
It's T-Day and everything is on edge. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Sami. PG
T-Minus Three Hundred
Fred learns the value of time efficiency. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Buffonia. R
Table For Two
Lorne asks a question and mayhem ensues. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Sami. PG
Table For Two
Old habits die hard. Harry Potter By zahra. PG
The Table Turned, Or The Trial Of Three
Giles, Dracula's women, and some long-overdue pleasure. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Ruth. NC-17
Everybody dies. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By dodyskin. PG
Hermione, womanly pursuits, and death by degrees. Harry Potter By Cherry Ice. R
"Sometimes, she has to stop herself from touching him." Jake 2.0 By Tara O'Shea. PG
Gillette will always remember this day. Pirates Of The Caribbean By Halrloprillalar. PG-13
It takes a bit more than clothes to make a man...change. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Moonslash. NC-17
The Taint
Sadako, in a neon future. The Ring By nostalgia. PG
Take A Breath, City
Brothers. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles By Zara Hemla. PG-13
Take It And Like It
Sweet dreams are made of this. Except that sometimes, they're not. Harry Potter By Sara. NC-17
Take My Breath Away
The kinds of things you do while drunk at a party with a pretty girl in her bedroom. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The X-Files By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Take This Chip & Shove It
"Honest, Spike. I didn't mean to leave you." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Wendy. R
Take Your Time
Darcy and Kasey out on the road. Bring It On By Francis. PG
Taking A Dip
On the campaign trail... The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. G
Taking It Back
Hearts are fickle. Monica isn't immune. The X-Files By Princess Twilite. NC-17
Takeout, Wine, And Bubble Baths
"Happy birthday, CJ." The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. G
The Tale Of Myra And Merrilil
Something about Myra Proudfoot isn't quite hobbit. But then what is it? Lord Of The Rings. By Katta. PG
The Tale Of The Little Lost Necrobabe And How My Killer Lollypop Porn Bitch Busted The Law. Or: What Happened When Spider Became Sheriff
"When I became sheriff, I drank and took drugs for about a week." Transmetropolitan By Simon Field. R
Tales From The Government-In-Exile
Kathryn Janeway, post-homecoming. Star Trek: Voyager By nostalgia. PG
Talk About Failing Upwards
20 years later, Kevin is still talking about the meaning of life, and Al is still telling him to shut up -- and Leslie is nowhere to be found. St. Elmo's Fire By Alejandra. PG-13
Talking To The Dead
Life goes on. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By nepthys. PG-13
The Tall
Simon, Wash, and Jayne play cards in a story that takes place about three years after we last saw them. Firefly By G Thing. PG
The one he comes home to. All The Pretty Horses By s.a. PG
Tangled (In Swelter)
"As a scientist, Fred understood how the tiniest shift in conditions could spoil an experiment." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By scy. PG-13
Jack plus Irina equals issues. Alias By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Tango To Evora
"She mattered more than ever before." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Scy. PG-13
Tar Beach
Never in a million years would Wally have guessed that they'd end up here. Justice League By Shrift. NC-17
She might have been the girl of his dreams. Blood And Chocolate By Northlight. PG-13
Tarnished Gold
Spike wants company. Doyle is there. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Patricia RD. NC-17
Tart Green Fruit
"Seven dropped the Captain's gaze and swirled her fingers through the bathwater. She smoothed it over her firm ripe breasts and let Kathryn watch the water taste her naked skin." Star Trek: Voyager By Tigermoth. NC-17
"She is trapped here and she has nothing but Fred for company." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Glossolalia. PG
Tasting nothing but sand... Yu-Gi-Oh! By Errie Wyvern. G
Spike and the cruel game. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Francis. NC-17
A Taste Of Honey
"The smirk on the woman's face appeared far wider on the screen than it did on the floppy hard copy Dylan Hunt held in his hand." Andromeda By Karen. PG
Taste Of Humanity
Anya and Willow celebrate their first Thanksgiving in New York. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Angelia. PG-13
The Taste Test
"I wanted tp spend some time with Gail..." The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. G
Tattered And Tumbling
Come, hunch with me over the fire,/Dream of the dreams that leered and grinned/Ere the blood of the Year got chilled and thinned... Harry Potter/X-Men: The Movie By Twinkledru J. G
Viggo thinks about stuff. Actor By Kassie. PG
"Surely there were enough tax people at the base to be able to make sense of what couldn't be that complicated a form." Smallville/Stargate SG1 By HYPERFocused. G
Tea And Scones
Hermione bakes, Severus watches, and there's something between them. Unsurprisingly. Harry Potter By Kate Bolin. PG
Tea For Ghosts
Maybe it goes like this too. Harry Potter By zahra. PG
Tea On A Spaceship
It's a matter of trust. Battlestar Galactica By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Tea Stained Voyeurism
Unplanned, accident prone voyeurism. Actor By Megolas. PG
The Dark Slayer meets Ripper. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Padre. PG
The Tease
"...but my tongue breaks down..." The O.C. By HYPERFocused. NC-17
Teaspoons Of Disappointment (And A Cup Of Bile)
Ron and Percy have a midnight discussion. Harry Potter By MelWil. PG
Technical Knockout
Cadman and McKay have The Talk. Stargate: Atlantis By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Teenage Wildlife
Lilah, college, raves, and two beautiful strangers. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Six Feet Under By itsacraze. PG-13
Tell All The Truth, Tell It Slant
"The packed dirt road curves around the summit of the precipice like a snake begrudgingly shedding his skin." 7 Days By Karen. G
Tell Me A Story
California isn't the place for her anymore. Spooks/MI:5/The West Wing By MelWil. R
Tell Me Tonight
Oliver's always been half in love with Charlie. Harry Potter By Käthe. PG
Temperature Anomalies
