Secret Slasha – The Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel Slash Fanfiction Secret Santa Project
Secret Slasha – The Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel Slash Fanfiction Secret Santa Project

Conjugal Visits
By Goddess Heather
For Briar

"So then Angel gets up there and sings Manilow. It was so amazingly bad. Then he had the nerve to make fun of-" A guard came and stood behind Faith.

"Time's up Ma'm."

Faith looked up at the man pleadingly, "Just one more minute to say goodbye?" The guard nodded reluctantly. Faith placed her hand up on the glass wall separating her from her visitor. Her visitor did the same. "Until next time, Lover."

"I love you, and I'm working on those conjugal visits." Faith was reluctantly led away from the visiting booth.


Lindsey stormed into Lila's office. Lilah hastily closed her computer window that she had been typing in. Lindsey didn't fail to notice this but like all men good at poker he covered it up well. "What is the meaning of this memo?! If you think that you can go over my head and get the job you're wrong."

"Look, Lindsey you and I both know that this is a good ol' boys club and I'm not going to make it without some serious proof that I can take it. So why don't you back off like the good Southern boy that you are?" There was a knock at the door saving Lindsey from having to respond. "See some people actually know how to knock."

While Lilah had her back turned to the door Lindsey took a quick peak at what she had been working on. Conjugal visits? Why is she working on something so mundane? Before he could explore further Lilah was back and he had to close the window back down.