
Ragged Oasis
Tara's been running, but Oz has been doing it longer. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By LindaMarie. PG
It is 1863. The first time Albus Dumbledore fights against the dark and the last time he has a choice too. Harry Potter By Sami. PG
Faith contemplates about things that have passed. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Francis. PG
The Rain In Spain
The rain is Spain falls mainly on the plain. Harry Potter By Ishafel. PG-13
Rain King
Lay me down in a field of flame and heather / Render up my body into the burning heart of God. Harry Potter By Ishafel. R
Rain On Windows
It's all falling apart. Spooks/MI:5 By Melwil. G
Rainbows, Puppies, And Other Miracles
Lana and Clark have to have a Talk. Smallville By Amy. PG
Random Shag
Vince finally scores a random shag with a bloke. Askewniverse/Queer As Folk UK By Charles. NC-17
The Rapturous End
Buffy dreams of Xander, in these apocalyptic dreams, when the flashes of blurry image, of rivers of blood and piles of rubble and destruction, clear a space in the middle for him. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Annakovsky. PG
Raptus Regaliter
"Sometimes he wants to end it." Harry Potter By Nehal. PG
"Duncan! Duncan! Let down your hair!" Highlander By Charles. R
The Rarest Faith
"Friendship is never established as an understood relation..." Alias By Jess. PG
Raspberry Water
At the edge of Aku's territory, what do you eat? Samurai Jack By Zara Hemla. PG
Razor's Edge
"This was the problem. He was always letting his emotions run away with him, while Remus just sat there, calm and controlled." Harry Potter By Victoria P. NC-17
Razors Under The Skin
Sometimes all you can do is run. And sometimes you can't. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Highlander/X-Men By Paradoqz. PG-13
The final battle against The First. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By itsacraze. PG-13
Reading Material
Ford finds something in his bed that causes him to explore the differences between a submarine and a monastery. SeaQuest By Katta. R
Ready Set Go
Concerning readiness, lapses, and the laws of gravity. due South By Pearl-o. R
Real Life
Hermione watches TV. Because we all go a little ninth grade sometimes. Harry Potter By Croupier. PG
Real Life Doll
Dru liked to play with real life dolls once in a while and Dawn later wished that whoever showed up to rescue her had been blind. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Wendy. R
The Real Thing
A revenge -- of sorts. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Juanita Dark. R
Reality And Other Virtues
Wesley gets some advice from an old friend. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. G
Reality Bites
Jenny persuades Willow to share a fantasy. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Twinkledru J. NC-17
Reapers And Raindrops
Take one part George, one part Mason, a rainstorm, and a bottle of whiskey. Mix lightly and top with a liberal sprinkling of pop culture references. Dead Like Me By Nicole Clevenger. PG-13
Reasonable Men
"'If anyone's going to tell Snape, it will be me,' [Lupin] said firmly." Harry Potter By Victoria P. PG
reassembled just like me
The whole point of the Teen Choice Awards is for old friends to see each other again and have sex: discuss. Actor/Pop By Sara. NC-17
"Jonas is always smiling. Even when he's not." Stargate SG1 By cgb. NC-17
Xander and Chloe are reckless. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Gargoyles By Karen. PG
Cordelia and the way things are nowadays. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Buffy meets a woman with a very strange story. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The Terminator By M. Scott Eiland. PG-13
"Spike. Sit still." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By s.a. PG-13
2022 in Los Angeles. Cordelia returns for a month's romantic vacation with Angel and finds out the world is going to end if they don't join forces with their worst enemy -- Wesley. What's it gonna be? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Do you remember how she feels like? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By daneorange. R
Wesley is recruited for a little job by Jack Bristow, SD6. Angel/Alias/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Making deals, making love. Not so very much different. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Kakistos caught you napping. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M. Phoenix. R
Heather Duke's always been a bottom. Heathers By Amy. R
In one of a thousand possible futures, Ginny's fascinated and Luna's dancing. Harry Potter By Jennifer-Oksana. R
They're all dressed up with nowhere to go. The West Wing By Michelle K. R
Red Dawn
It's a year and a half after the Hellmouth has closed, and everybody's gone their separate ways. Then something happens to Dawn, so she goes to the only person she can trust. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Highlander By Joyful. PG-13
Red Herring
Just because there's a last laugh, doesn't mean it's funny. Harry Potter By Laura Smith. NC-17
The Red King
Harry wakes up. Harry Potter By StellaMaru. PG
Red Means (Don't) Stop
James isn't the first. Or the second. Or even the third. Harry Potter By Mousapelli & Victoria P. R
Red Ships And Green Ships
Rule #36: Ray will not look when Fraser licks anything that used to be alive, but isn't anymore. due South By zahra. PG-13
Redefining Normal
"I feel like I could do anything." Ginger Snaps By Northlight. R
Faith returns to Sunnydale. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Steph L. PG-13
Refined Punishments Of The Spiritual Kind
She was a Mudblood in the bed of an enemy. Harry Potter By MelWil. PG-13
Reflections (At A Tori Amos Concert)
Usagi, Rei, and a concert. Sailor Moon By cheebs! NC-17
Reflections (At A Tori Amos Concert) (The Hey Mars Remix)
"My girl body and your girl body now." By Jill B. Wilde PG-13
Reflections On Absent Men
Faramir, Arwen, and Eowyn share a man and a ghost. Lord Of The Rings By Your Cruise Director. PG
In times of war, hope remains. Harry Potter By Sara. R
Regarding Telemachus
Dylan contemplates the connection between Gaheris and Telemachus Rhade, and realizes that it does bother him a tad. Andromeda By Karen. G
"A decision is a decision, Jackie boy." Without A Trace By Melanie-Anne. PG
Regrets And Broken Bread
"The heart attack wasn't swiftly brutal." Original By Jill B. Wilde. PG-13
the reinvention of love
Defining love. Redefining love. Dorothy tries to puzzle it out. The Big O By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Xander, on the woman he loved and lost. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Siryn. PG
Letting go is the hardest part. Alias By Voleuse. R
Worlds move on. People don't always do the same. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Mari. PG-13
Remedial Potions
Ginny Weasley was the only Gryffindor who didn't dread potions. Harry Potter By Kessica. PG-13
Aragorn knows how to relieve Boromir's tension. Lord Of The Rings By Your Cruise Director. NC-17
"Brian remembers what it was like before." Queer As Folk US By Morvoren. PG-13
A Quidditch Accident and a coming to terms. Harry Potter By Redd. PG-13
Remember When
Xander finally has a chance to shine. Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By Judy. PG
Remind Him
Have you been away so long? Gladiator By Zara Hemla. PG-13
Hoshi, and the Temporal Cold War. Enterprise By nostalgia. G
Renaissance Man
Goren's philosophical, but she's practical. Law & Order: Criminal Intent By cgb. PG-13
Ginny does what has to be done. Even if it's being Ron. Harry Potter By Kate Bolin. PG
What if Marissa doesn't make it? The O.C. By dirty diana. PG-13
What's in your head in your head in your head? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By backfromspace. PG-13
Requiem For The Fallen
Buffy dreams, and must confront Angel and settle old accounts. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M. Scott Eiland. PG-13
Requiem For The Last And Lost
In the fascist dystopian future world of Judge Dredd, nobody is ever happy. 2000AD By Simon Field. PG-13
After a hard year, life is regrouping at Hogwarts for healing and control. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Charmed/Harry Potter By Joyful. PG
Severus Snape neither forgives nor forgets. Harry Potter By FayJay. PG
The Rescue
"'Where is he?' Jayne growled as he stomped through the hatchway from the passenger door." Firefly By Tara O'Shea. PG
Resenting Paris
Carpe fucking diem. Alias/The X-Files By Shrift. NC-17
"They follow the steps laid out the first time." The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. NC-17
Faith and Wesley work out some issues. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. R
The Residue of Design
Nick is good for Chris, and Chris knows it. Actor By Lar. NC-17
Chloe and the business of Lex. Smallville By Francis. NC-17
Resistance Is Futile
"Junior year, Oz didn't get his hair cut for a very long time." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Tesla. R
"Maybe she can finally keep this one." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Mona. PG-13
The eye of the storm. Nancy Baker By LindaMarie. R
"I like the angst." Friends By The Net Slayerette. PG
Restricted Supplement To The Watcher's Guide, Concerning Amatory Matters
She's pretty sure that there must be all kinds of wrongness associated with making out with your Watcher's boyfriend. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Glossolalia. NC-17
Do androids dream of electric sheep? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Rowan. PG-13
Retain, Relinquish
"Eyes flashed grey as they drank in the sight of the limp body lying before them on the ground." Harry Potter By Sarah Maria. R
So...what happens next? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The X-Files By Kate Bolin. G
Fred and George decide to get a little revenge on the girl who has made their summer a living hell: Hermione Granger. Harry Potter By Sing To Angels. NC-17
Bartleby and the nature of forgiveness. Askewniverse By Cherry Ice. PG-13
"She hadn't touched one in so long,/she was almost afraid." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Tesla. G
In one of the many possible futures, Chloe deals with herself to be with Lana. Smallville By Francis. R
"Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." The X-Files By Maidenjedi. R
Dawn and Smiths-induced stoner revelations. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Vala. PG-13