Hot and/or cold. The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. PG
The Tempest
"Life is sad/and so is love." Century City By Moonslash. R
Temptation Waits
River can't sleep. Firefly By Victoria P. PG-13
Ten Cent Tour
"Seth Cohen was sixteen the first time Wendell blew him in the third floor restroom of The Harbor School." Everwood/The O.C. By HYPERFocused. R
Ten Seconds
"I'm travelling, that's all. And then I'll come back." Doctor Who By Tara O'Shea. PG
Ten Things That Didn't Happen To Riley And/Or Faith
Some things happen. Some things don't. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. PG-13
Ten Thousand Forfeit Heartbeats
Each time he sees Draco, Harry feels his heart stop. Harry Potter By Signe. NC-17
Ten Weddings Planned
How Willow and Tara would've gotten married. Possibly. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. G
"His arms were driftwood on the beach." Lost By Gaeriel. PG-13
Bill and Amsterdam, in the lost time between theatre and Pagoda, how close is too close? Gangs Of New York By Gemma Files. NC-17
Terms And Conditions
All services provided must be within the scope of the provider's license and speciality. House By Laura Smith. NC-17
Territorial Markings
In which Gunn's pain is mocked and Wesley has no shoes. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Shrift. PG
Tara haunts Giles, and they discover that they have things (and people) in common. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Twinkledru J. PG
Terrorgammons Howdydos
River throws a dead man's party. Firefly By Rachel. G
Something in common, can I get a hallelujah? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural By Lar. NC-17
Texas After The War
"Another town, another hotel room..." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Prophecy Girl. R
The Text Of A Recently Discovered Document, Purporting To Be Frederich Engels' Discarded First Draft Of The Preface To The 1885 Edition of Das Kapital By Karl Marx
"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is, to slash it." -- Karl Marx. Historical By kbk & nostalgia. PG-13
Than Yesterday
"She tells her trainer to add more weight to the bar." Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Pop By itsacraze. PG-13
Than Yesterday (The Brave New Girl Remix)
She doesn't like pop music... Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Pop By Kate Bolin. R
Remus has always loved Death. Harry Potter/Sandman By Victoria P. NC-17
Thank God For Fish Tanks And Bottles
Domestic musings. Actor By Rabbit. PG-13
That Certain Female
Cordelia gets a visit from a woman looking for a prophecy and something to do with her hands. Alias/Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
That Certain Female
Britney needs a costume. Halloween can be tricky. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Pop By Kate Bolin. G
That Laugh
Jack watches Jonas and Sam talk. Stargate SG1 By Brianna Aisling. PG
That Old Malfoy Charm
From a very fuzzy point of view Malfoy really does have a certain charm about him, like a strangely-domesticated ferret that Harry didn't even realise he wanted to keep as a pet. Harry Potter By zahra. PG-13
That Old Yeh Shen Story
Taking some cryogenetically frozen breeding stock to Paquin, it's a bit of a bumpy ride as Simon and Kaylee's budding romance brings out the worst in Mal. Firefly By Tara O'Shea. PG-13
That Summer
"No matter how hard he tries to avoid it, he always seemed to be where the bombs were going off." Seachange By cgb. PG
that untravell'd world, whose margin fades
to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. Babylon 5 By Teanna. PG
That's What You Do
Carolyn reflects on her life. American Beauty By Michelle K. PG-13
Life goes on for Scott. X-Men: The Movie By Glenn. R
Draco was cold. Harry Potter By kbk. PG-13
Theme, Variation
Tessa has always made you feel like this; inadequate and uncomfortable, even when she is praising you. Spooks/MI:5 By Sängerin. R
Themes And Leitmotifs
If Wesley has not loved wisely, at least he has loved well. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Then I Desire
"The west wind, it blows change through all things." Lord Of The Rings By Simon Field. PG
Theory And Practice
Blaise never believed the fates participated in the every day lives of Wizards until he and Hermione are assigned to the same Arithmancy project. Also, Narcissa is crazy, and Draco wears a cravat. Harry Potter By alejandra. R
Therapeutic Measures
Sex and rationalization as a coping mechanism for post-traumatic stress incurred by primal misogyny. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
There Goes The Fear
Some people don't know what to fear. X-Men: The Movie By zahra. PG-13
There Is No Seven
Mulder wasn't abducted by aliens, but by Wolfram & Hart, contracted out by the Consortium. Drusilla vamped him. Hijinx ensue. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The X-Files By Tesla. R
There Is Only Me In My Bedroom
Mulder is depressed. The X-Files By Tesla. PG
There Walk I
Sixty, maybe seventy years after the End. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By backfromspace. PG
There Was Love
There was love, once. American Beauty By Michelle K. R
These Dreams
Be careful what you wish for. You may get it. Harry Potter By Abaddon. NC-17
These floods of you are overwhelming
"Just dying to be saved; run on, girl, run on." The OC By Alejandra. NC-17
These Walls
Feral and Thorn reflect on their sins while in prison. X-Men By Karen. PG-13
these walls are paper thin
Dilbert lives behind walls and Wally is a cartoon male Adonis. Dilbert By Liberty Ginger. PG-13
Theses On A Philosophy Of Power
"The liberation of each single individual will be accomplished in the measure in which history becomes transformed into world history." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By glossolalia. R
They Just Don't
Ron deals with a rumor. Harry Potter By Alison. R
They Live In This World
The world hasn't ended. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Michelle K. PG-13
Thieves Like Us
"I do not love you, except because I love you." Harry Potter By Victoria P. NC-17
A Thing For Witches
Fairer Than has known a lot of women over the years, and she has a particular weakness for witches. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The Avengers/Charm School/Harry Potter By Don't Make Eye Contact. PG-13
Things Change
The Pussycats explore the Internet. Josie & The Pussycats By Amy.
