Intense Red Copper
Red runs The Dye Bar, a regular haunt of not only Ruby
and Copper, but Misty
and Gothic also while away many a night
there, while Cola and Spice
are there virtually every night. She's a former lover of Ruby,
and happily friends now. She's business-savvy, and currently talking to
Ruby and Copper
about starting a restaurant within the bar.
Bleach Blonding
Blondy is the cute-assed, hopelessly gay, beauty-school-dropout bartender
of The Dye Bar. He has a quick wit and a complete taste for camp.
He occasionally sleeps with Cola, but
it's on a purely physical sort of level, helping his best bud along during
his crisis crush on Gothic.
Dark Red
Dark is the other bartender at The Dye Bar. Dark is an Executive
Transvestite (ref: Eddie Izzard), and always two things: A sarcastic comment
for anything, and an eye for the ladies.
Soft Black
A woman with a dark past. Just got out of prison for a crime no one dares
mention, Blackie is rough, tough, but with a heart of gold. Has a past
with Red that no one else knows about...and no one
is brave enough to ask.
True Gold
A regular at the Dye bar and Blondy's mom, Goldie
is spending her alimony with style at the poshiest shops in Rosewood.
Most of the time, she can be found in the Dye Bar, bothering Blondy
about finding a good man, settling down and taking care of his mother.