It's Lilah's hotel. She earned it. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
The Revenge Of Lord Vodkamort
Sex! Alcohol! Sporks! The adventures of an intrepid team of Hogsmeade sharehouse residents as they battle carnivorous wardrobes, inter-dimensional showers and boldly drink what no one has drunk before! Harry Potter By Liz Barr. PG-13
Reversals Of Fortune
Who whom? Rome By Lin. NC-17
Reverse Falling
Five steps away from a disaster. JAG By Wistful. PG-13
The Reverse Of Fascination
"I have only one idea left," Rodney said, because this situation was dire. It was desperate. It was this, or Rock Paper Scissors, and he didn't have a handy copy of the official strategy guide. Stargate: Atlantis By Shrift. NC-17
"I heard about it from Lucille, the woman who cleans the offices every night." due South By alejandra. PG
Revisionist History
It was where she had always been; it was where she belonged. Smallville By käthe. PG
Revisiting The Past
Four couples, four stories. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Beth C. R
Revolutionary Kind
"I'm not worried about your state of mind / 'Cause you're not the revolutionary kind.' Smallville By zahra. PG
Rhythms And Rituals
The undertones to the fishing invitation. Stargate SG1 By Brianna Aisling. PG
The Rhythm Of In-Between
"And you managed to fuck that one up, didn't you?" The West Wing By aj. PG-13
Rhythm Of The Night
"But you're going to need someone to untie that dress." The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. NC-17
Ribbons And Bows
Kaylee and her dress. Firefly By Tara O'Shea. PG
Richie's 'Fuck Me' Jeans
Richie's jeans inspire Jon, and Heather wants to play too. Actor/Musician By Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan. NC-17
Riding Trains With Boys
"He's unaware. He's beautiful." Batman By Megolas. NC-17
Right Astride The Memory Of
"I remember how good your back felt when I scratched it, shirt over bareback with your large hands clamped on my thighs." Original By Jill B. Wilde. PG-13
Right Back Where We Started From
At the end of the day, Igby and Oliver are their father's sons. Igby Goes Down By Ishafel. PG-13
Right Here, Right Now
Wesley has to get her out of his head. Preferably with the help of someone who gets why he does. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
The Right Man For The Job
Jack and his demons. 24 By cha-cha mia. R
The Right Of Kings
"Mostly, he wanted Aragorn to look at him as an equal, a brother-in-arms, a leader of Men worthy of the title." Lord Of The Rings By Victoria P. R
Rings And Sores
There's more than one way. By Pearl-O. Smallville R
The Ripple Effect
Chloe, Pete and Lana find themselves on the trail of a mutant who should be harmless, but whose appetite for a different kind of destruction is causing havoc in the halls of Smallville High. Smallville By TaleWeaver. PG-13
Spiderbites and portents. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By s.a. R
Because you've always dreamed of this. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. NC-17
Ris'n With Healing (In His Wings)
"He is still the outsider." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Lar. PG
"I couldn't sleep," River said. Firefly By Pearl-O. R
river dirges
Legolas grieves for Gandalf. Boromir seeks distraction. Lord Of The Rings By Twinkledru J. R
The Road To Damascus
There was never any doubt about what he was going to be. Lost By Paradoqz. PG
The Road To Jack's Hell
Jack considers murder. 24 By cha-cha mia. R
Robin To Batman
"Carlos was like Robin to his Batman or Iolus to his Hercules and Gunn had to at least go with him when he enlisted." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Sami. PG
For the first time, Hermione learns how to truly love. And as she does, she also discovers the purest pain, and one valuable lesson: when differences get in the way, it is the hardest thing to live with them -- but the only thing you can do. Harry Potter By Marine Galdeone. PG
Rocking Horse Winner
"If any one faculty of our nature may be called more wonderful than the rest, I do think it is memory." Smallville By Gradients. PG
A Roman Winter
As the evening drew on, the taste of hot lead got more and more tasty. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Sami. PG-13
Her first year back in Metropolis -- from samurai to self-righting doll. Smallville By sangga. R
The events that summer after the office blew up. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Tesla. PG
"Even though the personal items had been moved out, the betrayal of the friend who slept there was still fresh in his mind." X-Men: The Movie By Dragonsinger. G
"Genevieve tried to kill herself a year ago. She must know by now ending it is harder than it looks." OZ By cgb. NC-17
A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose
Fundamental Loating And Disgust Channeled Into Brutal Shagging And Extreme Violence would be a more appropriate title for the relationship that exists between them. Harry Potter By zahra. R
Rose Petal Bath Water
The final scene of Miss Daisy Adair, actress. Dead Like Me By Nicole Clevenger. PG-13
She gave her roses. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Harry Potter By MelWil. PG-13
rough replacements
They run out of breath on the way to Florida. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By august. NC-17
You know why she was always so strong. Thelma & Louise By Kathryne. PG
Roundabout Ways
"The desert made a man obsess a little over what constituted 'comfortable.' Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Scy. R
Rounded With A Sleep
"There's something cozy about the Gryffindor common room at Christmas, with garlands strung and a fire crackling in the hearth." Harry Potter By Victoria P. R
Rounding Complete Grace
Harry, Ron, and Hermione share everything. Harry Potter By Victoria P. R
Torrance isn't going to get what she wants. Bring It On By Pearl-o. PG-13
Rubber Soul
He's a soul man. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By s.a. PG
Ruby Slippers Are A One Way Ticket
There's no place like home, but sometimes home is where you least expect it. Star Trek: The Next Generation/Star Trek: Voyager By Kaite. NC-17
The Rules Of Attraction
Incidents in the lives of two intertwined downward spirals. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
The Rules Of Attraction
Inara knows the Rules of Attraction like the back of her hand. Firefly By dafnap. PG-13
The Rules Of Making Love
What counts as making love? Times Square By Proserpina. PG-13
Rule Twenty-Three
There are a few basic rules of shipboard interaction in effect on Serenity. All are learned from cruel experience. Firefly By Twinkledru J. PG-13
Rum Punch Is A Color Of The Rainbow
Dorothy has heard of Harlem speakeasies filled with poets and painters and people who just might believe her story. This, she realizes dimly, is not one of those places. Wizard Of Oz By Shaye. PG-13
Rumors Of My Death
A new life, a new home, an unexpected reunion. Smallville By HYPERFocused. PG
Rumours And Riddles
Grindelwald attacks Hogwarts in 1945, and there are all sorts of rumours flying about. Harry Potter By Liz Barr. PG-13
Why Chigusa and Mitsuko share nothing but hate. Battle Royale By nostalgia. PG
Annabelle writes a dead letter. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Tiki. PG
Running Away
"You might never know that I want you to know what's written inside of your head." The OC By Alejandra. NC-17
Running Men
In a South American rain forest, Oz and Riley find each other. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By LindaMarie. R
Running Start
"Alternate dimensions always suck when you're us." Justice League By Shrift. NC-17
Running To Stand Still
"She will suffer the needle chill -- she's running to stand still." X-Men: The Movie By Victoria P. PG
Running Toward, Running Away
You never get where you're going to without a detour along the way. Harry Potter By Laura Smith. NC-17
Rupert Giles Tells Lies
"Should anyone ever enquire." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Ruth. G
The Sacred And Profane
The best intentions lead to hell. Charmed. By Juanita Dark. PG-13
Sad The Goodbye
He is not fragile and you don't think he was ever truly young but you remember him at sixteen; staring at the bloody corpses of his best friends with devastation and mindless rage in his eyes. Harry Potter By Emily. PG-13
Safe As Houses
The house will protect its master. Harry Potter By Victoria P. R
Safe Hands
Maybe her luck was changing. Smallville/X-Men: The Movie By käthe. PG-13
Safe Heaven
This isn't really what he would consider a better place. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By White Star 2 & Staring Blankly. PG
Sailor, Pirate, Privateer, Spy
The tale of how Commodore Norrington won a bride, foiled a French plan to win the 7 Year's War, made truce with Jack Sparrow, and matched wits with a clever agent of the crown. Pirates Of The Caribbean By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Salad Days
Giles doesn't want Buffy to lose herself. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Venus Blue. PG-13
Salvation Payment Plan
The best kind of lie was one that was easier to believe than the truth. Alias By Shrift. PG-13
Sam Beckett
Leaping from life to life... Quantum Leap By nostalgia. PG
Samba De Orfeo
It's Carnival when the streets come alive. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Beth C. R
The Same Grim Giving
"Sex. Gay sex. Gay sex with Batman. Cats and dogs living together. The world was insane. Maybe he should order a pink suit." Justice League By Shrift. NC-17
What it takes. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Mona. PG-13
All mankind is of one author and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language. Harry Potter By Ishafel. PG-13
Sandwich As Aphrodisiac
The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Everwood By Pearl-o. PG
There is blood on the walls. Firefly By tigerlady. PG
Santa Monica, 2:00 AM
"Web has been watching Rebecca since she was sixteen years old..." The Inside By Meyerlemon. PG-13
A beloved figure who wears a lot of red, and flies through the air. What, you thought we were talking about Superman? Smallville By Amy & HYPERFocused. G
"It was the Warrior Angel valentine that started it all." Smallville By HYPERFocused. PG-13
Once a year, he changes back. Beauty And The Beast By Vixxxen. R
Clark knows how Lex likes him. Smallville By s.a. R
Saturday (Escape Velocity Remix)
"Saturday. Xander comes by the library, too foggy to remember that he doesn't belong here today." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Branwyn. PG-13
