zone, please visit our application