Secret Slasha – The Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel Slash Fanfiction Secret Santa Project
Secret Slasha – The Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel Slash Fanfiction Secret Santa Project

New Year's Resolutions
By Gillian
For JoJo

The new years resolutions of Wesley Whyndam Price. Confidential. Do not read. I mean it Cordelia.

  1. Do not allow Angel to revert to Angelus.
  2. Stop worrying about where I went wrong with Virginia.
  3. Must stop transporting myself to parallel dimensions with no way to return.
  4. Must not get fired.
  5. Must stop arguing with Cordelia.
  6. Stop admiring Gunn's rather nice brown eyes.
  7. And smile.
  8. And well defined chest.
  9. And smooth voice.
  10. And hands, and head, and sense of humour and honour, and bravery, and the way he handles an axe in battle excuse me for a moment.


Charles Gunns' New years promises.

  1. Try not to get arrested.
  2. Get new radiator for truck.
  3. Try not to get killed, maimed or all slimed up by demons.
  4. Don't let Angel near ANY weird-assed blonde chicks.
  5. Stop lusting after English.
  6. Stop wanting to kiss him.
  7. Stop wanting to be the one to wipe the blood off him after battle.
  8. Stop wanting to run my hands over the scar where he took a bullet for me...Aw fuck it!
  9. Ignore promises 5-8
  10. Hit on Wesley.


New years resolutions of Cordelia Chase. Star to be.

  1. Get Angel to have fun, though not as much fun as he had with Darla.
  2. Get International superstardom off ground.
  3. Always remember to find out about any catches and loopholes before agreeing to rule a dimension.
  4. Get Wesley and Gunn together, I mean it's so obvious they want to be having hot monkey sex together...Speaking of which.
  5. Find out Faiths release date.