Midnight Mist
A vicious cruel woman with her heart set on walking the poshiest catwalks
in Europe. But right now she's a catalog model. Misty knows what she wants
and does absolutely anything to get it. She recently broke up with
Gothic, but it's all part of her scheme to make
her way to the top.
A tortured artistic trust-fund soul, Gothic has never had to worry about
anything. A relatively good person, he's easily led astray by his spoiled
upbringing, careless with anything, from his photography equipment on
the set of the latest catalog photo shoot, to other people's emotions.
He was dating Misty, who uses his photographic skills
to pad her portfolio, but is now dating Cola.
Cherry Cola
A highstrung artist, Cola has the talent and the grace to be one of the
most revered fashion designers in the world, but refuses to tame his avant
garde designs. Unfortunately, the bills have to be paid, so he is forced
to take a job designing faux high fashion for discount catalogs. Cola
is madly in love with one of the photographers around the discount fashion
scene, Gothic, but Gothic
only spends time with Cola to be there whenever Cola makes the fashion
Light Auburn Red
Young, naive, and always out for fun, Auburn didn't really understand
the difference between right and wrong -- and she paid the price.
Raven Sunset
Surprisingly down to earth for a model, Raven manages to combine elegance
with common sense, and as a result, will be doomed to a life of small-time
fashion shows and catalog work. She doesn't mind, though, because she
also has an eye for talent, and considers modeling young designer's works
to be the best thing she can do in her life.
Misty's sister Currant is living the life Misty
can only dream of: she's one of the highest paid models in the industry.
Although Currant doesn't have Misty's manipulative
skills, but more than makes up for it in diva attitude.
Cola's twin brother is everything Cola
isn't. Rum is sleazy, flashy, and a player, always surrounded by beautiful
women. He's a stylist and takes great pleasure in making the star of his
photo shoot the star of his next sexual exploit. And everyone will know
about it, because Rum loves to brag.
Auburn's boyfriend/drug dealer. Generally very sleazy,
but attractive enough to slide his way through life. A former model with
a long string of "girlfriends" behind him.
Red Ember
Miss Ember (as she's known to her models) is one of the best known modelling
agents in Rosewood. She was a high-fashion model in her teens, but the
high-fashion lifestyle of eating disorders and drugs soon took their toll
on her, and she spends more time trying to get her girls to live sensibly
instead of outrageously. Because of this, her models may not get the best
jobs, but they survive for a lot longer.