The Things Good Adults Do Not Do
This is the story of a happily-ever-after for the Adama family. It is based on a secret. Does this secret make the happily a lie? Battlestar Galactica By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
Things Manifold
"The sky is a less than brilliant blue, and the sunlight is filtered through smog, but it's still as perfect as it gets." Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By Lar. R
Things Remembered On Waking
There are a lot of questions that Vaughn doesn't ask. Alias By Shrift. PG
Things To Do At The Movies When You're Bored
Dude and Nixer go see a movie. Dude gets bored. Roadracers By Charles. NC-17
Things To Do When Your Lover Is Dead
Sometimes it's just over. Harry Potter By zahra. PG
Things To Get Arrested For In Singapore
In which Dan is a groveling dead man, Casey's in denial about his addiction, and there is unprovoked slander of chunky peanut butter. Things could be worse. Sports Night By Shrift. PG-13
The Things We Did And Didn't Do
Hermione, Ron, and a maybe. Harry Potter By Kyra Cullinan. PG
Things You Pretend You Know
"One of these days, he's going to come into your office with his blue eyes looking like the broken sky." The West Wing By Kyra Cullinan. PG
Think Fast
"Clark really didn't like Miami Beach." Smallville By HYPERFocused. PG-13
Thinking Of You
Green eyes and green thoughts. Pop By Ting Ting. G
Thinner Lines
"People like Mackey walk a thin line so that the rest of us can sleep comfortably. Sometimes it's smarter to let them do it." Alias/The Shield By Jennifer-Oksana. R
The Third Day
"I had a girlfriend. She died." Black Books By kbk. PG
Third Sunday In June
"It was an early Sunday morning in June, and Clark was still a little tired." Smallville By HYPERFocused. PG
The Third That Walks Beside
As far as Perfect Tommy was concerned, North Africa was a place of battles, a place for death. He had no intention of visiting any graves. Buckaroo Banzai By käthe. PG
Third (time is the charm, or so someone told Ray once)
In which Ray goes back to Chicago, has a sexual identity crisis, tries to dye his hair with facial creme bleach, and drinks a 40 of Ballantine. And other stuff, too. due South By alejandra. R
Third Time's The Charm
Fred and Willow, for the third time. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. PG
"A germ of an idea takes hold in the back of his mind, so wild and unprecedented that he wonders if Dumbledore slipped something into his morning coffee." Harry Potter By Victoria P. G
Thirteen Conversations About Teh Gay
13 moments. 13 conversxations. 13 man/man love scenarios. Alias/Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Chapelle's Show/Coupling/David Eddings/Pirates Of The Caribbean/Pop/Sealab 2021/Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/South Park/That 70s' Show/Twin Peaks/The X-Files By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
Thirteen Conversations About Teh Gay II: Girlie Sex!
13 flavors of lady loving. Alias/Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Firefly/Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy/Jane Austen/Kill Bill/Pop/Popular/Powerpuff Girls/Robin Hobb/Teen Titans/Transmetropolitan/Twin Peaks By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
this act of searching
And now imagine that the beach is on an island. Lost By Keren Ziv. PG-13
This Base Control
Nine looks at Buffy Summers and the prospect of losing control. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Twinkledru J. PG
This Blood
Just because you're snide, it doesn't mean you're empty. Blade By Gemma Files. R
This Blue Night
What if Cordelia was the apex? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Tesla. R
This Boy
Not quite frogs, snails, and puppy-dog tails. Enterprise By Northlight. G
This Invisible City
They say what happens in Los Angeles stays in Los Angeles. The West Wing By Seana Renay. PG
This Is Jezebel
"She is a king's daughter." The Bible By Daegaer. PG
This Is My Truth, Tell Me Yours
Remus doesn't like that particular ending, so he's going to choose another one. Harry Potter By zahra. PG-13
This Is Symbiosis
"To think in interaction with a computer in the same way that you think with a colleague whose competence supplements your own will require much tighter coupling between man and machine than...is possible today." -- JCR Licklider, Man-Computer Symbiosis. The Italian Job By glossolalia. NC-17
This Is The End Of A Story Which No One Remembers Because It Never Happened
Technically speaking, Lilah's been in Hell for years. It's about time it caught up with her. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By backfromspace. PG-13
This Is The Part...