Saturday Night At The Movies
When Disney movies attack. Pop By Megolas. PG-13
The Sausage Test
Blindfolded sausage testing the Jackass way. Jackass By Charles. NC-17
Save A Prayer
"She plays Uno on the floor of her room while she waits for the call." Everwood By Käthe. G
Save It For A Rainy Day
Neela's never kissed back. ER By Mosca. R
Save Me
"I try out his name on my tongue, and it feels and sounds alright, more than alright, sending a quiver down my spine." Donnie Darko By Mistresskitty. NC-17
Saving Harry, And Other Stuff
"She doesn't want to be the only witness; she doesn't want to be the only one who understands." Harry Potter By Alejandra. PG
Hermione and Ron go to France. Harry Potter By Lavender. PG
Say Goodbye Hollywood
Eminem makes a friend at the premiere party of his movie 8 Mile. Actor/Pop By Rabbit. NC-17
Say Hello Before You Say Goodbye
Draco doesn't want comfort now, not now. Harry Potter By Signe. NC-17
Mr. Darcy resents his predicament. Austen By LindaMarie. PG-13
The Scar Of Voldemort, And Also Zombies, And Also Some Other Stuff
It is raining, and then it's not. Harry is missing but then he isn't. Lots of people are dead -- then they aren't. Harry Potter By Alejandra. PG
Scar Tissue
It was her, just her. Shattered Mirror By Sami. PG-13
Clark touches Lex's scar after Cassandra's funeral. Smallville By Thamiris. NC-17
Kaylee knows they come from different worlds. Firefly By Tara O'Shea. PG
Every scar tells a story and theirs are no exception. Pirates Of The Caribbean By Siryn. PG-13
Scars Of Defeat
There was something else besides the contract in that email... Yu-Gi-Oh! By Charles. PG
Scenes From An Imagined Novel
Decker, Donatti, and father figures. Stone Kiss By Dale Edmonds. R
Scenes From A Mall: Don't Think Of Yesterday
Ana tries to come to grips by talking with Michael. Dawn Of The Dead By Allison Lane. PG-13
Scenes From A Mall: The Skin Beneath
Monica propositions Michael. Angst ensues. Dawn Of The Dead By Allison Lane. PG-13
Scenes From (Not) An Affair
Tara and Anya during a very difficult summer. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Netgirl. PG-13
Scenes From The Floating World
Courtship takes its own time. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By glossolalia. R
A Scent Broken In
The tilt of the earth makes the seasons. Harry Potter By Losselen. PG-13
Science Of Silence
"He is always making excuses for her." Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By Lavender. PG
Scientific Method
Fred lives her life by the rules that serve her well in the laboratory. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By missmorganpryce. PG-13
'Cause the boys aren't the only ones giving off slash vibes. Fastlane By Northlight. R
The Scorned Women Club
"Lilah's first gig after being told that she was a risk on earth and wouldn't be allowed back up there for awhile was at the processing firm." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Beth C. PG-13
Scream Of Consciousness
Giles deals with torture at the hands of Angelus. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By dodyskin. R
Screens (Not) Blue
And they called his movies surreal. Actor By Voleuse. G
Flash has a jones. GL has it going on. Justice League By Shrift & Te. NC-17
Scully Does Cleveland
Scully meets Giles. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The X-Files By Jengrrrl. PG
Gently down the stream. By s.a. Andromeda PG
Seven sex scenes, seven mortal sins, seven different Lilahs. Pick your poison. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
The Sea Is Dark, And All Its Gods Are Dead
Biding time until touch is more, and the sea twists in the tempest. South Of Nowhere By Jengrrrl. NC-17
"Urban myth becoming urban reality, not that he was there to improve public relations between humans and gargoyles..." Gargoyles/Highlander By Karen. PG-13
Summer through the seasons. The O.C. By HYPERFocused. PG
Susan had a brother, and knew what that meant. Neighbours By alicamel. R
"You keep secrets from each other because you can't bring yourself to be honest." Spiderman: The Movie By Kate Bolin. R
Secrets In Her Lipstick Mouth
How Cordelia spent her summer vacation. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Searching For Barry Lowenstein
An Alabama gay boy in the big city. Sweet Home Alabama By Mosca. R
Second Chances
She's in, and that's exactly where Steph wants to be. Batman By Shrift. PG
Second Coming
Severus and Peter both have secrets to keep. Harry Potter By Ishafel. NC-17
A Second Glance (The Falling Is Like This Remix)
Sometimes you slip. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine By Kyra Cullinan. PG-13
Second Self
You have to be willing to risk blood. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Anna S. R
The Secret Hours
Somewhere in the world, dawn is always breaking. Harry Potter By Chris Anderson. PG-13
The Secret Life Of Samantha Spade
"He said she had 'good instincts,' but maybe that wasn't the only reason." Without A Trace By Tahlia. PG-13
Secrets, Lies, And The Home Shopping Network
Everything is Summer's business and no one is allowed to have secrets. Also, there are rhinestones. The O.C. By alejandra. PG-13
Out on the town. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Scy. R
Security Blanket
How did Sirius convince Lily and James to switch to Peter? Harry Potter By Victoria P. G
Seduce And Destroy
Every story starts small and gets bigger; tracing Laura's from end to the beginnings. Battlestar Galactica By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Seducing Remus
Everyone knew that Sirius was crazy about Remus -- everyone that is except for Remus. Harry Potter By Sylvia Sylverton. PG-13
Angelus goes hunting. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By kbk. NC-17
See The Forest
"The middle of nowhere was the closest Faith hoped to come in figuring out where she'd wandered to." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Scy. PG-13
Seeing Eyes
River knows who's looking and who's not. Firefly By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Seeing Through
Clark has a moment of weakness and the eyes for it. A Cup Of Coffee At Talon. Smallville By Francis. PG
Seeing Through Shadow
When the ends comes, not even Harry will see through the shadow. Harry Potter By Conchetta. PG
Seeing Through The Spaces
"You find it a little funny, the way a decision made in the cold, in the woods, in a moment, can still seem like the right thing later on." X-Men: The Movie By Pearl-o. PG-13
seeing your world from the outside
She isn't the child she once was, and her dreams are no longer what they once where. The Little Mermaid By Northlight. PG-13
Seem'd A Part Of Joyous Spring
Although an icy chill yet lingered in the Mark, it was summer, and they were summer winds that bore a stranger from the South. Lord Of The Rings By Twinkledru J. PG
Seize The Fish
Ron didn't want to make the same mistakes Sirius had. Harry Potter By Victoria P. PG
Clark does his best Johnny Cash impersonation. Smallville By LindaMarie. PG-13
Self Made
Faith's an independent girl...isn't she? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Prophecy Girl. R
Selfish (Little Fugue Remix)
"You even start to think you might love the way Boone stares you over, with those eyes of his, after he's gotten through lecturing you." Lost By Jengrrrl. NC-17
Self-Portrait In A Coma Patient
Gunn visits Cordy. In a couple places. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By glossolalia. R
Sell Out
Sell out with me oh yeah, sell out with me tonight... Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Nip/Tuck By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
Sending And Receiving
Rusty puts up with a lot, but these family functions are the limit. Ocean's 11 By Scy. PG
Very little in the world makes sense anymore. Alias By Melanie-Anne. R
Sense And Lunacy
In some ways it's easier being a dog. Harry Potter By Your Cruise Director. NC-17
Sense And Sensibility
Bonding. Over paperwork. It can only be Percy Weasley and Wesley Wyndham-Price. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Harry Potter By Abaddon. PG
Sense Memory
When he closes his eyes, he can still feel her touch... Jake 2.0 By Tara O'Shea. PG-13
Sense Memory I
"It's a bitch." The X-Files By Tesla. NC-17
Sense Memory II
"Nice pool table, though, Mulder thought." The X-Files By Tesla. R
Sense Memory III
"Of all the ways Dana Scully dreamed of fucking her partner, pool tables had never been a featured kink." The X-Files By Tesla. R
Sense Memory IV
"She hastily took her hand off the gear shift, and Mulder was devoutly grateful." The X-Files By Tesla. R
Sense Memory V
"Scully sat down at her computer, trying to figure out where and how and why she had ever been in a bar with Mulder." The X-Files By Tesla. R
Sense Memory VI
"Be an adult, Scully said to herself." The X-Files By Tesla. R
Sense Memory VII
"Saturday afternoon. Meant for lazy drifting through Ikea, or doing laundry, or having a nice nap." The X-Files By Tesla. R
Sense Of
Memo to self: you're living in a vacuum. A vacuum of nothing more needing to be said. And it's getting bigger. Stargate SG1 By Vanessa Nichols. PG
The Sensual Woman
Everyone who has survived was someone else before. Battlestar Galactica By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
Sentimental Coffee Cups
It'll be so great. Six Feet Under By Michelle K. PG-13
Sentimental Review
This isn't a situation that demands inspiring oratory. The West Wing By Seana Renay. PG
Nothing major had evoked the melancholy within him. The earth had not shook and the stars had not fallen. It had been simple. So painfully simple. X-Men: The Movie By Princess Twilite. PG
Serenity Waits
This is about life on Serenity three years later. Firefly By G Thing. PG
A Series Of Small Walls
Wes and Angel talk, lots more than is feasible, then they ignore Spike, then they ignore each other, then they talk again. There are a lot of long silences, which is weird, because they do talk a lot. They have Daddy Issues but then, who doesn't? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By dodyskin. R
Session Musicians Get Around (Especially The Good Ones)
You should always read the small print before signing anything. Musician By Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan. NC-17
Seth And Luke's Big Gay Adventures In Portland
There was a point, Seth felt, in which everything in his life had gone wrong. He estimated that it was roughly a day after he'd been born. The OC By Sara. R
Seth, Lies, And Videotape...
