"You are the perfect woman." "I've often thought so." |

Yes. We've Enjoyed The Spanking!
Yes. We've Enjoyed the Spanking, is the internet's premiere Cordelia/Anya shipper site, with lots of information on the characters and actors. It also has reading and writing resources, and a little archive which is open for submissions, fanart and more Cordelia/Anya goodies. |

Strawberry Schnapps
They bicker, they money dance, they torture Andrew... what's not to love? So if you're ever wondering the best way to corrupt America's teenage youth remember, strawberry schnapps taste just like real ice cream. |

Sweet Misery
"Who says total opposites can't connect? Sweet Misery is the world of an ex-Watcher and an ex-ex-EX-vengeance demon. Come inside to see what makes Giles and Anya click and join in on the unconventional love." |

On Need help writing
a story about a capitalist vengeance demon with rabbit
phobia shagging a recently ensouled neutered vampire?
You know you do! Moving On is here to help, beta readers,
essays, transcripts, fanfiction of many shapes and sizes
and most importantly a little demon loving, but of course,
not too much, because it isn't always about love!

They're powerful, sexy, vengeful and sinful. Whether demon, vampire, witch or normal teenager these two gals sure do go together. |
If you wish to apply for an Anya relationship zone,
please visit our application form.