Things don't go as Hermione planned. Harry Potter By Claire. PG
This Is Us Now
When the war is over, you're just standing there. Harry Potter By Kate Bolin. G
This Is Us Now (The La Stirpe Remix)
"The air smells of burning and death, underscored by the clean-cold scent of falling snow." Harry Potter By itsacraze. PG-13
This Is What You Contemplate While Lying Broken On Your Side Thankful That You're Merely Sitting On The Lid Versus Having Been Sucked Into Hell While A Dandelion Begins To Sprout Innocently Near The Vicinity Of Your Arm
"I've seen things that you wouldn't believe." Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By Briar. G
This Is Where It Ends
Humans are bloody and full of hurt. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Signe. PG-13
"this is where the world drops off"
And I will make you a weapon. The Pretender By Tahlia. PG-13
This Is You
This is Not The Authority and you are Not Apollo. The Authority By dafnap. R
This Kiss
It seemed like a good idea at the time. The Faculty. By Nightbird. PG
This Mess We're In
A problem. The West Wing By Michelle K. PG-13
This Mortal Coil
"Everything is dark and broken, and nothing perfect save for the memory of a touch." Harry Potter By Mexx. R
This Night
While resting in Lothlorien, Aragorn thinks over his feelings for both Legolas and Arwen. Lord Of The Rings By Soulstarsinger. PG-13
This Place
"There is this place inside where all the good things die." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Prophecy Girl. R
This Side Of The Fence
A sleepless Wesley finds hope through a visit from Faith. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
This Time
Buffy doesn't want to wake. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M. Phoenix. PG
This Too Shall Pass
Cordelia deals with her situation with Angel. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Mary Jane Dank. PG
This Wanton Snow
Remus and Sirius have this tradition when it snows... Harry Potter By Victoria P. NC-17
This Wonderful Life
Sirius thinks on this wonderful life... Harry Potter By Tigerlady. PG
This Year's Love
Faith wants to feel. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Beth C. R
Those Soft Skin Boys
"When Seth is with Luke, which admittedly is not so often anymore, Luke feels powerful." The O.C. By HYPERFocused. PG-13
Those Who Came Before
Two Englishment. A lot of beer. Confessions. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Voleuse. PG
Those Whole Girls (Run In Grace)
"So, Los Angeles is a little different than Spencer imagined it would be." South Of Nowhere By Jengrrrl. PG-13
Thou Shalt Have No Other
Ben Sisko, someone else's God. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine By nostalgia. G
Thoughts & Cigarettes
Jeramie thinks about the past and takes a little trip to Marlboro country. Last Act By Sami. PG
Thought Processes
Rory studies. And thinks. By Voleuse. Gilmore Girls PG
A Thousand Deaths
Susan always knew better. Chronicles Of Narnia By Amy. PG
Big damn evil has kung fu grip. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Shrift. NC-17
Simon remembers boundaries. Firefly By Sara. PG
Buffy and the number three. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Francis. NC-17
three a.m.
The perfect two? Think again. Harry Potter By Morvoren. PG
Three Bathrooms
Hermione always seems to find herself kissing girls in bathrooms. Harry Potter By Kate Bolin. PG
Three By Midnight
Life in the city by night. Family matters. Training for surviving after the end of the world. Just another day in the life of Connor mac Angel. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Three Days
"tiny purple fishes go slipping through your fingers." Actor By Jill B. Wilde. R
Three Days
He's figuring it out, one little bit at a time. Once Upon A Time In Mexico By Mari. R
Three Days
Boys and tents. Don't you love the great outdoors! Actor By Rabbit. NC-17
Three For Three
Another bar, another girl. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/X-Men: The Movie By Victoria P. PG-13
Three Parts Rum
It's easier when nothing else feels real. Actor By Buffonia. PG-13
Three Phone Calls
Mallory and Sam talk. The West Wing By MelWil. PG
The Three Sisters
"My eyelids were a bright golden light and my eyes burned. I clawed at my face trying to get it off but it was like film. I felt Xander and Buffy trying to help me but I was already gone." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Sami. PG
Three Square Meals
Dawn and Wesley eat while feeling. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Twinkledru J. PG
Three Sticks And 26 Minis
"Sawyer hunkers down in the sand beyond the light of the fires on the beach." Lost By Lar. R
Three Tequila
Sirius. Remus. Hermione. Sex. Harry Potter By Victoria P. NC-17
Three, Two, One
So, they're in a night club. Gossip By Lassiter. R
Three Ways To Say I Love You
"She can't tell that one day, one day she's going to look at you and the world is going to crack." Will & Grace By cheapmetaphor. PG-13
Three Women. Three Phone Calls. Three Car Keys.