S.E. Hinton never pictured it like this. Seth and Ryan have a blockbuster night. The O.C. By HYPERFocused. R
Seven Days
Five little soldiers went to war... Stargate SG1 By Vanessa Nichols. PG
The Seven Deadly Sins
"The weather is unseasonably warm for May, but it's the most beautiful day for a picnic." The Woman In White By Kaite. NC-17
Seven Drops
"The drop spattered, but did not run. His eyelids fluttered, but did not stir." Lord Of The Rings By Twinkledru J. PG
Seven People In Search Of Dreamland
Four bedtime stories set at the end of a very long night for Angel Investigations and their assorted friends, lovers, and hangers-on. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Seven Virtues From A Broken Hill
Wesley Wyndham-Price and the Seven Holy Virtues. Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. PG
Sex And The Stranded Girl
"Boone would ask her how her hair got so dirty and she'd just smile." Lost By Lavender. R
Sex Before Breakfast
Justin takes a shower and Marshall gets all wet. Pop By Embitca. NC-17
sex, lies, and videotape
Three ways a certain tape could get into Laura Roslin's hands. Battlestar Galactica By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
(sex) on a beach, with sharks
She ain't no Mother Theresa, this girl. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By not jenny. R
(sex) on a beach, with sharks (the sweetness and light remix)
"There was this thing, a thing Angel and I did, where we kissed if we got too close." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Voleuse. R
Sex, Torture, And The Derevko Girls
Three shorts on the desires of the Derevko women. Alias/Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
Sex With The Most Repressed Man In The Known Universe
It turns out to be not so bad after all. Spiderman: The Movie By sangga. NC-17
Shades Of
She needs to be somewhere else. A place where she's the professional. The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. R
The Shadow
Winchester has a not-so-secret admirer. M*A*S*H By iolanthe. G
Shadow Kingdom
Even shadow dreams must have a king. X-Men: The Movie By Paradoqz. PG
Shadows Into Demons
A stranger in a strange land. La Femme Nikita By Abi Z. NC-17
Shake Trip And Fall
Fraser doesn't like kissing Ray when he's been drinking, but Fraser does a lot of shit Ray doesn't like, too. due South By Pearl-o. NC-17
Sweet, sweet loving. due South By s.a. R
Shaking (Version 6: Hands)
She couldn't stop her hands from shaking. Spooks/MI:5 By MelWil. PG
The Vulcan pon farr is nothing to be ashamed of. Enterprise By Claire. PG
Shape And Space
Spike and Angel speak two different languages with each other. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By dodyskin. PG-13
"There was no way to abide where sunrise did not give boundary and opening." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Scy. R
Share And Share Alike
Fred and George have shared everything in their life. It's just their way. Harry Potter By Kate Bolin. PG
Share Of Days
"He's like your younger brother, except you make out occasionally." Joan Of Arcadia By Anna S. PG
Samara in the white room. The Ring By kbk. PG
Sharing A Bed
Oz, Giles, one bed, filthy floors. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Francis. PG
Sharks Patrol These Waters
"Are you out of your fucking mind? No, I'm sorry, there's no way I'm gonna let you do this. In a million years, you are never gonna pawn my car." Poolhall Junkies By Shrift. NC-17
Girls playing. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Patricia RD. NC-17
She waits and diminishes in the West. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Lord Of The Rings By Kate Bolin. G
She Clicks Her Ruby Shoes
"Everywhere she goes she feels as though a piece of her is snagged on the doorstep." Lost In Translation By Lavender. PG
She Follows
Eowyn understands that she has no place in the reunion between Aragorn and Legolas. But she still follows. Lord Of The Rings By Victoria P. R
She Knew
"As soon as Helen came out onto the roof, she knew what had happened." Kissing Jessica Stein By Rae. G
she sees harry potter in her dreams
She sees Harry Potter in her dreams. She has since before he was born, and she supposes she will until well after he's out of her care. Harry Potter By Kessica. PG
She Was Laughing
"Remus laughed into her ears too, her legs anchored on his lap, thighs fresh and moving and tingling with life." Harry Potter By Losselen. NC-17
She Won't
It'll make no sense. The West Wing By Michelle K. NC-17
She's Just Like Me!
Willow and Evil Willow spend a little time together. By Miss Ellie. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer NC-17
She's No Angel
Velma on Roxie, Roxie all over Velma. Chicago By Francis. NC-17
Sheep's Clothing
"The first time Nina noticed, really noticed Wesley, he was half sitting on Angel's desk sharing some unintelligible, esoteric joke with Fred." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M Phoenix. PG-13
Sheep's Clothing
The effect of spells on sex, and the effect of Harry on someone weak. Harry Potter By Anne Hedonia. R
Shelter From The Storm
"The sky opens up and rain comes pouring down." Highlander By Karen. PG
"Shhhh-whisper! The Roses Have Gone"
Darla dislikes Russia because the land is cold and hard and flat. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Briar. G
It's never too late to learn. Smallville By Pablo. PG-13
Shillings And Sixpence
In which sex is bought and AUs are had. LOTRPS By Megolas. NC-17
She was so shiny in the lights of the carnival. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Beth C. R
Shipboard Conversations I
It's a conversation. On a ship. Andromeda By Simon Field. PG
The Shirt
The shirt was soaked in sweat and clung to JC's chest. Pop By spasticat. R
Shit Happens
Brotherly love, Harrison style. Tru Calling By cheebs! PG-13
Shit Happens...Again
Someone gets revenge on FOX. Actor By cheebs! PG-13
Blake struggles to survive the winter. Queer As Folk US By Annie. PG-13
Shopping For Mayhem In Aisle Four
In which Ray in unconscionable, mean people suck, and Fraser has questionable taste in pre-packaged foodstuffs. due South By Shrift. PG-13
Shopping To Remember
Andrew goes shopping at Toys R Us. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Charles. PG
Shopping To Remember (The Coming Alive Remix)
Andrew goes shopping for the dead and for the living. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Hecate. PG
The Shores Of Freedom
"Seth has known he was gay since he was twelve years old..." The O.C. By HYPERFocused. PG-13
Short And Sensible
Meredith wants Izzie's confidence -- and maybe a few inches of her height. Grey's Anatomy By Keren Ziv. G
A Short History Of The Teenage Years
How Harry Potter grew up. Harry Potter By Kate Bolin. G
Short Stories With Tragic Endings
This isn't the ballad of the dead. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Vala. R
There are bad ideas. And then there's Ben and Syl. Dark Angel By Northlight. PG-13
A Shot Of Scotch And A Bottle Of Blame
He doesn't know how anyone could to be blame except himself. Harry Potter By MelWil. PG-13
Kemper would never be this cruel to Olivia. Farscape By Shaye. PG-13
Should Have Loved A Thunderbird
Faith doesn't want to talk. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Zeelee. NC-17
Show And Tell
Showing is better. Batman By Shrift. NC-17
Shut The Fuck Up, Dawnie!
Buffy's choice and the fallout it causes. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Miss Ellie. R
Shut up, okay?
Ryan, Summer, Seth, Anna, all variations thereof. The O.C. By alejandra. PG
After Faith wakes up from her coma, she meets up with Drusilla. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Katie Vieceli. R
Sibling Song
"She's not her mother -- her mother never smoked, was never promiscuous and she's pretty sure her mother never carried a Smith and Wesson." The Pretender By cgb. PG
Sick of Harper getting sick all the time? Me too. Curiously enough, so is he. And so is she. Andromeda By sangga. R
In which Draco chooses a side and he and Harry live happily ever after. Harry Potter By Halrloprillalar. R
He only wants to be blind. Stargate SG1 By Vanessa Nichols. R
Signature Move
An impulsive and possibly monumentally stupid gesture, yep, that's his signature move. due South By Shrift. PG-13
Signs And Tokens
Giles was so much older then; he's younger than that now. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Harry Potter By glossolalia. PG
Signs And Tokens (The Minders & Re-Minders Remix)
In lieu of a preface. Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Harry Potter By bj. PG
"They wore blue gloves." Firefly By Tara O'Shea. PG-13
silence, and the spaces between
"The cause of her silence matters less than her silence itself." Noir By Northlight. PG-13
Silent Night
Faith after the end with her mother and child. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Silk And Sandals
Ethan includes an odd costume, it's selected by Xander, and there are astonishing results. Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Samurai Jack By M. Scott Eiland. PG-13
Touchstone has a secret about Kerrigor. The Abhorsen Series By Katie Vieceli. PG-13
Silver Paper And Sequins
He can't remember when it started. Spooks/MI:5 By MelWil. PG
Clark is like a teenaged boy. Smallville By Kassie. R
Ryan never expected a Hollywood ending. The O.C. By Voleuse. PG-13
He can't help but get closer. X-Men By Voleuse. R
Simple Things
"'Is it so bad there?' Kaylee asked as she took a step towards Simon in the narrow hallway outside the mess." Firefly By Tara O'Shea. PG
"And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And leads us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil." Musician/Pop By Sofie K Werkers. NC-17
Sin Of Omission
"There are things he doesn't tell her, even when she asks." Doctor Who By Tara O'Shea. PG
Since The Time We Left Ourselves
"They used to drape blankets over chairs, shore them up with pillows, and make pretend tents." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Dessert First & Tesla. NC-17
Since U Been Gone
Faith's back from an assignment and Dawn's been waiting. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
Singing And Other Nice Things
Giles knows lots of stuff. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kindkit. NC-17
sinking (This Little Masochist)
When a spell is cast that affects the Slayer line, what happens to the Chosen One through whom the line currently runs? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By cheebs! PG-13
Sins Of The Father
"For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Abaddon. NC-17
Siren Self
Fred tries to answer the question that's haunting everyone left in the hotel. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Sister Dark
Faith and virtue don't go together, surely... Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By Lady Grey. PG-13
Of a sort. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Pop By Gale. PG
Sisters In Arms
A letter, from one warrior to another. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Moonslash. R
sitting by the roadside
This is sure to pass, though you are not yet chilled. Gilmore Girls By Keren Ziv. PG
Sitting On The Couch And Waiting
Keiko waits, and considers her options. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine By Kate Bolin. PG-13
Situation Normal
Kara's in the brig. "This seems familiar..." Battlestar Galactica By Käthe. PG-13
Six A.M. Wakeup Call
A better way to rise and shine. Actor By Lar. R
Six Bits
Clark goes to bed after a very long day, only to be awakened by two familiar faces in need of an explanation. Justice League/Smallville By M. Scott Eiland. PG-13
The Six Deaths Of Angela Dodson
There are so many ways to die. Constantine By Hecate. PG
Six Degrees
Dawn will burn her Angel issues to ash. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Sami. PG
Six Long Years On Your Trail
Four boys, two blowjobs, twenty years and worlds apart. Harry Potter By Victoria P. R
Six Minutes, Fifty-three Seconds
Ever wonder what Faith did on Prom night? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M Phoenix. R
Six Months Of The Year
Maggie has some advice for her daughter-in-law. The X-Files By Maidenjedi. PG-13
Six Paramitas For The Wolfman
Oz and the six precepts for Buddhist aspirants. Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By glossolalia. R
Six Point Four Ounces
Frannie doesn't usually do this sort of thing. Neither does Ray. due South By Pearl-o. R
Six Scary Stories Of Clark And Lex's First Official Date
It's scary. Smallville By HYPERFocused. PG
Six Things That Never Happened To Ana And Michael, Because Life Just Doesn't Work Out That Way
It would be great if things were different, but, of course, they can't be. Dawn Of The Dead By Gale & Kate Bolin. R
Six To Eight Months
Tess, Rusty, six to eight months, and the life that went before. The con is all about who we are. Ocean's 11 By Cherry Ice. PG-13
Six Ways To Fall In Love
Susan hasn't lived a lot of lives. Neighbours By alicamel. PG
Sixteen Days
Sixteen days of Willow's life from Tara's death. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Gabe. PG
That year when you know everything and nothing. Smallville By Hope. R
The Sixth Day
What may or may not be an account of the first week after the first time. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
Skating Around The Truth
Cordelia, Wesley, a pool, and winter. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Wendy. PG
Skating Away
"He was feeling particularly stir crazy, which was slightly unpleasant, but bearable." Sports Night By HYPERFocused. PG
Skin And Bones (Self-Delusion Mix)
"The miraculous control she had gained one terrible night was not her every dream fulfilled, not in any way she believed it to be." X-Men: The Movie By Jengrrrl. R
Skin Your Knee
Clark is almost a grown-up. Smallville By Pearl-O. PG
Skuka, Holod i Granit
Orange juice. Tolstoy. Vodka. Breakfast foods. Just your average love story, in space. Babylon 5 By not jenny. PG
Sky Full Of Clouds
Aaron Carter reads slash. Pop By Dale Edmonds. R
The Sky Has Claws
Nothing was supposed to end this way. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kyra Cullinan. R
The Sky Is Empty
Clark talks to God, but... Smallville By Pablo. PG-13
The Sky Is Flesh
"The stars are twinkling, so they must be planetside." Farscape By not jenny. PG-13
The Slant
"It's the one place in the world where I've been the happiest." Smallville By HYPERFocused. PG
Slash Your Tires
I will slash your tires. By Teanna. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer PG
Slave Of Sensation
These feelings sometimes get out of control. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Slayer Central
Buffy comes to Angel with a plan. Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By M. Scott Eiland. PG-13
Three girls with a mission in the Wishverse. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. R
Sleep Of Apples
"I want to sleep for half a second/a second, a minute, a century,/but I want everyone to know that I am still alive." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By glossolalia. NC-17
Sleep When You Die
Call says goodbye to Purvis. Alien: Resurrection By Allision E. Lane. R
Gunn doesn't dream. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Vala. PG
Sleeping Arrangements
Buffy and Giles get the hook up (out of sheer exhaustion) and you know, stuff happens. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kessica. PG-13
Sleepless In New Jersey
Richie can't sleep. Jon can't sleep. They kill some time. Musician By Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan. R
Sleeping On Empty Dreams
Ignorance is bliss. Pop By Icebun & Pablo. PG-13
Sleeps In Elysium
"Were it not that I have bad dreams..." Firefly By Tara O'Shea. PG-13
Sleight Of Hand
"Spiral down down down down down down down/Well desire looks just like you with an uzi nine" Charmed By Juanita Dark. R
A Slip Of The Tongue
Sirius is a daft bastard. Remus accepts that. Harry Potter By Victoria P. PG-13
The Slippery Road
Become a pirate in three easy steps. Pirates Of The Caribbean By Zara Hemla. R
Slippery When Wet
Strange things happen in communal showers late at night... Musician By Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan. NC-17
Slow Learners
Devon and Xander both miss Oz. Oh, and Xander's not gay. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By glossolalia. R
The gradual downward path of two souls, one already dark, and the other fascinated and adventurous. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer. By Scy. R
Small Change
"Heads or tails?" Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M. Phoenix. PG-13
Small Fish
"It's his voice. It will be his face under the startling tumble of white. Him. But - not him, as Delirium is not Delight, and Change is not Destruction. As Despair is no longer who she was in the beginning." Sandman By FayJay. PG
Small Things
Albus does what he can. Harry Potter By Ishafel. NC-17
Smart Boy
Transmitting a virus. Or something. Alias/Angel By Zara Hemla. PG-13
Smart Girls Do
Great minds think alike. Harry Potter By Voleuse. NC-17
Faith smash. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By s.a. PG-13
Smile, Darn Ya, Smile
"Things are never black as they are painted..." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Doctor Who By Kate Bolin. PG
A Smile Is Worth A Thousand Words
"Oh, uh, nothing's wrong, Frase, just can't sleep. Was wondering." due South By pir8fancier. R
The Smiles And The Look In Their Eyes
Willow becomes paranoid that she has a neon sign pointing at her head proclaiming, for all the world to see, that she is gay. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan. PG
Smiles In Shadows
"There was a bite to the evening that had nothing to do with teeth and was more a relation of Hellmouth town and the tingle of things going on just out of reach." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Scy. PG-13
Fred, friendship, and the wisdom you get only when you're very, very stoned. Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Snaking Along
"I thought you might like to get away and have a break before you have to start a new job..." The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. PG
Ruminations on Ian Nottingham. Witchblade By Voleuse. G
Snapshots Of A Historical Nature
History doesn't actually really repeat itself. Actor/Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Historical By Kate Bolin. PG-13
Snatch And Grab
There's a set routine when robbing an apartment building. But she fucks it up. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. R
Snow, Moments, Honor, Different, And Senses
She knows she should be out. Harry Potter By Laura Smith. PG-13
Snow White Lies
"Tell me a story, Mummy." Doctor Who By Tara O'Shea. PG
Snow falls on Sunnydale and miracles occur. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. G
Two enjoy the show. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Dolores. R
The Snowman
"In my grandmother's youth a man who was not a man came to the village." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/due South By Dodyskin. G
So Close, So Far Away
Goodbye is for best, isn't it? Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Patricia RD. G
So Fucking Special
"You've gone off to a world of nothingness, sailed to where the sun never rises and never sets because it was never there to begin with." Ghost World By Oro. PG-13
So Judas Did
Halloween 1981 at Godric's Hollow. Harry Potter By Victoria P. G
So Let Us Melt
This is life, this is how it goes. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kyra Cullinan. PG
So. Like.