A woman is talking on the telephone. She has car keys in her hand. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Patricia RD. G
Three's A Crowd
Alyssa knows the truth behind it all. Askewniverse By Beth C. R
Through His Fingers
Holding on, just barely. Firefly By Lar. R
Through The Leaves
Light seems to change when there are leaves before it. Lord Of The Rings By Twinkledru J. R
Thursday's Child
She's come far and done a lot, but Lilah Morgan knows she still has very far to go. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Abaddon. R
Thursday's Child
The mother of Simon and River had a part in this. Firefly By Ijemanja. PG
Thursday's Child
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Lucifer By Shrift. PG
Thy Sensual Fault
Before Sirius, there was James. Harry Potter By Victoria P. NC-17
Thyself In Me
"Whenever Narcissa is alone, she spends long minutes gazing at herself in mirrors." Harry Potter By Branwyn. PG-13
Tidings Of Comfort And Joy
A gift. Harry Potter By Halrloprillalar. NC-17
Ties That Bind
"So, I just know that you're a total romantic behind that cynical exterior..." Bones By Tesla. PG
Tigress In The Cage
"Everything was jagged edges and shards of glass, and she carried it all inside." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Tesla. R
Til Break Of Day
Does anyone get the fairytale and the happily ever after? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
'Til It Bleeds
Getting drunk is your objective thought. Without A Trace By Melanie-Anne. PG
'Till I Collapse
"Heat". Fast-forwarding way ahead. Pop/Smallville By Kassie & Rabbit. NC-17
People grow up, things change. Love isn't forever, but it might as well be. Roswell By Sara. R
Time (Clock Of The Heart)
"There's no present like the time." X-Men: The Movie By Victoria P. PG-13
Time Out
Marshall is having a bad night at the VMAs. JC isn't helping any. Pop By Embitca. PG-13
Time Turner
Hermione runs out of time. Thankfully, someone's always willing to loan some. Doctor Who/Harry Potter By Kate Bolin. G
Times Like These
"It was times like these that Rose missed Shireen." Doctor Who By Tara O'Shea. PG
Since he's been back, Sirius has been watching the clock. Harry Potter By Ishafel. NC-17
Timing Is Everything
"Sickly blue light streams in from the lights across the street as Kara waits patiently for the man beside her to fall asleep." Battlestar Galactica By käthe. PG
The only bit of color in the house was red, titian red, flowing like waves. Harry Potter By Mab. R
How it could be. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By dodyskin. PG
To A Daydream Believer And A Homecoming Queen
Dean knows it might be wrong, but he's in love with Rory's mom. Gilmore Girls By Mosca. R
To Call It Day (Though Not Yet Light)
She likes to stomp around the house in her boots, and she likes to twirl her scarf around and around and around. Gilmore Girls By not jenny. PG
To Casey, On His Thirty-Fifth Birthday
Danny's first draft. Sports Night By Mosca. PG
To Fake You
Tell them this love hasn't changed you, hasn't changed you at all. Battlestar Galactica By winter baby. PG-13
To His Mistress Going To Bed
Where my hand is set, my soul shall be. Battlestar Galactica By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
To Hit And Not To Miss
Justin wonders if you only get one shot at the most important things in life. Pop By Pablo. R
To Lucasta, Going To The Wars
It's been a few years, and Remus listens for the snow. Harry Potter By Twinkledru J. PG
to make a mockery of water to a man born thirsty
On an ice world. Dune By Keren Ziv. PG
To Make A Monster
Draco's been very bad, but it's not all his fault. Harry Potter By Buffonia. R
To See Another Sunrise
Slayer of pre-Roman times in early Celtic Britain. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Gunbunny. PG
To The End
At the very, very end... Doctor Who By nostalgia. PG
To Unburden
Fraser got out of bed and thought that it might be a good day. due South By s.a. PG-13
You'd like to think that the joy of love is worth the pain. Master & Commander By Syal. PG-13
When they fire at her, Mandy swears at least she won't die unfucked. The West Wing By Teanna. PG-13
Comfort is one of the most basic needs of a human. Jon and Richie are willing to offer Bryan some when he needs it most. Musician By Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan. NC-17
Too Damn Good
Xander needs to refocus, Spike helps. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Niu. PG-13
Too Keen On Being Grown-Up
Once a Queen of Narnia, always a Queen of Narnia? Why Susan was so keen to grow up. Chronicles Of Narnia. By Kate J. R
Too Little, Too Late
Remus runs into an ex at a bar. Harry Potter By Victoria P. PG
Too Many Stars And Not Enough Sky
After her first night with Worf, Deanna's having one of those days. Star Trek: The Next Generation By Kaite. NC-17
Too Much Information
"I need new seamless panties." The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. PG-13
Took Under
"Amsterdam Vallon knows Bill the Butcher's really sick for good..." Gangs Of New York By Gemma Files. PG
Death, rebirth, and the in-between. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Giuliana. PG-13
Gwen dreams of touch. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Patricia RD. NC-17
What happens between Willow and Tara in the laundry room. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Brinshannara. PG
Touch, Feel, And Lose
When he has forgotten his own name, he still cries out hers. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By s.a. R
Touch Me?