There's a rumor about Brian that is, like, totally weird. My So-Called Life By Alejandra. PG
so many soldiers
"only so many soldiers come home." The Pretender By not jenny. PG-13
So Many Ways To Say I Love You
In certain situations, a weakness can be an asset. X-Men: The Movie By Katta. G
So Much For All Your High-Brow Marxist Ways
Recoup your middle age without getting arrested. Desperate Housewives By Jennifer-Oksana. PG
So Much For My Happy Ending
Hannah meets Avril, throws Elijah a birthday party, and walks in on some crazy celebrity pairings. Plus, there are New Kids. Actor/Pop By Alejandra. PG-13
so much for the afterglow
Afterwards, Hawkeye listens. M*A*S*H By Kyra Cullinan. PG
So Many Monsters
"I used to have demons in my room at night / desire, despair, desire / so many monsters" Harry Potter/Sandman By Victoria P. PG
So Pretty
Fred has two very pretty lovers. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Twinkledru J. NC-17
So Sayeth Death, The World Is Mine
It's raining, and so it's safe to be at the window today. The X-Files By Twinkledru J. R
So Where Are All The Martians At?
Toby, Josh, Sam and a smidge of Donna talking. The West Wing By Simon Field. PG
Society Pages
The wedding of Pansy Parkinson to Lavender Brown, which could well be the society wedding of the year. Harry Potter By Kate Bolin. R
Sockman Meets The President
More comedic misadventures on Galactica. By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
"Eowyn had fancied herself the strongest woman in her kingdom, but she was in Gonor now." Lord Of The Rings By Twinkledru J. PG-13
Soft Rain
Need. Want. Desperation. Pop By Icebun. NC-17
After the battle, Buffy needs release. Good thing Faith's around. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By cheebs! NC-17
Giles receives a visitor who won't take no for an answer. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M. Scott Eiland. R
Donna is warm, willing, and present. The West Wing By Emily. G
Solace (five lovers Buffy Summers never found it with)
Any of these things might have comforted her. They never had a chance to happen. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Twinkledru J. NC-17
They keep going, because the alternative is unthinkable. Harry Potter By Ishafel. PG-13
Duke gets what he wants. But is it what he really wanted? Yu-Gi-Oh! By Charles. PG
Sombre Adulation
Jool and Chiana come to terms with Talyn's burial. Farscape By Wendy. PG-13
Some Angels Did Once
It's that everlasting moment before the end and the stretch is intoxicating. Smallville By Buffonia. R
Some Dawns Wait
A possible future for Dawn. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Hecate. PG
Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
Millicent has found a way to get what she wants. Harry Potter By Victoria P. R
Some Girls Wander By Mistake
"Just because Gwyneth was doing it didn't mean everyone needed to." The OC By Alejandra. NC-17
Some Great Adventure
He found her in a dark corner and wondered why she was back. Harry Potter By MelWil. PG-13
Some Kind Of Beautiful
"It really is nice out on the open road." Pop By Jill B. Wilde. R
Some Kind Of Devil
So close to heaven, and ever nearer to hell. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By s.a. R
Some Lurk It Hot
Ligur thinks Hastur's a bit of all right. Good Omens By Daegaer. PG
Some People Die Who Aren't Lilly
Something had to happen that night with or without her. Veronica Mars By Sami. PG-13
Somebody's Darling
Needs must. Gone With The Wind By Halrloprillalar. PG-13
Somebody Up There
Fred and Gunn, enjoying the spring. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. PG
Someone Left The (Pan)Cake In The Rain
"'Macarthur Park' might not have been the first song to use a baking analogy to explain a relationship but it was definitely the most inane." Gilmore Girls By cgb. PG
Someone Like You
I would sell my soul for something pure and true, someone like you. Pop By Megolas. PG
"Holly Beecher had been photographing the other members of what Cassidy Mackey liked to call the Contact Visits Crew for a couple of weeks before it was finally Cass's turn." OZ/The Shield By Gemma Files. PG
Something About The Open Road
"She comes to accept that it is over." The West Wing By Oro. PG-13
Something Borrowed
"If they were on speaking terms, Remus would scoff and ask him how he could tell the difference between one white, cotton shirt and another, but Sirius could, and did." Harry Potter By Victoria P. PG-13
Something Brighter
"So raise a glass to those who finish last/and here's to us cuz we got all night..." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Something For The Pain
When Jon pulls a muscle in his shoulder, Richie helps him take his mind off the pain. Musician By Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan. NC-17
Something Real
Friendships are born under the oddest circumstances. Angel/Pop By Embitca. PG
Something Strange
Upon returning, and goosed by ghosts. The X-Files By Maidenjedi. PG-13
Something To Sing About
"Why didn't anyone ever tell me how beautiful the things I fight for are?" Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Twinkledru J. PG
Something Wicked
Lucius Malfoy thinks Ethan Rayne is trash. Draco's feeling rather anti-daddy. What happens is inevitable, really. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Harry Potter By Twinkledru J. NC-17
Something Wicked
Raven's reflections on her birthday and its connection to back-from-the-dead Slade. Teen Titans By Karen. PG-13
Sometimes things aren't what they should be. Homicide: Life On The Street By Dichotomy. NC-17
Sometimes Salvation
Some people don't want to be saved. And some people can't be. That doesn't stop Hermione from trying. Harry Potter By Victoria P. R
Somewhere After The War
"Another dream that ended way too soon..." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Prophecy Girl. R
Somewhere To Be Flying
"Betsy has learned to expect the unexpected, both when it comes to the battles she constantly finds herself as a member of the X-Men and also when it comes to the men she dates." X-Men By Karen. G
Son Of Eve
Edmund doesn't choose sides. Chronicles Of Narnia. By Katie Vieceli. R
A Song And Dance About Nothing
The Gryffindor lads have thought up a new song for Quidditch matches. Or, rather, they've adapted an old one for their purposes. Harry Potter By Soulstarsinger. PG
Song For The Forsaken
"They have always been utilities. The X-Files By cgb. PG
Song From The Wrong Side Of Town
"I'm bound/to the ground/by the loneliest sound" Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. PG
Song Of The Cuckoo
The insane asylum, day one. Jhonen Vasquez By Kathleen Anne. PG
Song Of The Dispossessed
They have been banished. And any comfort is a blessed relief. Lord Of The Rings By Kate Bolin. PG
Song Of The Executioner
Castaway; and cast away. Smallville By HYPERFocused. PG
Songs Of Innocence And Experience: Five Qualities Schwarz Never Lost
A little boy lost, a sick rose, a lamb, a poison tree, and the human abstract. Weiß Kreuz By Tosca. R
Sonny In Space
Cadman and McKay discuss the finer points of Battlestar Galactica season two while Cadman bounces up and down in his lap. Stargate: Atlantis By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Soothe The Burn
"My heart is broke/but I have some glue." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Viola. PG
Sorrow And Silence
Sometimes you just don't draw the cards. Law & Order: Criminal Intent By Nicole Clevenger. G
Sorrows Like Wild Grass
"Oz sits on Xander's couch, quietly strumming his guitar, waiting for Xander to come home." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Tesla. PG
A Sort Of Man
He looks forward to burning his tongue. Doctor Who By Kate Andrews. PG-13
a sorta fairytale
He woke up. "Come! Quickly, now! You must run!" Fables By Sascha. G
sotto voce
And life goes on, one day at a time. Without A Trace By Melanie-Anne. PG
The Soul Of Wit
Oz and Silent Bob, 'cause they needed to meet. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Askewniverse By Kyra Cullinan. R
Sound And Fury
CSM ponders his surroundings and recent events. The X-Files By Maidenjedi. PG-13
The Sound Of Silence
Dirty old vampires and wicked little girls listen, very quietly. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
South Of The Kingdom
One of us has betrayed the other. It's just not clear whom. Smallville By winter baby. R
Southend, July 26th, 1976
"He first saw the Doctor when he was 12." Doctor Who By Kate Bolin. G
The Space Between
In which Minim is paired with the subject of her own fiction -- one Wesley Wyndham Price. Angel/Slashers By FayJay. NC-17
The Space Between
He's taken huge landing-on-the-moon steps that weren't a fraction of the magnitude of this one. Smallville By Signe. R
Space Oddity
The battle at hand. Harry Potter By Dale Edmonds. PG
The Smallville "What the fuck is Clark doing in blue spandex" first-time-Superman-is-seen-on-tv moment. Smallville By Gunbunny. G
A Spanish Fairytale
This is the first day of the rest of their lives. This is everything. The X-Files By Vanessa Nichols. PG
There's a whole world in L.A. You can find what you want, and what you don't even knew you want, even just for a night. Alias/Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
"A shock burns his cock with every thrust." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Ruth. NC-17
After a seventh year potions lesson, the gang get to have some fun. Harry Potter By Dolores Labouchere. R
"Click, snap. Click, snap." Smallville/X-Men: The Movie By Dragonsinger. PG
Speak My Language
What right did she have to do that? Just do that and walk away like it was nothing, like she'd see him later? One Tree Hill By Zara Hemla. R