Some nights are harder than others for Gwen. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Patricia RD. PG-13
Touch Me Fall
When she thinks about her... Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
Touch Of My Hand
Dawn always seemed a little too innocent... Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By itsacraze. R
"Logan listened to me talk about Remy, but he didn't hear what I wanted him to hear. He didn't hear how I was confused, how it was too soon for me to want to be touched, and how it was too soon for me to be touched." X-Men: The Movie By Brianna Aisling. PG-13
Touching The Void
Lilah Morgan visits her old school and 'recruits' Bethany Chaulk. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Faithtastic. NC-17
Touring Wonderland
No way is Oz getting between two of the most stubborn and self-centered people he's ever known. Well, okay, but just for a minute. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By glossolalia. NC-17
Tourism For The Dispossed
What do you do when you've forgotten by everyone you loved? I guess you take up with someone who knows how you feel. Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Simon's on top of things. Really. Firefly By Pearl-o. PG-13
Buffy. Wesley. Victory. Loss. Aftermath. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. PG
Smelly knowledge of the darker variety. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Ruth. PG
Trade Partners
Two agents come to Angel Investigations to check out exsanguinations. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The X-Files By Tesla & Alan Smithee. PG
Tragedy Of It
"The tragedy of it is that nobody sees the look of desperation on my face." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By itsacraze. PG-13
To console, to love, and to understand is all. Band Of Brothers By untitled06. PG-13
Draco takes harry away from the war. Harry Potter By Nates. PG
Traitor Most Accursed
Summer 1981. Peter has a moment of doubt. Harry Potter By Maidenjedi. PG-13
The Traitor, The Witch, And The Lovers
Narnia. Later. Chronicles Of Narnia By Katie Vieceli. NC-17
Lip-synching is dangerous. It leads to bad sex and existential crises. Pop By Match. NC-17
The memories are coming less frequently now, Remus notices, or perhaps the memories are fading back into time. Harry Potter By Morvoren. PG
The Transcript Of The #metamagick Room, Sunday, January 5th, 1996
The transcript of a divination ritual with Jenny Calendar. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. PG-13
Willow, Cordelia, collars, magic, and the releasing of tension. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Sara. NC-17
James and Sirius, despite everything, have a typical 70s' English Christmas night. Harry Potter By Kate Bolin. G
Rory envies, to murderous envy, Paris's lover. Gilmore Girls By Croupier. R
Treaty Of Versailles
Just a little bit of history, repeating. Everwood By Zara Hemla. PG-13
"And in local news, a girl was found raped and murdered in a back alley today..." Law & Order: Special Victims Unit By s.a. PG
Trespass Not On His Solitude
"You shouldn't be here," Batman says. Justice League By Shrift. NC-17
The Council of Watchers sends a tribunal to deal with Faith. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M. Scott Eiland. PG-13
Trial And Error
Kaylee loves everybody. Firefly By Pearl-o. PG
Trial And Error
There's a first time for everything. Harry Potter By Nightbird. PG
Sydney seeks her mother's help in rescuing Jack. Alias By Chris Anderson. PG
A Triangle In Nature
"Lindsey McDonald," Wesley said. "What an unpleasant surprise." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Shrift. NC-17
Trick You With A Smile
The very thing from which you are hiding is so very often the one thing you need the most. Velvet Goldmine By Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan. NC-17
Tricky Witches
Anya gets tricked. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Twinkledru J. PG
Ron and Hermione offer a solution for Harry's nightmares. Harry Potter By Victoria P. PG-13
Trio In The Key Of E Minor
She used to be invincible. The West Wing By Sängerin. G
Troika: False Promises
Three Angels and three false promises of happiness. Charlie's Angels By Francis. NC-17
Dawn, a blindfold, and two visitors. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By itsacraze. R
The Trouble With Harry Potter
It's a long fall from the top of any pedestal. Harry Potter By zahra. PG-13
The Trouble With Love Is
Britney. From Justin to Chrissy. POP By Jill. R
Troubled Minds Of Men
"He is tired, more tired with every passing day, and there is no rest to be found in sleep." Lord Of The Rings By Twinkledru J. PG
True And Deep As The Sea
A father questions. A son evolves. The O.C. By HYPERFocused. PG
True Directions
"Lying in bed on her first night away from True Directions, Graham couldn't help wondering if leaving had been a mistake." But I'm A Cheerleader By Tiki. PG
The True Meaning Of Christmas
Damon teaches Stefan the true meaning of Christmas. LJ Smith By LindaMarie. PG
True Story
Brodie gets in trouble, and Shannon smirks a lot. Askewniverse. By Charles. NC-17
There are definite advantages in coming second place to a motorcar. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang By Kaite. PG-13
Truly, Madly
Wind and rain and Captain Jack Sparrow. Pirates Of The Caribbean By Northlight. PG
Truly, Madly, Deeply
An immortal, a cop, a bat. Batman/Highlander By Karen. PG
Sometimes trust is the hardest word. Harry Potter By Ishafel. R
The Truth About Icarus
Death is a flight away from truth -- and other lies Lex tells himself. Smallville By Thamiris. NC-17
Truth Be Told
This isn't love. Cowboy Bebop By Northlight. PG-13
Try, Try, Try, Just A Little Bit Harder
"Sometimes she dreams in lights and alcohol..." Harry Potter/Musician By itsacraze. PG-13
Nobody wanted to be known as That Thing That Happened That One Time. Harry Potter By zahra. PG-13
Tumble Dry
Three days of dirtiness. Actor By Buffonia. R
Storm loves Rogue. Rogue wants Jean. X-Men: The Movie By The Net Slayerette. G
Turn Away
What maketh the man? Firefly By Simon Field. PG-13
Turn Of The Card
"The thing was, Mulder had gotten so used to talking to Scully all the time, that he tended to forget that she didn't always hear his side of the conversation." The X-Files By Tesla. PG
Turn The Tables
"Helo was stuck in a cell with a man who had every right to want to knock his teeth in. Taken in that context, the kissing might save him a bruise, and then again, it could make things worse." Battlestar Galactica By Scy. R
TV Camp
Sam Donovan doesn't try to make friends anymore. Sports Night By Shrift. G
Twenty Five: Take Two
Faith's never been a victim. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Prophecy Girl. R
Twenty One Days Of AP Economics
Every day is like an eternity, especially when Summer has to take AP classes. The OC By Alejandra. NC-17
Twelve Pieces Of Aztec Gold
There be 882 pieces of accursed Aztec gold. These be twelve o' those pieces. 1602/Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Harry Potter/Pirates Of The Caribbean/The Simpsons By Kate Bolin. PG
Twenty-Seven Words For Tears
Loss. Motherhood. Remodeling. Love. Things that are yellow. ER By Mosca. R
Twentyish Lies Told To Rose Tyler
"Dear Rose, Please select from the following options." Doctor Who By Nostalgia. PG
"They realized, for the first time in thirty years, they had more in common than being each other's spouse. They were both in love with ghosts." David Updike/Jayne Anne Philips By Francis. PG
The Twilight Before
The twilight before something happens, some students realize that something is about to happen. Harry Potter By alejandra. PG-13
Twilight People
"When you got right down to it, Blade planned to have the time of his life." Blade By Mari. R
Luke and Leia find each other, despite the distance. Star Wars By LindaMarie. R
Pyro asks too many questions. X-Men: The Movie By dafnap. PG-13
The Two Broomsticks
"Oi, Hooch! Rosie here wants to know what Sapphic is." Harry Potter By glossolalia. NC-17
Two Cripples Dancing
If at first you don't succeed, try again. The O.C. By zahra. NC-17
Two Girls
Left alone, two girls try to fix things and move on. The Craft By Beth C. PG-13
Two Hearts
A romantic triangle with two people. Batman By Cyberperson. NC-17
Two Lives
Assuming that Janeway was killed by Chakotay's mutiny, they write each other. Star Trek: Voyager By Abbey Carter. PG
Two, One
The Billy side of the Joe and Billy show. Hard Core Logo By Hetre Z. R
The Two Of Cups
Drusilla and the cards. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Tesla. G
The Two-Step
Everyone searches for the perfect partner. Law & Order: Criminal Intent By s.a. PG
Two Step
One step, two step. The X-Files By Teanna. PG
A Two Step Dance
Inara seems to be the most distraught over it. Firefly By Karen. PG-13
Two Steps To The Right
Xander witnesses the aftermath of a twist of fate. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M. Scott Eiland. PG-13
Two Things
There are always two things. What you want, what you get; what you need, what you take. OZ By Mandy. NC-17
Two Weaknesses
For the first time since she's known him, Sirius Black sounds fragile and looks lost. Harry Potter By Victoria P. PG
Two Years
She does not know where she has been or what she has done... Alias By Chris Anderson. PG-13
Years after, Oz comes back to Sunnydale. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Charles. R
Where'd you go, man? Sports Night By bj. PG
The Ugliness You See (To Your Left, The Fallout)
He'll fight with her in the morning. The Cutting Age By Bantha Fodder. R
Ugly Boys
"His skin is all cracked: dry and stubbly." Firefly By dafnap. PG
Many years later. The West Wing By Michelle K. R
Ultimately Futile
"He's the only person who comes looking for her." Law & Order: Special Victims Unit By cgb. R
"Subtlety isn't working. So I'm going to be the first to be blunt." The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. PG
Uma Menina
A mining town in Brazil has one of the chosen girls. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. PG
Unaccommodated Man
Of monsters and men. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By KindKit. NC-17
Lay down your weapons, and love your neighbor as yourself. Pop By Betty Plotnick. PG
The Unbearable Weirdness Of Being
Cause and effect. Gilmore Girls By Klynkey. PG
"I think I am becoming a god." Roughnecks: Starship Trooper Chronicles By Rachel. R
"It was growing daily more difficult to distinguish between dream and memory and guilty desire." X-Men: The Movie By FayJay. PG-13
Unbowed (Frayed: The Slayer's Remix)
Someone is watching Xander. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M. Scott Eiland. PG-13
Weekends and mending spirits. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The X-Files By Twinkledru J. R
A bet, a prank, a moment of almost connection. Harry Potter By Stellamaru. PG-13
Willow doesn't know how Tara feels about her. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Don't Make Eye Contact. PG
Unchained Melody
Who is the truest lover of them all? Firefly By Bonibaru. R
"I thought you said you'd wait for me." "And I will. I said nothing about waiting patiently." Harry Potter By Victoria P. PG
The games boys play. Harry Potter By Sara . NC-17
Under Me, You
"I like my body when it's with your body." Harry Potter By Victoria P. NC-17
Under The Anvil Of The Sun
"If I run fast enough, I can leave all the pain and the sadness behind." Tru Calling By cheebs! R
Under The Sun
They give new meaning to Roman holidays. Pop By Voleuse. NC-17
Under Your Skin, Can You Feel It?