Speaking In Tongues
"We worship wine and pour our vows, and it is / Against my law to be without your face." Harry Potter By Victoria P. NC-17
They looked at him like he was a disappointing myth. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Shrift. PG-13
A Spectrum, Of Sorts
On the I-15 to Las Vegas. Actor By Collie. R
The Speed Of Sound
"She wants something that genuine and unfamiliar..." Star Trek: The Next Generation By Kyra. PG
The Spell
Willow is unhappy about Oz's interest in Veruca and decides to do something about it. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Don't Make Eye Contact. PG
Then one day, the magic stopped working... Harry Potter By nostalgia. G
All this was not meant for one man's mind. Farscape By Firecracker. PG
Spike, The Sucker, And The Answer To The Universe
Spike gets an Easter Basket and an invite. He handles both the way only Spike can do so. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Venus Blue. R
Spiked Blood
Lindsey comes back, and he's in big trouble. Innocent people may die if the A.I. people don't help him. Or even if they do. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Katta. R
Spike's Alternate Song
What if Drusilla and Spike had never broken up, and she was still around? This is Spike's graveyard song. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Bunny. PG
Spike's Delight
A scene from Spike's past. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Brianna Aisling. NC-17
Spin Cycle
"Somewhere in the low, conversational sorting and folding of faded cotton..." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By M. Phoenix. PG-13
Spin Doctor
A routine mission turns out to be anything but routine, but not what Frank Parker expects. 7 Days By Karen. G
Spin The Giles
Spin The Bottle. With Giles. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Meg & glossolalia. PG-13
"Ryan is walking through the halls of the OC jail..." The O.C. By HYPERFocused. PG-13
Split Second
The Flash knowingly sacrifices himself to prevent the death of Superman, with rather unexpected results. Justice League By M. Scott Eiland. PG-13
Spock's Brain
"Andy brown would never forget the day Julia told him she was pregnant for the first time." Everwood By HYPERFocused. PG
Spoils Of War
Dealing with the weight of the end of the world, times two. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Minim Calibre. R
Think of it as a fly-on-the-wall view. A guided tour through Trance and Harper's erotic life. Andromeda By sangga. NC-17
Spring Cleaning
Faith and Fawn clean out the attic. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Amy. PG
Square One
Phew, for a minute there I lost myself. Smallville By zahra. PG
Irma Pince knows all the books in the library. And, apparently, so does Hermione Granger. Harry Potter By Kate Bolin. NC-17
"Amsterdam! ...New York is calling you--" Gangs Of New York By Briar. PG
Stag Night
The night before James gets married, the Marauders take him out for a night on the town. Harry Potter By FayJay. PG-13
Stag Night (One Of The Five Ways Sirius, James And Remus Never Had Sex With Each Other)
"So you want to. With James." "No, with you and James." Harry Potter By Victoria P. NC-17
Blood and rhetoric without the love. The X-Files By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
Some stains don't ever quite wash away. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By LindaMarie. PG
Stained Glass
How Faith got broken. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Prophecy Girl. NC-17
It's hard to be a teenage boy, especially when the girls aren't interested. Harry Potter By Mexx. PG
Standard Perpetuity
The dead don't sleep. Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By Mosca. NC-17
Gunn. Wes. Watersports. And we're not talkin' Marco Polo here. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. NC-17
The Star
She was beneath him. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Vala. PG-13
Star Apple Seed Burst
"within the fruit -- locked in" Actor By Jill. PG
Star Light Star Bright
Remus and Tonks and the things they realize, after. Harry Potter By Sibilance T. Spooner. PG
Staring At The Sea
"Anger still burns low in Achilles' belly, and his heart is hardened against even the most passionate entreaties from his men." The Iliad By Victoria P. R
Staring Down The Barrel Of A Gun
"Not scared, are you, Sam?" Silence. "Though maybe you should be. My daddy taught me to shoot, real well." The West Wing By Signe. PG
When there is no light for it to shine by, the Ring makes it own. Lord Of The Rings By Twinkledru J. PG
Dru, Darla, a beach and the stars. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Patricia RD. PG-13
The State Of Play
What is the etiquette for post-lesbian affairs? The West Wing By Abaddon. NC-17
The Statistics Of Probability
Errors cast distorted shadows on the wall. Firefly By Voleuse. PG
Status Quo
It's not a date. Jake 2.0 By Tara O'Shea. PG
Staying Late
An assistant's job is never done. The X-Files By Maidenjedi. R
Stealing Joy
"Sirius was through having his joy stolen from him." Harry Potter By Victoria P. R
We remember the time around scars, / they freeze irrelevant emotions / and divide us from present friends. Harry Potter By Victoria P. PG-13
Still Be All Right
Sirius drinks Polyjuice Potion to get out of Grimmauld Place for a bit. Remus goes along. There may be some banter, possibly some memories, and quite certainly there's a fight. Harry Potter By Stellamaru. R
Still Coastal
"Knowing that someone was dangerous counted as 'getting acquainted'." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/X-Men By Scy. PG-13
Still Flying
In which Kaylee has a request, Zoe helps and Mal frets. Firefly By Northlight. PG-13
Still Gone
"She wondered if she's ever stop wanting to cry." Spooks/MI:5 By MelWil. PG
Still In My Bed
"There's a bottle of vodka still lodged in my head and some blond gave me nightmares I think that [he's] still in my bed." Musician By Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan. R
Still Life
The moon disc and Vila. Blake's 7. By Firerose. PG
Still Life With House
Taking the next step. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Lar. R
Still Life With Missing Chances
Anya lives and remembers, then dies. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Patricia RD. PG-13
Still Life With Sniper
Sometimes it's unbearable to know what lies in the eye of the beholder. Enemy At The Gates By Moonslash. PG-13
Still On My Brain
Justin Timberlake's supposed to appear on the Muppet Show, but a zombie has other plans. The Muppet Show/Pop By Amy. PG
Still Orbiting
They'd been repeating this dance for two years, with the twins as the conduit. The West Wing By Katrina McDonnell. PG-13
still playing lost and found
"It's like you don't need the drugs to get high anymore." The West Wing By Oro. PG-13
Stockholm Syndrome
What's a culture, when you get right down to it? Star Trek: Voyager By nostalgia. PG
Keiko calls to wake her husband, again. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine By Your Cruise Director. PG
The Stone In The Bed
They're married, they're in bed, they're in love. With someone else. Lord Of The Rings By Your Cruise Director. R
She wants you. Spooks/MI5 By MelWil. PG-13
Stop The War, I Want To Go Home
War is hell. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine By nostalgia. PG
Storm Breaking
Mystique tempts. Ororo doubts. X-Men: The Movie By Northlight. PG
Story Endings O. Henry Didn't Use
Nobody else is slipping the blade in easy... Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
The Story Of Your Life, Starring Gwyneth Paltrow
You wonder who will play you, in the movie version. Spiderman: The Movie By not jenny. PG
"Ragged Robin goes in, saves the world, and has King Mob for a bedpartner. Kay has these stories where Ragged Robin and Jolly Roger spend a few hours outside of La Dulce fucking." The Invisibles By Kate Bolin. NC-17
Fred is very, very. Harry Potter By Laura Smith. NC-17
Straight On Till Morning
Remus believes. Harry Potter By Victoria P. R
Strange Allies
Draco watched Potter watch Blaise watching Longbottom during Double Potions and found the whole thing very trying. Harry Potter By Zahra. PG-13
Strange Little Girl
She's never been that innocent. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Patricia RD. R
strange little girls
Seven virtues, seven characters. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Askewniverse/City By The Sea/Race The Sun/That Night/Tru Calling/Wrong Turn By cheebs! PG-13
Strange Love Addiction
Love is about the little things. Smallville By Käthe. R
The Strange Love Of A Girl And Her Hippo: Snapshots From The City
It's the bright future, our will be done. Transmetropolitan. By Simon Field. R
stranger little girls
Seven characters, seven sins, one actress. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/City By The Sea/Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back/The Kiss/The New Guy/Tru Calling/Wrong Turn By cheebs! NC-17
Stranger Touch
"Yet uncertain, this stranger touch." Original By Bob. G
Strangers In A Bar
Joyce meets a somewhat quiet Marine in a bar... Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Charles. PG
Strangers In A Bar (The Mrs. Robinson Remix)
Graham has a secret. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. PG-13
Strangers In An Empty Space
The difference between a group hallucination and a lie. Stargate: Atlantis By Tahlia. R
Stranger's Kiss
A stranger walks into a bar. X-Files/Homicide: Life On The Street By Ekiedro. PG
The Stranger's Portrait
Portraiture and perception. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Rowan. G
Straw Men