"Her nails graze the space between her and oblivion..." The West Wing By Oro. PG-13
"The cloak was a prototype from the labs." James Bond By Twinkledru J. R
How far will Tim go for authenticity? Teen Titans By Shrift. NC-17
Harry, Ron, and Hermoine go to town. Harry Potter By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Underneath The Itch
Between scenes and under the covers, Dom gets frisky. Actor By Buffonia. NC-17
Understanding. Not. Understanding.
Blue hands send her here, to a place where not understanding is something everyone understands. Firefly/The X-Files By Twinkledru J. PG-13
Understanding The Questions
"Everyone knew that Christine Dale was the coldest operative in England." Spooks/MI:5 By MelWil. R
the (under)wordly escapades of two ex-vampires
"My mind got to ramblin', like a wild geese." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Vala. NC-17
Star-crossed in four snapshots. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. PG
Draco, Hermione, hormones, and power relations. Harry Potter By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Uneasy Redemption
Redemption comes in many forms. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. PG
"Alex is an animal before her." Charlie's Angels By the net slayerette. PG
Unexpected Perils
It's always the dangers Mal hasn't prepared for. Firefly By Pearl-O. PG
Unfamiliar (Jump To The Left Remix)
"He wonders whether this is something else that is familiar. He suspects she attracts nuts like him all the time." The X-Files By cgb. PG-13
"Yet Arwen is in his bed, having crept into his room while he slept." Lord Of The Rings By Your Cruise Director. NC-17
There are some things no one can move beyond. Harry Potter By Ishafel. PG-13
When a gentlemen defends a lady's honour, it is traditional for the lady to extend her thanks. Even when the gentlemen in question is Edward Hyde. League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen By Kathryne & Naomi. R
Comfort isn't always easy. Harry Potter By Laura Smith. NC-17
Rambaldi isn't the only prophet around. Jack Bristow contemplates his daughter's romantic future. Alias By TaleWeaver. PG
Unlikely People
People can surprise you. Harry Potter By zahra. PG
Necessity is the mother of invention. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. PG
Safe sex redefined. The West Wing By Katta. PG
Unnatural Acts
Percy knows this is wrong. Harry Potter By Halrloprillalar. NC-17
Joyce starting over. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. G
Unpredictable Things
"Amanda wanted to move the Q, wanted to move this Q." Star Trek: The Next Generation/Star Trek: Voyager By cgb. NC-17
A brief meditation on the use of utility closets in affairs of the heart. Harry Potter By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Unravel (My Latest Mistake)
"I pull away, and she looks so happy for just a second. Like everything has come together in a champagne bubble of a moment." Desperate Housewives By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Unread Letter Found In 14th Century Manuscript
An unopened letter found in an old book addressed to Wesley from Cordelia. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Unrecounted History
"Severus has only told three people in his entire life that he loves them." Harry Potter By Kassie. PG
The Unrelentless Blue
Oh ye siren's bed/I am drawn to thee. Blue Crush By s.a. PG-13
"Before I was...this way, I said what was on my mind." Monk By s.a. PG
Laynie Hart never had posters of ballerinas in her room. Everwood By Käthe. G
Until The End Of The World (You Ungrateful Bloodsucking Bastard)
Don't judge a Beast by his cover. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. PG
Mal knows she's wrong. Firefly By dafnap. PG
Sirius comes back, and Remus is presumed to be dead. Harry Potter By losselen. R
Untitled (Ghost)
"This early May morn when there is none to wed." Harry Potter By Losselen. PG
Untitled War!Drabbles
"The one certainty in war is that in an hour, maybe two, you'll either still be alive or you'll be dead." Harry Potter By Sofia K. Werkers. NC-17
"Draco Malfoy was untouchable and so high up that everyone else was just bugs beneath his feet." Harry Potter By FaithUnbreakable. R
"Despite the prevalent sense of Upstairs/Downstairs that reigned in the household, at five Lex caught the chicken pox from the gardener's daughter." Smallville By zahra. PG
Unwinging Pegasus
"Serves me right, ambushing Malfoy in his flat, serves him fucking right too." Harry Potter By losselen. R
The Unworthiness Of A Good Man
Brother Justin strives to be a good man. Carnivále By Nicole Clevenger. PG-13
Up At The Old Hotel
Bet they shared more than ice cream. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Tesla. G
Upside Down
Game, Set, and Match. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. PG-13
There are so many girls in one very small house. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Used To
"Habit is a man's sole comfort. We dislike doing without even unpleasant things to which we have become accustomed." Harry Potter By Victoria P. R
"It's never about power with him; it's always about weakness." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Victoria P. PG
Utena Rosebush
The legend of Utena Rosebush and how it began. Revolutionary Girl Utena By Charles. PG

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