Target practice. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Lord Of The Rings By Voleuse. PG
Rogue has a mission. X-Men: The Movie By Victoria P. G
Stray Dogs
He's got a rook on his shoulder and you've got a hole in your heart; you're a match made in hell, baby, and it'll tear you apart. Cowboy Bebop By Shrift. NC-17
Rico is distracted by a part of Nate. Six Feet Under By Dolores. R
A Stroke Of Luck
Ginny Weasley is on the rebound, and thus the Rock n' Roll Fantasy-verse is born. Harry Potter By Croupier. R
The Strong One
"I never could help him." Battle Royale By kbk. PG-13
Stuck In My Mind
"I can still feel him -- inside my head. You're there now too." X-Men: The Movie By TaleWeaver. PG
a study of motherhood in black and gray
Her daughter would be able to do this. Gilmore Girls By aj. PG
Stupidity Tries
Down in the bunks, there's a free show most every night. Firefly By Mosca. R
Subcultures I Have Known And Loved
Spike and his fads. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By dodyskin. PG-13
"Without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock ticking." Equilibrium By Your Cruise Director. PG
Arwen always knows when Aragorn takes a new lover. Lord Of The Rings By Victoria P. PG
Sometimes it's easier to lie. Pop By Icebun. R
John is tired of coming second. X-Men: The Movie By Lindsey. R
Substitute For Something
Danny and Ruth cling on to each other because it's all they have. Spooks/MI:5 By MelWil. PG-13
The Substance Of Things Hoped For
Needing to believe. The West Wing By Kyra Cullinan. PG-13
Missy could pretend. Bring It On By cheebs! R
Five things that make up Ray Kowalski. due South By s.a. PG-13
It's only when he's made to choose that he can't decide. Harry Potter By TangledAria. R
Such A Darkness
Everyone believes very easily whatever they fear or desire. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By askye. R
Such Corruptions Out Of Such Sweet Things
"It's in their blood and blood is forever." Harry Potter By Victoria P. NC-17
Such Great Heights (Come Down Now)
Lilly Kane and Lilah Morgan bond over death and Disney. As you do. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Veronica Mars By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Such Sweet Bliss
Boredom can lead to interesting developments. Actor/Pop By Icebun. NC-17
"Bobby rarely went out of line." X-Men: The Movie By Sarah Maria. PG-13
Sugar Rush
Clark needs something to make him forget about worrying. Smallville. By Pablo. PG-13
The Suit
When begging, bribing and bullying don't work, Superman has one more trick up his sleeve. Smallville By Signe. PG-13
Suite For Violin And Justin Taylor
What hurts most is hope. Queer As Folk US By Hth. R
Summer Lovin'
"Met a boy, cute as can be..." "A rose would, by any other name..." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Deepa D. NC-17
Summer Nights' Shadow
Harry and Dudley have a conversation. Harry Potter By Soulstarsinger. PG
The Summer Of The Lions
Lions are known for their pride and for their pragmatism. Igby Goes Down By Ishafel. R
Summer Thing
Hermione, Fred, George, summertime. Harry Potter By Halrloprillalar. NC-17
Summer's Lovers
"Exasperated with them both, Summer has hot, steamy sex inside her head." The OC By HYPERFocused. R
A Summer's Night On Cordelia's Couch
Cordelia tries to think. But she's being distracted. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. NC-17
Life, as they say, is good. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By s.a. G
Brooklyn's adventures through time with the Phoenix Gate, in Peru. Gargoyles By Karen. PG
Many long months passed before they were able to stand side by side as companions, not as the Steward of Gondor and the King. Lord Of The Rings By Your Cruise Director. PG
The Sun Also Sets (Over Sunnydale)
Willow and Xander and dry ground. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Twinkledru J. PG
The Sun Rose In Mexico
Fred and Gwen make love in four parts. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Sami. R
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Blood, death and a Sunday to remember. Harry Potter By Lily Michelle. PG-13
Sunday Morning
An easy kind of love. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By s.a. PG-13
Sunlight On A Broken Column
Commemoration means different things. Harry Potter By Tosca. PG-13
Sunny Came Home
She watched her daughter walk into the high school and remembered... Joan Of Arcadia By Emily. G
The Sunnydale Book Of The Dead: Excerpts
Six yogas for grief and vengeance. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By glossolalia. NC-17
Sunnydale Perigees
There is nothing to teach Oz and he is impossible to charm. Ethan can't leave well enough alone. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By glossolalia. NC-17
Bobby and John want the same thing. X-Men: The Movie By Pablo. NC-17
Kakei Sakura does not regret. Getbackers By Northlight. PG
Sunshine Days: Five Things That Never Happened To Sam Seaborn
Sam, Sam the sunshine man... The West Wing By cgb. R
Sunshine, Showers Forecast
Love, whether newly born, or aroused from a deathlike slumber, must always create sunshine, filling the heart so full of radiance, this it overflows upon the outward world. Doctor Who By SpikeDru. PG-13
Sunt Lacrimae Rerum
Sometimes things make you cry. CSI: Miami By Bob J. Montonelli. G
Super Fantasy
Faith and her man are getting the best revenge -- living well. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. R
Audrey is on the rebound. Twin Peaks By Croupier. R
Supply And Demand
A study of economics. Farscape By Lillie. PG
A Surfeit Of Honours
The Houses of Healing. Lord Of The Rings By Halrloprillalar. PG
The Surprise
Giles and Angelus alone in a motel room. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Cerisaye. R
"The first time Stephen Maturin woke after the surgery, it was to pain and heat..." Master & Commander By Your Cruise Director. PG
it's like this every morning now... Star Wars By Evangeline. PG
It was going to be a happy new year. Queer As Folk US By Annie. PG
Survival Mechanism
Worf returns to DS9 and approaches Ezri about a painful subject. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine By Sara Goose. PG-13
A little Wesley & Faith never hurt anyone. Except maybe Wesley. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Laura Smith. NC-17
Surviving Normalcy
Francie and Sydney discuss things. Somehow it's all about Syd, except not. Alias By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
The apocalypse is coming. It's a good thing Lilah Morgan's a survivor. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Amy. NC-17
Survivor's Guilt
It's easy to ascribe pure and noble motives to someone who's not around to challenge them. Dawn Of The Dead By Gale. PG-13
Survivor's Guilt
"The night before Ryan left for Chino, he let Seth fuck him." The O.C. By HYPERFocused. R
Everyone has their reasons for keeping secrets. Mostly, they're not so complicated. Battlestar Galactica By Jennifer-Oksana. PG-13
Susurrus Glitch
Coda. La Femme Nikita By Briar. PG
The time between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder; a waiting for promises to be fulfilled. Smallville By Tara O'Shea. PG-13
Swallowed A Fly
She marries Ron, because Harry can't and she doesn't know why / she doesn't know why / she swallowed that fly. Harry Potter By Kathryn. R
Swallowed A Fly (The Comedown Remix)
It's taken him all this time to find out what they needed. Harry Potter By LindaMarie. PG-13
Years in the future, Jubilee reflects on the X-Men's past. X-Men By Paradoqz. PG-13
The palace was beautiful and it was for her own good. Chronicles Of Narnia By Katie Vieceli. R
Sweet Love
A bit of chocolate love... Corporate By Ting Ting. PG
(Sweet love) are you feeling any doubts?
(and Nadia believes her) Alias By Keren Ziv. R
Sweet Release
What Buffy thinks about after a hard day's slay. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Jennifer-Oksana. NC-17
Sweet Tooth
"Sugar is bad for you." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Tigerlady. R
Sweeten The Pot
Logan, Veronica and Weevil up the ante. Veronica Mars By Laura Smith. NC-17
Harry, Ron, and Hermione make it through the worst. Harry Potter. By Schuyler. R
Swimming Horses
"Magic stirred up the world as a careless rake did leaves." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Lord Of The Rings By Scy. R
Swimming With Sharks
Velma and Billy smile like sharks. Chicago By Twinkledru J. PG-13
He'll take one to spite the other. Alias By Voleuse. R
Faith likes sex. So does Lilah. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Amy. NC-17
Switch Bitch
"What do you give the man who can easily achieve anything his heart desires? The one thing he won't let himself have." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. NC-17
"Will makes the best swords in the islands..." Pirates Of The Carribean By kbk. PG
Sydney In Paradise
Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, Sydney doesn't sleep. By Jennifer-Oksana. Alias/Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer R
A little give-and-take between Kaylee and Wash, and Kaylee and Mal. Firefly By Dana Woods. PG
"We are, we were, we will be." Star Trek: Deep Space Nine By nostalgia. PG
Sympathetic Magic
Things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed. Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By glossolalia. NC-17
"There was no second pair of shoes standing by the door, and he frowned a little." Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Katta. R
Symptoms Of Blood Loss
Lilah, the wine cellar, and confusion. Angel/Buffy The Vampire Slayer By Kate Bolin. R

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